The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 292 Plan and action of opening an Internet cafe

Chapter 292 Plan and action of opening an Internet cafe

Downstairs in his house, Ding Feng saw Ding Lin.

Ding Lin's character is as dull as Ding Lan said, and she is not good at expressing her emotions, so even if she hasn't seen Ding Feng for a few months, she didn't show too much when they saw each other. She greeted her with a smile. , is the best meeting gift he gave Ding Feng.

Ding Lin has been looking for Ding Feng frequently these few days after returning home, not because Ding Feng is famous and rich, it is just a habit of his, he used to go out with Ding Feng often, Ding Feng used to have no money Sometimes, as long as he has money, he will definitely invite him to surf the Internet, drink tea or something.

In short, he had nothing to say to Yuan Ding Feng who was really good.

Both of them are not very good at chatting, and it is the first time that Ding Feng has come into contact with him. After chatting for a few words, Ding Feng asked, "By the way, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, I'm not going to invite you out for dinner, I just have some money on hand." Ding Lin smiled slightly, and patted her trouser pocket as she spoke.

"You should keep this little money, I am not short of money." Ding Feng laughed, turned and walked out of the alley, Ding Lin walked beside him.

At night, the market in Anyang Town is very lively.

The two entered the market, sat down at any food stall, randomly ordered a bottle of wine, two bowls of fried noodles, and some barbecue, chatting while eating.

Both of them are game lovers. Internet cafes were their favorite places to go in the past, and they usually talked about games, and this time was no exception.

Before going to university, Ding Lin's rank was Silver [-], which was a big rank higher than the original Ding Feng, and she is still Silver now, but changed to Silver [-].

In the past, the two sat together to exchange game skills and some interesting topics about the game, but now it has become Ding Feng's unilateral professor.

After chatting for a long time, Ding Lin gained a lot, and she looked eager to try, "Xiaofeng, why don't we go to the Internet cafe after this meal, I'm already hungry and thirsty."

"Are there any private rooms in the nearby Internet cafes?" He asked casually. Now everyone knows that he is Mr. Lu, and there are villagers in the nearby Internet cafes. If he goes there, he will definitely be recognized. Surrounded by a bunch of people, that would be such a disappointment.

Hearing his question, Ding Lin realized that his status is different now, she couldn't help but smiled, and said, "No, but the configuration is pretty good!"

"If you don't have one, I won't go. If you want to play, you can play on my computer at home." He nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "By the way, I just bought two desktop computers and I plan to give them to you and Xiaoxi. Now Just put it at my house, and you can pick it up with me later, the configuration will not be worse than that of an Internet cafe."

"Haha, then I won't be polite." Ding Lin was very happy. He has a laptop, but the configuration is too low. When he first bought it, he could barely play LOL. It appears that the game takes up a lot of memory, and the requirements for configuration have also increased.

Now, his laptop is very laggy when playing LOL, and he is not willing to waste money to play in Internet cafes. Xiaofeng's desktop computer came at the right time.

Of course, this was also within his expectation, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"What are your plans for this winter vacation?"

"I'm going to find something to do. Anyway, if I'm idle, I'm idle. It just so happens that the town is recruiting more workers during the winter vacation. I can live a good year with some money."

"Don't look for it. I'm going to open a large Internet cafe. When the time comes, you help me take care of it, and I'll pay you."


"That's fake!"

"I think it's better to forget it. It's okay to let me be the network administrator. I don't have the ability to be the person in charge of the Internet cafe. If I screw up, I will be too sorry for you."

"It's not difficult to manage an Internet cafe. I will invite some people to teach you when the time comes. Just leave the technical work to others. It shouldn't be a problem!"

"Okay, I happen to be majoring in economics and management, so I can give it a try."

"That `s a deal!"

In his last life, Ding Feng also opened a large Internet cafe, and he has some experience. This time, he is just going back to his old business, so it is easy to catch.

Now that the job has been settled, and it is the high-end job that he is most interested in, Ding Lin looked very excited, and said, "Have you chosen the address? Where is the Internet cafe located?"

"I haven't made up my mind just after I came back. You will look around with me tomorrow. By the way, you should have come out in the past few days after you come back. Do you have any ideas?"

"What do you think of that building?" Ding Lin pointed to a new building not far away. He had been in that building before and thought it was very suitable for opening an Internet cafe.

"Large Internet cafes have a lot of people and are very noisy. It will affect the operations of other companies upstairs. It is not the best location. Let's change it!" Ding Feng just glanced at it, then shook his head and denied it.

"That's right, I can only wait until tomorrow to see. I've been just looking around these days, but there are quite a lot of newly built buildings nearby, so there must be something suitable."


"By the way, Internet cafes must have names, have you thought about it?"

"Not yet, give me a heads up!"

"What's there to think about, just use your name!"

"Ding Feng Internet Cafe? Summit Internet Cafe?"

"Smart, it is the top Internet cafe. I have heard the names of many Internet cafes, and found that your name is really suitable as an Internet cafe name, and it sounds very easy to pronounce."


The two talked about the Internet cafe until very late, and then went back to Ding Feng's house without staying outside.

After listening to the many skills that Ding Feng said before, Ding Lin couldn't wait. As soon as she entered the room, she immediately started to assemble the computer and play games, while Ding Feng was guiding.

Ding Lin played very late and didn't go back in the end.

The two lived in the same room during the college entrance examination, but there were two beds. This was the first time they slept on the same bed, and they didn't feel uncomfortable.

The next day, the two got up early, washed up and went to the market to have a delicious breakfast, then got up and went to the nearby Internet cafes.

As Ding Lin said, there are indeed many new buildings in the market, some are tall and some are short. After walking around, the two finally made a unanimous decision.

The choice of the two is a rectangular two-story building with a unique and stylish appearance and a spacious interior, which seems to be specially designed for Internet cafes.

Subsequently, the two contacted the person in charge.

Interestingly, the person in charge of the building was actually a middle-aged uncle who likes to watch LOL league games, and he quickly recognized Ding Feng as the rising star in the Chinese e-sports world, Mr. The price reached the lowest point, and it was almost sold to Ding Feng at the cost price.

Ding Feng was a little embarrassed at the beginning, but he couldn't bear the uncle's enthusiasm, so he chose to accept and completed the handover procedure smoothly.

The first step of opening an Internet cafe is easily completed.

(End of this chapter)

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