Chapter 289 Anti-wolf spray
If OQN's performance against KOO was unsatisfactory, then the next fight against RXR is completely disappointing.

In the first game, OQN and RXR were able to play back and forth in the early stage, but in the mid-term, OQN made frequent mistakes, allowing RXR, a new team known for its stability, to quickly gain an advantage and snowball. In minutes, OQN directly turned from a balance of power to a huge disadvantage.

The gap widened and widened. After several rounds of team battles, OQN had no power to fight anymore, and RXR won the first game in a wave of approaching 10 minutes.

The Chinese audience who had some expectations for OQN were suddenly discouraged. Now OQN is not out of shape, but completely out of shape.

Such a team makes the Chinese audience see no hope!
And as expected by all viewers, after the loss in the first round, OQN's performance in the second round was even worse, and the early stage had completely collapsed.

Don't say there is no late stage, there is no mid-term.

Compared with S5, the current version has a much faster pace. Just from the mechanism of the defense tower, it can be seen that as long as the equipment completely crushes the enemy, let alone the demolition of the top tower, even if the tower jumps to open a group, it will be difficult. It's not a big problem, and the defense towers on the high ground have no slowing effect yet.

Moreover, even if there is no pawn line, the defensive tower will not add high double resistance. The later Juggernaut, Barbarian King, Weapon, and Xin Zhao can completely resist the tower and demolish the entire defensive tower alone.

In other words, the defensive towers of S4 are relatively easier to dismantle than those of S5.

It is impossible for a hero to tear down an entire defense tower independently in the later stage like this. This phenomenon cannot exist in S5. The defense tower of S5 does not have too high a line of soldiers and double resistance.

Since the Japanese RXR team participated in the international championship, it has been known for its stability, that is, it plays very steadily, even if it has a big advantage.

But in this round, RXR accelerated the pace of the game abnormally. He grouped up and demolished one defense tower after another without stopping. There was a stone man with a well-developed pure meat outfit. One scene has never happened in a tournament.

In this regard, OQN does not even have the courage to guard the tower.

Falling back!

RXR did this on purpose!
But, so what?

The game time was approaching 10 minutes, OQN was wiped out, and RXR won the game in a wave. The time was fixed at 19:49 seconds, and there was no chance of surrender.

The disastrous defeat in this round also means that this hopeful team OQN, which carries the hope of the audience from all over China, will bid farewell to the arena of this international championship.

Was eliminated!

Ye Qingxue and Ding Feng in the room didn't speak, their faces were full of helplessness, OQN's fiasco, not only lost the ranking of a team, but also China's status as the second most powerful e-sports country in Asia, at least In this year, China will be replaced by Japan.

Ding Feng had a melancholy look on his face, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing that he was not in high spirits, she didn't know how to comfort him, so she could only hold his hand, thought for a while and smiled: "Xiaofeng, why don't we go for a walk?"

At this time, the storm outside had subsided. He glanced at the window, nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll take you to eat delicious food, to the hotel restaurant."

"Okay!" She nodded obediently.

Afterwards, the two left the room hand in hand. This walk lasted for two hours, and they did not return to the room until they were tired from playing.

This night, the two went to bed early.

Silent all night!
The next day, he went out early in the morning, and when he came back, he brought her something. When she saw the thing he was holding in his hand, her eyes lit up, and she smiled and said, "Is this a custom-made necklace?"

"Yes, and no!" He shook his head funny, put it in front of his eyes, and explained, "Have you heard of anti-wolf spray? That's what it is."

"Of course I know this, but I heard that anti-wolf spray is controlled by the state, and it is not distributed in the market, and it is not bought on Taobao. Where did you buy it?" She wondered, but all women know about anti-wolf spray. It's a pity that this thing needs special channels to buy.

"I want it from Qingchen." He smiled. It is actually not difficult to buy this thing online, but it is not reassuring. As a star player in the global e-sports circle, Qingchen wants to get this It's not difficult, and it's not a gun anyway, so it's fine even if someone finds it.

Controlled items also have a risk index. Obviously, anti-wolf spray is the lowest level of dangerous items, and the control is not strict.

In addition, the anti-wolf spray given by Qingchen was crafted and refined through top-notch techniques, and its appearance is just like a necklace. No one would have thought that the anti-wolf spray hung on this necklace was actually the magic weapon of that beautiful woman.

"It feels awkward to wear this thing!" She reached out and snatched the necklace from his hand, playing with the small bottle that seemed to be forged from stainless steel.

This small bottle is naturally anti-wolf spray.

"I think the appearance is not bad. Recently, there have been many reports about women going missing, which makes me very worried. If my Qingxue is not too beautiful, I would not want to give this thing. There are everyone in the society now, be careful A little better." He ordered.

In today's society, not to mention big beauties, even a woman with a little bit of beauty can make people feel evil. It is difficult for you to know when and what kind of person will be targeted. Ordinary girls are fine, but like Qing A school girl like Xue must pay attention to safety at all times.

The animal nature of a man is often out of control.

Just last night, Nanling City reported a missing woman case. The person concerned was a native of Nanling City and disappeared near her home.

There is no news about this woman yet!

This missing case has too many doubts and is not very convincing, but there are too many similar incidents. For example, a while ago, a female college student disappeared. It is said that the last figure before the disappearance stayed at a gathering point. So far there is no news.

For another example, last month, a case of a female teacher running at night was missing. The body was found the next morning, and the perpetrator was quickly brought to justice.

And the perpetrator was actually a tramp!

and also…

A person's life is very long, but it may also be very short, precisely because of such and such accidents, as long as they encounter one, the consequences are unimaginable.

So, be careful.

Of course, his worries may be overdone. After all, Qingxue is not plastic surgery. She has been so beautiful for so many years. She can come here safely. She was found to be a very vigilant girl.

However, this anti-wolf spray is indeed something she has always wanted to have. After all, as long as she sprays it, the man who covets her will go as far as she goes. It is easy and happy, and she can play at any time Unleashing the greatest power is a huge guarantee for life.

(End of this chapter)

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