The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 293 Chapter 2 Power-On, Classmate Gathering

Chapter 293 Two Phone Calls, Classmate Gathering
After a busy day outside, Ding Feng had just returned home at night when his cell phone rang suddenly. He took out his cell phone and looked at it, and couldn't help smiling.

It's Qingxue's call!

Going to the bed and lying down, he pressed the connect button:

"Xiaofeng, where are you now?"

"Where else can I be, of course it's at home, what about you?"

"I'm reviewing my homework at home. I played too crazy with you at school, and my homework is a bit behind. I don't have much to do at home. I just have time to study."

"Hehe, if you miss your homework, don't you still put your major first."

"Hee hee, I don't want to just get the first place in the profession, I also want to strive for the first place in the industry!"


"By the way, are you busy at home? Why don't you call me?"

"It's not very busy. I'm going to open an Internet cafe. The location of the Internet cafe has been selected. The Internet cafe will open in a few days. I also want to call you all day long, just for fear of disturbing you."

"Hi, don't bother me. I'm not reviewing all day long. I combine work and rest. I still have a lot of free time. I don't see you for a few days. I miss you."

"Just a little bit?"

"I miss you so much, let's go!"

"That's about the same. Be careful when you go out at home. You can be regarded as half a public figure. It's best not to go to places with few people."

"I will, because I know that my life does not belong to me, it belongs to you and my parents. I will definitely pay attention to it."

"That's a good word!"

"By the way, did Xiaoxin go home? Have you guys gone out to get together?"

"It seems to be home. She hasn't called me yet. Is that why you want me to date her?"

"Fuck you, who told you to go on a date with Xiaoxin? I'm talking about you guys being classmates in high school. We haven't seen each other for so long. There must be a party or something!"

"There should be, but usually it's New Year's Eve, it's still early, but it's no problem to ask Xiaoxin to come out for a sit-down, wait for her to contact you!"

"Don't have any wrong thoughts about my good sister, or I won't spare you."

"Haha, it means that I can only have crooked thoughts about you?"

"of course!"

"... "

After chatting with her for a long time, he hung up the phone reluctantly. He put down the phone and stared at the phone screen with a warm smile on his face.

Just as he was in a daze, the phone rang again.

He turned around, took a closer look, and found that it was Xiaoxin's call, which made him amused, and pressed the connect button: "Xiaoxin, you are finally willing to call me."

"Uh, I just came back the day before yesterday, and I have something to do at home."

"Well, is this call asking me for a date?"

"Look at what you said, with your tone, if Qingxue finds out, you'll have to kneel and scrub the floor for a month. It's still too late for you to beg me to keep it a secret."

"I have body protection skills, don't be afraid!"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and you're starting to play tricks. I'm considering whether to mention this to Qingxue, so that she won't blame me when she can."

"Hehe, is there something wrong with you suddenly looking for me?"

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do! In fact, you are half right. I want to get together with you, but I am not alone. It depends on whether you have time!"

"Who else?"

"Of course it's your two best girlfriends in high school. I'm still considering whether to call someone, so I'm here to ask you."

"Little smoke?"

"Well, but you already have Qingxue, so you don't need to call her?"

"She won't call, just the five of us, I'll call Xiaolin later, where is the meeting place?"

"Where else can we go, of course it's the busiest market. Let's find a place to sit and chat casually. The class reunion will have to wait until the New Year's Eve."

"I won't go to the class party!"


"If I go, the taste of the party will change completely, and I will not be missing."

"Okay, then I won't notify you then."

"Well, let me prepare first, and we'll see you at the market later."

"Okay, you don't need to make too many preparations. Your two girlfriends don't care about it. It doesn't matter if you step on a pair of slippers. Let's do it first."


After hanging up the phone, he laughed and shook his head. The two girlfriends Xiaoxin was talking about were just the two female friends he could talk to most in high school. Because he had such a good relationship with them, many classmates joked that it was him girlfriend, the two girls didn't care too much.

Some heterosexual relationships are so good that outsiders think they are lovers, but in fact they are just pure friendship, such as him and these two girls.

Ding Feng put down his cell phone and went out after taking a shower.

After finding Ding Lin, the two went to the market together.

In the market, Ding Feng saw Xiaoxin and the two girls, Huang Yiyi and Chen Xiaolan, who were also very happy to see him.

"Xiaofeng, I haven't seen you in the past few months. You have become a big celebrity." Chen Xiaolan laughed without the slightest ladylike image, and stretched out her hand as she spoke.

He stretched out his hand to shake her, and said with a smile, "I said I would become a big celebrity, but you didn't believe it!"

"I can't believe it now." Huang Yiyi smiled shyly, she belonged to the kind of girl who was quiet and unconstrained, and she was also bookish.

The five of them chatted briefly, and then went to the barbecue stand beside them.

As soon as she sat down, Chen Xiaolan glanced at Xiaoxin and said with a smile: "By the way, Xiaoxin, why are you and Xiaofeng so familiar all of a sudden? Is your school very close?"

"Yes, it's just across the street." Xiaoxin nodded with a smile, and turned to him and said, "I heard that you came back yesterday. Have you practiced with Qingxue these two days?"

"Yes, I just finished calling Qingxue when your call came."

"Life encounters are really rich and colorful. I haven't seen each other for four months. Xiaofeng, a bronze rookie, has suddenly become a rising star in China's e-sports. He also got such a beautiful girlfriend. He has double-doubles in love and career, and the greatness of life." Winner!" Chen Xiaolan sighed happily.


The others were also quite emotional, more happy and proud of him, and they believed that their relationship with Xiaofeng was limited to his girlfriend Ye Qingxue.

To have such a friend is something to be proud of.

After everyone sighed a few words, Chen Xiaolan asked Ding Lin: "A Lin, you should be looking for a job recently. Is there anyone suitable for me? Please introduce me."

Ding Lin is the only one in the class who has a job after graduating from high school. With experience in this field, Chen Xiaolan is a restless person and wants to find a job during the new year to ease the family's financial pressure.

"I want to look for it too. I don't know if they want me." Huang Yiyi also said that the companies and enterprises in the town basically recruit internally, and it doesn't matter at home. It's hard to find jobs in restaurants and jewelry stores. Introducing that is relatively easy.

I have not yet graduated from university, and there are relatively few jobs to choose from.

"I've already found a job!" Ding Lin smiled and said, "If you want to find a job, tell me no, isn't there a big boss in front of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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