The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 286 The Unexpected Storm

Chapter 286 The Unexpected Storm
Early on Thursday morning, Ding Feng got up early, took a simple wash and took the luggage he had prepared yesterday, and walked towards Qiyu University.

He doesn't have much luggage, and he doesn't need too much. A change of clothes and some daily necessities are enough, and it's not too late to buy other things when he needs them.

In addition, he has to help his girlfriend with luggage.

Today is the first day of the national holiday. There are a lot of people leaving the school. There is a scene of turbulent crowds inside and outside the campus. The lively atmosphere slows down the cold weather.

There are people coming and going on the street, but no one notices him. It's not that he is dressed up or covered up with accessories, but that he has covered his hat. Even those who have seen him will find it difficult to recognize him at the first time, anyway. On such a cold day, he was not the only one wearing a hooded jacket.

Weaving through the crowds, he came all the way to the school road below Qingxue's dormitory, found a random place to squat down, scanned the passing students with his eyes, and occasionally looked up at the floor where she lived.

Coincidentally, the person standing on that floor at this time was actually Liu Xiaohua. When he saw Liu Xiaohua, Liu Xiaohua also noticed him. Although she was not sure, she still waved to him.

He smiled and waved in response!

After confirming that it was Ding Feng, Liu Xiaohua walked quickly towards the dormitory with a smile, before he entered the dormitory, he yelled out: "Qingxue, your husband is waiting for you below."

These words caused the girls who passed by to look sideways, but they didn't say anything, and they were used to it.

"Understood!" Ye Qingxue, who was busy in the dormitory, responded with a smile when she heard the words, and the next moment Liu Xiaohua saw her and Xiaoxin walking out with their luggage, she couldn't help laughing: "Qingxue, are you leaving? Come, hug!"

As she said that, she opened her arms and hugged Qingxue. Qingxue said with a funny smile: "Okay, it's not life and death. There's no need to do this. Take care!"

"Uh, I will miss you if I don't see you for two months." Liu Xiaohua smiled, greeted her and walked to the dormitory.

Qingxue glanced at her back, smiled slightly, and followed Xiaoxin who was carrying a large suitcase downstairs.

Downstairs, Ye Qingxue's appearance attracted the attention of the crowd who were walking and waiting downstairs. The boys and girls looked around, and finally locked their eyes on the figure standing on the edge of the school road. It happened that the figure got up at this moment.

There is no doubt that this person must be Ding Feng.

Ding Feng walked towards Xiaoxin and Qingxue slowly, stood in front of them, sized them up, then reached out to take the suitcase that Xiaoxin handed over, and said with a smile: "Xiaoxin, are you not going back today?"

"I'm not in a hurry. I still need to take care of some things in class. I won't be able to go home until a few days later." Xiaoxin smiled gently and teased: "Okay, I won't bother you anymore, Qingxue will be left to you."

"Okay, I'll take good care of her." He nodded with a smile, and then said with a smile: "When you go home, remember to call me in advance, and I will pick you up."

Xiaoxin glanced at Qingxue, then smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll go up first."

After nodding to the two of them, Li Xiaoxin walked towards the entrance of the corridor.

"Let's go!" He smiled and patted her shoulders. She smiled slightly, reached out to take the bag in his hand, walked to his left side, and reached out to hold his arm without any politeness.

He smiled and took her outside.

After walking a few steps, seeing the students around her looking at her side from time to time, Ye Qingxue reached out to cover her hat, which reduced the attention she received.

The two walked in the direction of the main entrance of Qiyu University, where there were relatively few people. Although it was a busy day for leaving school, because it was difficult to get a taxi outside the main entrance, few people would walk this way.

Just as the two of them walked out of the main entrance, a tricycle happened to pass by. Ding Feng stretched out his hand and called the tricycle over, and took her into the car, "Master, go to the city center."

"Okay!" The driver smiled generously, turned the car around and drove towards the city center.

Not long after the car drove, the whole world suddenly darkened. The two gentlemen looked at the sky in amazement. At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and dark clouds kept coming from afar. heavy rain.

Qingxue was surprised: "It seems to be raining?"

"It should be!" Ding Feng nodded with a smile. He hasn't checked the weather forecast for the past few days, but he hasn't heard anyone say that it's going to rain today!
"It's so strange. The meteorological station said that it was only a thunderstorm today, and the rain seems to be quite heavy!" The middle-aged driver also looked surprised and sighed.

"Master, please hurry up." Ding Feng said with a smile. What he likes most is the thunderstorm weather. Although it hinders his and her itinerary, as long as it doesn't last for a few days, it will be fine. He likes it very much The fresh feeling of the sky after the heavy rain is clear and clean.

This rain can only be said to come just in time.

"Okay!" As soon as the master finished speaking, a muffled thunder resounded through the sky, and heavy rain fell immediately.

The rain is getting heavier.

Thunder roars!

The heavy rain poured down, and the already icy air became even colder. The two people in the car smiled at each other and huddled together. The driver freed his hand and pulled down the hood to block a lot of rainwater.

In the storm, the whole world was like a dark night. The tricycle drove hard into the downtown area of ​​Nanling City in the dark. The trouser legs of the two people in the car were already wet by the wind and rain. The icy wind continued to penetrate into the car, making her tremble all over. , which made him distressed.

"Master, have you entered the city?" He asked casually, and then hugged her tightly, covering her calves with hands and feet, and looked around.

Into the eyes, a hazy darkness.

"Already in the urban area." The driver's voice was a little erratic in the storm, not very clear. He nodded slightly, scanned around, pointed at the huge building shrouded in darkness in front of him, and said loudly: " Master, stop in front of that building."

"That's a five-star hotel!" The driver followed his finger and reminded loudly.

In this kind of stormy weather, if you get off the car, the range of activities will become smaller. If you can't stay in this expensive five-star hotel, it will be difficult to go to other places. After all, walking in this ghostly weather is a very dangerous thing. I don't know if something will hit me from the darkness as I walk.

This is not a trivial matter, and it might kill someone. Last year, someone was walking to an Internet cafe in such a rainy day, and was crushed to death by something flying down from the roof of a passing building.

"It's okay!" Ding Feng didn't think too much, he just wanted to find a place to settle down as soon as possible, and if there was no time left, the possibility of her catching a cold would be higher.

The tricycle stopped in front of the steps of the building he designated. After paying the fare, he carried the big suitcase, grabbed the two bags in her hand, and dragged her to run up the steps quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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