The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 287 History overlaps, all Chinese classes are extinct?

Chapter 287 History overlaps, all Chinese classes are extinct?

Entering the brightly lit hotel lobby, the two stopped. He heaved a sigh of relief, looked at her and asked with concern, "Qingxue, are you alright?"

"It's okay!" Her face was pale and her lips were blue, but she still squeezed out a smile.

There were quite a few students in the same hall as the two of them, and the atmosphere was quite lively. The heating on turned on her emotions, and she gradually calmed down.

"That's good. You wait here for me. I'll open the room." He stretched out his hand to tighten the hat on her face, and as he said that, he was about to carry the suitcase to the front desk. She reached out and grabbed his arm, and greeted him. With a gentle smile in his eyes, he said, "I'll go with you, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Alright!" He nodded with a smile, took her to the front desk, and smiled at the busy front desk staff: "Beauty, help me open a room."

"Wait a minute, I'll see if there are any vacancies." The female receptionist glanced at the two, smiled, then glanced down at the computer, and said, "There is one last single room."

"There's only one room?" Ding Feng was startled, he didn't expect such a big five-star hotel to be full, but it's better than nothing.

She on the side blushed, single rooms usually only have one bed, and she hasn't opened a room outside since she confirmed her relationship with him until now!
Is this the rhythm of sharing the bed? !
"Yes, these days are the peak period of the holiday, there are more guests coming and going, most of the rooms are either checked in or booked, if you are later, the single room will be gone." The waitress explained with a polite smile, This unexpected storm left many people with no choice.

"Okay, give me this single room!" He didn't ask much, took out his ID card from his trouser pocket and handed it over.

The waiter took his ID card, lowered her head to operate the computer without looking at it, and soon she was surprised to find that the name on the ID card was Ding Feng!
"Ding Feng? Isn't that the name of Mr. Lu?" Although she doesn't play the game League of Legends, she still has a little impression of the name of a celebrity in the entertainment circle, so she can't help but raise her head and look at Ding Feng. Surprised: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Lu?"

As she spoke, she looked at the girl next to him.

This girl should be the school flower Ye Qingxue of Qiyu University, that's right!
"Well, keep it a secret for me!" He smiled, there is nothing to hide about this, the fans in the e-sports circle are much more rational than the entertainment circle.

"Okay!" The waitress covered her mouth with a smile, couldn't help but glance at him, quickly helped him complete the check-in procedures, and then handed him his ID card and room card, "Your room is at No. 523 on the fifth floor. You can see it from the stairs.”

"Thank you!" He smiled politely.

"Mr. Lu, can you sign for me?" The female receptionist hesitated for a moment, picked up the signature book on the table and put it in front of him, and said.

"Yes." He replied, picked up a pen and quickly signed his name on the autograph book, then nodded to the female receptionist, and led her upstairs.

The two came to the fifth floor and quickly found the room. He opened the door and led her in.

The room was quite spacious, and the overall layout was simple and elegant. It was worthy of a five-star hotel. Even if it was just an ordinary single room, it was not comparable to those low-end hotels. The two expressed their satisfaction.

To say that what caught the two people's attention the most in this room is probably the big bed in the center of the room. This big bed is not the kind of rectangular big bed against the wall, but a round one, placed in the very center of the room. Above the bed is a magnificent and luxurious chandelier, which is very sentimental at first glance.

This made Ding Feng's mouth twitch uncontrollably, and her face turned red all of a sudden, it was embarrassing enough to be in the same bed, but it was such a big bed with a special sentiment.

Although shy, she did not resist.

He reached for the bag in her hand and put it on the table beside him, then went to the corner of the room to put the suitcase away, then smiled and said to her: "Qingxue, take a shower first, don't catch a cold !"

"Hmm!" She replied blushing, walked to his side, knelt down and opened the suitcase, took out a nightgown from inside, and went into the bathroom without saying hello.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't help laughing.

Grabbing the remote control at the side, he turned on the large-screen LCD TV hanging on the wall. When the screen turned, CCTV appeared.

"What a coincidence!" He smiled, took a few steps back and sat on the side of the big round bed, staring at the TV with interest, the female anchor was reporting on the TV:
"... From the previous series of competitions, it is not difficult to see that the strength of the participating teams in this year's international championship is much stronger than in previous years. Last year, two teams from our country squeezed into the top [-], which was quite easy, but this year There is only OQN, and it still faces the risk of being eliminated.”

"The two teams that OQN will face tonight are very good, and these two teams have competed with OQN before, and they all won. If OQN does not have a special performance tonight, the result will be the top [-]. , so we must win one of the teams tonight."

"Speaking of which, the level of our domestic e-sports is generally not as good as every year. Even the newly promoted Indian team can play back and forth with our domestic first team. This is because our players are not working hard enough. , or something went wrong..."

"In addition, since the Korean OGN league rules have been greatly changed, and each club can only participate in one team, there have been constant news in China that a certain team wants to recruit Korean players, and this news has been confirmed recently. The disbanded Korean No. [-] The captain of the team is here..."

Seeing this, Ding Feng smiled helplessly. The history is so similar. In the last life, it was precisely because of the major changes in the rules of the Korean League that the all-Chinese team disappeared forever. I didn’t expect that similar rules were implemented in this world. , it is not difficult to imagine what the S5 will be like!
"China has a vast land, rich resources, outstanding people, so there is no need to do this. It would not be better to give newcomers more opportunities!" He sighed, but he also knew that this was not realistic. The primary purpose of establishing a club was to make money. Newcomers come fast.

Among other things, China has never been short of local tyrants!

Of course, he is not worried that the Chinese e-sports circle will be the same as in his last life. In his last life, he was unable to make the club not want Korean aid, but this life is different. Maybe he alone is not enough, but what if Mo Qingchen is added?With the appeal of the two, it is safe to rule out Korean aid.

This is not to say that he hates Koreans, he just thinks that since he is representing his country, if there are foreigners in the team, even if he wins the world championship, other countries will inevitably gossip, even though he has the ability to eclipse Korean aid internally Soy sauce, but also can not make others shut up.

Therefore, it is best to be an all-Chinese class!
(End of this chapter)

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