Chapter 288
The temperature in the room was very low, and she, who was wearing a nightgown, felt chilly after turning on the water dispenser, climbed onto the bed again, and burrowed directly into the quilt.

The position of the big bed was just right for the distance from the TV. The two of them sat up straight and huddled together to watch the TV. The atmosphere was very warm.

On TV, the election is over.

"I guess it's crushing again!" She chuckled. The lineup of OQN in this round is a conservative lineup in the late stage. Even if the laning ability is far from that of the opponent, as long as there are not too many mistakes, they will not be solo killed , such as OQN's middle mage, fairy witch.

Compared with other mages, the hero Lulu's explosion rate is definitely much lower, but her ability to protect people is relatively strong, and she is a supportive hero.

The advantage of this hero is that it is difficult to be single-killed online, especially after level six.

KOO's lineup is relatively too violent. If OQN makes a mistake in any way, the result will be either a flash or a solo kill.

She doesn't think OQN will last until the later stage.

And even if there is a chance to last to the later stage, the advantages of OQN's lineup can hardly make up for KOO's strong teamfighting awareness and ability, so even if OQN handles the game well in the early stage, even if KOO is all violent heroes in the early stage, in the end The result is still difficult to change.

The difference is really too big!

As Qingxue expected, less than 10 minutes into the round, all sides of OQN were either single-killed or ganked to death, and the situation began to appear one-sided.

In the style of KOO, the income of one head can almost indicate the collapse of one line, and if all three lines get the advantage, then it will be a complete collapse.

Although OQN's jungler Captain Fang Hua is not ranked low in the world zone, and is even above the KOO jungler, his performance has been mediocre from the beginning to the end. Although he has not fallen into the rhythm of the KOO jungler, he gives people a feeling of timidity. Not as simple and rude as the KOO jungler.

Captain Fang Hua, as a veteran of OQN, has participated in countless world-class competitions. Factors such as acclimatization and nervousness can be completely ruled out. There are many reasons why he behaves so timidly, but the most important thing is the online ability and coordination of the two sides. Huge gap.

This point probably starts with the last game against KOO.

In a game against KOO last week, Captain Fang Hua seized the opportunity to cooperate with the teleporter on the top lane and outflank KOO's bottom lane with four players. Since the enemy jungler and top mid laner had no time to support them, everyone was very optimistic about this. wave, and regard this wave as the turning point of OQN's victory.

Four against two, there is no reason to lose!
But the final result surprised all the audience. Not only did OQN not gain an advantage in this wave, but the enemy took a huge advantage in the bottom lane.

This wave of OQN actually traded three for one!

And these three heads all went into the hands of KOO's adc.

Although KOO's bot lane cannot be said to be the absolute core of KOO, because the support is not very powerful, but KOO's adc is definitely one of the top adcs in the world. With three kills in the account, the result is that OQN's bot lane collapsed, and then It's a total collapse of the whole situation.

At the end of the game, KOO's adc took a terrifying 13 kills without dying, and became the MVP of the game.

And this game gave OQN a psychological shadow on KOO's bot lane.

Because of this, Captain Fang Hua didn't dare to gank when passing by the bottom lane several times. Apart from not being sure about the position of the enemy's jungler, he was mainly affected by the last game, so he just made some vision and left , the back view made the Chinese audience feel sad.

Once upon a time, the captain Fang Hua who dared to cooperate with the online hero to jump the tower at the third level, now he doesn't even have the courage to jump three times without jumping the tower!
In addition to being sad, it is still sad!
This scene made the Chinese audience very worried, but there was nothing they could do!

In the early stage, all lanes were single-killed and gank. The next game is self-evident, and the situation is one-sided. KOO won the game in 10 minutes.

No way, the gap is too big!

It is ironic to say that a huge mistake has left a psychological shadow on the entire OQN team. The top team ranked eighth in the world is gradually declining.

The competition system of the international championship is a BO3 points system. In theory, there are still two competitions with KOO, but everyone knows that there will be one more at most.

In the second game, OQN also collapsed in an all-round way!
Still the gap is too big!

In fact, the strongest thing about Korean teams is not their personal ability. There are many players from European and American teams who can compete with the top Korean kings online. Killed the mid laner of South Korea's No. 4 team.

The most powerful Korean team is their tactics!
Relying on the world's top analysts and coaching teams, Korean players' understanding of the game has reached a certain peak, and they are much ahead of Europe and the United States in terms of teamfight awareness and many details. It can also be called back gradually.

But in this round, KOO didn't even use routines and tactics, and OQN has completely collapsed. The gap is not too big, and it is not at the same level at all.

To put it a little bit exaggerated, KOO is playing human-machine!

At the end of the second round, Qingxue sighed softly, but he beside him didn't say a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

He has a mature and stable personality, but he is still a young man, with the passion and impulsiveness that young people should have. When the OQN team was hanged up and beaten by the Korean team, he was helpless. He also wanted to replace a certain OQN player on stage and beat KOO. It took a while to give up, it was so annoying!

KOO seems to be very strong, but just by watching this game, he can get a general idea of ​​their routine and style of play, and beating KOO is not a big problem for him.

Even if the overall strength of OQN is not as good as KOO, it is no exception!
OQN seems to be very good, but as the eighth team in the world, their personal strength and team fighting awareness are not weak. What they lack is a core that can drive the rhythm. Obviously, the team that has always been the core of the team Captain Fang Hua, his recent performance has been mediocre.

If the rhythm can be brought up, then the OQN team will become completely different, and even a powerful team that cannot lose to KOO.

He has reason to believe it!
After pondering for a while, Ding Feng's restless heart gradually calmed down, smiled slightly, and said: "If you lose, you lose. I hope they won't affect the next game because of KOO. They still have a chance against RXR. Being able to enter the quarterfinals is not in vain."

As long as they defeat RXR and enter the quarterfinals, OQN will be able to maintain their ranking in the world. Although everyone can see that the current strength of OQN is not good, the quarterfinals are the quarterfinals.

"I hope. Fortunately, OQN is not in the same group as the top European and American teams. Otherwise, with OQN's current state, it would have been eliminated long ago." She also smiled.

She has always been very optimistic about OQN, but the current state of OQN is really disappointing. Although the possibility of defeating RXR is unlikely, as long as there is such a possibility, she will support OQN to the end.

Whether it can enter the top eight depends on the performance of OQN next!

(End of this chapter)

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