Chapter 291 Adaptation
When Ding Feng returned home, the alley where his home was located was more lively than usual, many villagers gathered, and the adults greeted him one after another.

It is true that e-sports in this world are extremely developed, but they are still not as popular as the entertainment industry in terms of public recognition. After all, film and television works and entertainment programs have a wider audience and are easier to be accepted by the public. It can be regarded as a special case for the future star.

Most of the villagers who heard the news came to hear their children's evaluation of Ding Feng's future. Of course, the important point is that Ding Feng is now a billionaire.

A billionaire is a big shot to the villagers.

Anyang Town is just a small town, but in recent years, the economy has developed extremely rapidly, and the awareness of the outside world has become higher, so it is not as simple as before. Naturally, the villagers came here this time not simply to join in the fun, but to some extent. , but this is human nature.

For the enthusiasm of the villagers, Ding Feng always responded with a smile, but he didn't want to stay in such an atmosphere, so he directly got into the house to avoid being disturbed.

When Ding Feng returned home, his parents were the happiest, but they were not very good at expressing their emotions. Ding's father just greeted him and continued to work, while Ding's mother stopped what she was doing and went into the house to talk to her son.

"Mom!" Meeting his mother alone in the hall, Ding Feng was a little uncomfortable, but he finally called out this name, which made him feel relieved, and he seemed to be less nervous. Then he looked around House, said: "Why don't you invite more people?"

"Hehe, you can't waste money if you have money." Mother Ding smiled kindly, although she was a little strange about her son's behavior, she didn't care, and said, "Is it okay to live in other places?"

"It's okay!" He wanted to respond humorously, but he couldn't say it, and he still couldn't let it go, so he just said these two words with a smile.

Talked to my son for a few words, knowing that my son had just returned home, maybe because he was too tired from the car and was not in high spirits, Mother Ding greeted him and went out to work.

His mother's departure made him inexplicably ashamed.

Ashamed, because he occupied the body of his son, although Yuan Ding Feng's death had nothing to do with him, but he was somewhat responsible.

Try to make up for it!

At noon, Ding Feng sat down to eat with his parents, younger sister and his family. After the initial discomfort, he gradually got used to it.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, and finally solved a big problem that had always been lingering in his heart.

After lunch, he went back to his room to rest.

When he woke up, it was already dark outside.

He opened the door, walked to the balcony, looked around casually, and found that the furniture in the house had basically not been changed, and it was still the same as before.

Only now did he realize that although he had paid millions to his parents' card, with his parents' simple style, no matter how much money he had, he would not spend it indiscriminately, unless he was willing to buy some furniture when it was no longer usable.

It seems that you have to do it yourself!
But now the house is being built at home, there is dust everywhere, and there is no place to put it when I bought it, and I have to wait for a while, of course, this matter is not in a hurry.

"Brother, brother A Lin is looking for you, you're downstairs!" His younger sister called out from behind him, he greeted him with a smile, and went downstairs with his younger sister.


Yuan Dingfeng is a taciturn person, but he has a gentle personality and is occasionally very funny, so he has many friends. Not to mention other villages, he can chat with many boys and girls in the village, and the two who have the best relationship are two. One, one is brother A Lin who often looks for him.

Ah Lin brother, real name Ding Lin.

The other one's surname is not Ding, but Chen Xi.

In the eyes of Yuan Ding Feng, these two people have a very good relationship with him, and they are both close buddies, but the current Ding Feng is not the original Ding Feng after all, so the feelings towards the two are naturally completely different.

In terms of feelings, Ding Feng now prefers Ding Lin, this has nothing to do with the same surname, the main reason is that he doesn't like Chen Xi's style.

The parents of Chen Xi, Ding Lin, and Ding Feng are all civilians, and there is not much difference in family income, but Chen Xi's childhood is more nourishing than many children from good families.

To put it nicely, he's a better spender.

Chen Xi basically buys several pieces of clothes a month, and the price of each piece is not cheap, and he often spends time with friends outside...

On the basis of a fixed family income, if one person spends more money, the other family members will have less property at their disposal. Parents have limited social relations and a low level of education. Find ways to make more money, there are not so many channels.

It would be fine if this was a one-child family, but the problem was that he had a younger sister.

There is a saying that goes well: poor children, rich daughters!

At first glance, many people may not understand this sentence. In fact, in simple terms, parents are more willing to spend more money on their daughters.

But in Chen Xi's house, this sentence has to be reversed.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Xi would only think that Chen Xi spent too much money, and his family could afford it, but when it came to Ding Feng, it was not the case.

Although Chen Xi has a limit to spending money and will not bring too much burden and trouble to the family, but if he spends less, wouldn't his parents and younger sister have more money to control?And even if you don't need it in a short time, what if you need money urgently in the future?It never hurts to save a little.

Parents usually think this way when faced with limited family finances: I want to add a new piece of furniture, ah, I have no money, so let’s wait later, anyway, don’t worry!My daughter wants to buy some information books. If I give it to the next few meals, I have to save some, or I can borrow it from others...

Over time, parents will get used to it!
Then, just get used to it!
For such a person who doesn't know how to love his family, Ding Feng would not be close to him even if he was killed. After all, such a person has many bad roots and is too selfish.

This is in stark contrast to Ding Lin. Although Ding Lin's family is poor, as long as it is beneficial, the first thing he thinks of is his family.

Another point is that even if Chen Xi has something good, such as winning the lottery or something, he will not be the first to think of sharing it with Yuan Ding Feng, but his buddies, after all, he has done too much for these people The investment and effort must be carried out and implemented to the end.

The best friend seems to be just Yuan Ding Feng's wishful thinking.

Anyway, Ding Feng didn't have any affection for him at all.

Of course, he will not break up with Chen Xi just because of this. After all, Chen Xi is also Yuan Dingfeng's best friend. He has to properly handle the interpersonal relationship step by step.

Take your time, don't rush!
(End of this chapter)

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