The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 290 Parting, Zhang Family!

Chapter 290 Parting, go home!
While he was talking, she had already put on the necklace, played with it happily, and smiled sweetly into his concerned eyes: "Don't worry, I will pay attention to it, by the way, Xiaofeng, this anti-wolf spray Is it powerful enough to knock people out with just one spray?"

After speaking, she laughed to herself first.

"Do you think it's possible?" He shook his head amusedly, but didn't explain too much.

With his culture, showing off in front of her is tantamount to playing with a big knife in front of Guan Gong. Anyway, this thing is not a rare thing, and its usage is also very simple. Spray it, and you'll be safe.

Anti-wolf spray is a very irritating gas. Anyone who smells it once will probably never want to smell it again in this life, and because it is too pungent, it will stimulate the tear glands and cause the smeller to fall into a state of blindness for a long time. The power is too strong, and it can't withstand its high damage.

The two chatted about the anti-wolf spray for a while, and then went out to play together.

This is also the purpose of the two trips!

That night, the two returned to the room and chatted until midnight, but failed to stop the car amidst the lingering lingering, and eventually turned into a... national movement!
She gave her blood!

This night, the two completed the transformation of a man and a woman together!

Early in the morning of the third day, he went out again, and ran all the way to the city to buy her a bowl of lotus seed soup, which is said to replenish energy and blood.

All day, she couldn't get out of bed.

On the fourth day, after her body recovered, she continued to go out to play with him, and the relationship between them became more and more intimate, and they were no longer as stiff as they were when they got along.

In this way, the planned five days of play time passed, and on the morning of the sixth day, the couple she mentioned appeared downstairs in their hotel as scheduled.

The two packed their luggage, he carried her big suitcase, and she appeared downstairs together holding his arm.

"Qingxue Qingxue!" The girl who was talking with her boyfriend at the bottom of the stone steps excitedly trot over when she saw Qingxue's appearance, and stood in front of them.

"Xiaoman (yuan), long time no see!" Qingxue was also very happy to see her good sister in a foreign land, "Xiaofeng, she is my good sister, you can call her Xiaoman."

"Hi Xiaoman!" Ding Feng smiled slightly.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I'm your fan!" Xiao Man also smiled, but this smile was somewhat reserved and seemed a little nervous.

At this time, the boy also came over, and Qingxue gave him a brief introduction, and corrected Xiaoman and the boy's address to Xiaofeng.

Only then did Ding Feng know that this boy was Xiaoman's boyfriend and Qingxue's high school classmate.

Ding Feng rarely talked to people he didn't know very well, and he didn't say too much. Most of the time, she and the two of them were talking, and the atmosphere was not bad.

The four of them walked together, took a car and walked, and finally arrived at the Nanling City Station. Although the two were reluctant to leave, they still bid farewell here.

It wasn't until her figure left his sight that he sighed softly and got on the express train home.


More than five hours later, the vehicle he was in drove into his hometown, which is Anyang Town.

His mood at the moment can be described with an idiom:

Near nostalgia cowardice!
Counting now, it has been more than four months since he left home to go to school in other places. This is the first time he has been away from his hometown for such a long time since he was a child.

Moreover, he is not the original 'Ding Feng'!
He still doesn't know how to view his current identity and parents, but one thing he can be sure of is that he cannot escape this blood relationship.

They come, the security!
After thinking for a long time in the car, he quickly figured it out, but he didn't think too deeply, because he knew that many things often happened unexpectedly.

The bus stopped at Anyang Station, and he got out of the bus following the flow of people.

Only then did he realize that he forgot one thing, he forgot to tell his sister to come pick him up in advance, and he had already agreed with his sister before this matter.

The station is not far from home, and it takes a few minutes to get there by taking a tricycle, but since I promised my sister, it's better to let her come and pick me up.

Credit has no size, this is his principle!

He found a random place by the station to sit down, took a deep breath of An Yang's air, took out his cell phone to find his sister's number, and made a call.

The call was connected quickly, and the cheerful and familiar voice of younger sister Ding Lan came immediately: "Brother, where are you now? When will you be back?"

"Xiaolan, I'm already at the station, come and pick me up now if it's convenient." He smiled gently, but didn't have much to say.

"It's convenient, of course it's convenient. I'll drive there now." Ding Lan was so happy when she said this, she hung up the phone and took the electric car key and rushed out of the room.

Outside the house, my parents were building a house with the workers. Seeing my daughter rushing out, my mother shouted, "Xiao Lan, where are you going?"

"Brother is home, I'm going to pick him up." Ding Lan replied with a smile, but the workers and neighbors around were taken aback. Xiaofeng is coming back?

Before they could think about it, Xiaolan had already stepped on the electric car and drove away.


Outside Anyang Station, Ding Feng stood by the roadside, with his hands in his trouser pockets, leisurely looking at the passing vehicles, and soon saw his younger sister.

"Brother, brother, this, this..." My sister's voice floated from afar.

He couldn't stop laughing, and greeted him slowly.

The electric car stopped in front of him, and his younger sister Ding Lan said with an embarrassed smile: "Hee hee, brother, I accidentally spread the news of your return, we won't be surrounded, right?"

Her statement naturally came from that video!
"It's very possible!" He laughed and said, "Come down, let my brother drive you."

"No, you sit behind me, don't worry if I drive." His sister refused, so he directly chose to compromise and sat obediently behind his sister.

The car started and returned along the original road.

"Brother, it's been a long vacation. Why did you come back today? Could it be that you're out on your honeymoon with your sister-in-law?"

"Why do children ask these things!"

"Tch, I'm almost an adult and still young, ha ha!"

"Parents are okay at home, how is the house at home?"

"Fortunately, when I came out, my parents were at home building a house with the workers. It may take a long time to build the third floor. My parents hired a little less workers. By the way, brother Lin will come home in the morning I've been looking for you, I've been here every day for the past few days, several times."

"What is Arlene looking for me for?"

"He didn't say anything. He probably came to play with you. He's good but dull. He doesn't have many friends. Every time he comes, he goes back without seeing you."

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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