Chapter 294
"Big boss?" The three girls looked at Ding Feng subconsciously, and Chen Xiaolan wondered: "Xiaofeng, have you opened a shop? Where are you? Let us take a look later."

"It's the two-story building opposite." Ding Feng pointed to the building not far in front, and explained with a smile: "I'm going to open an Internet cafe there, and it will open in two days. Recruiting people from outside, if you come to work with me, you can choose the position as you like."

"Wow, really?" Chen Xiaolan was pleasantly surprised.

"Hee hee, just arrange a cashier for me, can I make a request?" Huang Yiyi was quite pleasantly surprised when the job was suddenly settled.

"When did you become so coy, just tell me when you have something to say." He scolded with a grin. Huang Yiyi seems to belong to the girl who is Xiaoniaoyiren, but occasionally she has the posture of a woman, at least she never talks to him like this Tone, this is the first time.

Huang Yiyi giggled and said, "Blame me, can I not work the night shift?"

"What's the problem? There are more people who like to play games all night. Then I will arrange some boys to do long-term night shifts. Long-term night shifts are more difficult and cause a lot of damage to the body. I will give them an extra salary increase." It was also within Ding Feng's consideration.

"That's good, thank you for your kindness." Huang Yiyi finally felt relieved.

"The Internet cafe doesn't have many staff, and there are only three network administrators who take turns to take over. The two of you occupy two at once." Xiaoxin interjected with a smile.

After being reminded by Xiaoxin, Chen Xiaolan and Huang Yiyi realized this problem, and felt a little embarrassed, Ding Feng quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "I run a large Internet cafe, and there are many more staff than ordinary Internet cafes. The quota is nothing, don’t worry about it.”

"That's good!" The two girls smiled slightly. The last thing they wanted to see was to embarrass him because of themselves.

Everyone didn't talk too much about the Internet cafe, and soon turned to the topic of daily life. Because they have a good relationship with each other, they chatted very happily.

We chatted until very late, and then we left the table.

Silent all night.


"Have you heard? There is a new Internet cafe in the market, called Dingfeng Internet Cafe. It is currently recruiting technicians, and the salary is very high. An ordinary maintenance worker has a monthly salary of [-]."

"It's so big, it must be a large Internet cafe!"

"Yeah, there are two floors, and the floor area is quite large. There must be at least [-] machines, as well as private rooms. You know the mechanical keyboard, and the top Internet cafe also has it."

"The Internet fee is definitely not cheap, and I can't afford it!"

"By the way, do you know who opened this Internet cafe? Summit Internet cafe, why does the name seem familiar?"

"Ding Feng is Ding Feng, you know?"

"Nimma, it can't be the Internet cafe opened by Mr. Lu, then I have to go and have a look."

"We are Mr. Lu's brainless fans. Even if Mr. Lu opens an Internet cafe, we have to go to support him even if the Internet fee is sky-high. Let's go and see the situation."

"... "

"The Summit Internet Cafe is open?"

"Not yet, probably in a few days."

"There must be activities when the Internet cafe is newly opened, let alone a rich man like Mr. Lu. I don't know if Mr. Lu will go to the Internet cafe. If he can get the guidance of Mr. Lu, he will get into it every minute."

"Think too much!"

"Hey, how does he know so much, can't he be from Liwai Village?"

"Yeah, he's from Liwai Village, and he's probably here to promote the Top Internet Cafe. If I'm right, he should be the network manager of the Top Internet Cafe."

"... "

The next day, the news about the recruitment of Summit Internet Café was spread on various recruitment websites. As the person in charge of this matter, Ding Lin not only recruited online, but also posted a recruitment notice on the small building, displaying A small table, began to interview candidates who are not aware of the network.

This recruitment is mainly to find technical management staff and a special team. The technical management staff does not need to be multi-professional, as long as they are competent, and this special team is specially set up for a special Internet cafe. Yes, not yet announced.

As for the network management, of course, the fat and water should not flow to outsiders, and they can just recruit people from the village.

More and more onlookers gathered outside the Internet cafe. These people came to join in the fun after hearing the news. They were full of curiosity about the Internet cafe run by Mr. Lu who was rumored to be running.

It is not difficult to imagine an Internet cafe opened by a LOL master. The internal layout and computer configuration must be quite professional, and it may be a large-scale Internet cafe with a LOL theme.

But to everyone's disappointment, Mr. Lu was not seen.

"Xiaolong, aren't you very good at playing computers? Now that people are recruiting people, why don't you go in and try it out? If someone hires you, you will be so developed."

"I...can I do it?"

"If you don't try it, how will you know? This is an Internet cafe recruiting people, not a company with so many rules and regulations. As long as you have the ability, you will definitely be able to do it."

"That's right, the monthly salary is [-] bro, and there are many benefits. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. What a pity if you miss it. Anyway, you won't die."

"Go, we will rely on you to surf the Internet in the future, brother."

"Well, I'll go in and try to see if it works, but don't have too much hope for me. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

"Where is there so much nonsense, go!"


Among the crowd of onlookers, a young man about sixteen or seventeen jumped out of the crowd under the instigation of his friends, and walked towards the Internet cafe with a nervous expression on his face.

"Next person!"

In the center of the Internet cafe hall, Ding Lin sat on the seat and sighed. There were quite a few applicants this time, most of them majored in computer, but only two of them could pass the young man next to him. The review, the others were all asked, and then excluded.

And the young man next to him is Ding Yi, the only talented computer student in the village. This time he heard that Ding Feng was going to open an Internet cafe, so he took the initiative to help.

Of course, Ding Feng didn't let him do it for nothing.

Following Ding Lin's call, the people in the hall who were preparing to apply for the job hesitated for a moment. At this moment, a young man walked over with anxiety, and Ding Lin motioned him to sit down.

"Are you here to apply?" This young man doesn't look very old, he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and there are two basic employment criteria given by Ding Feng, one is not younger than the age, and the other is whether he is in school or not. Students, college students can, primary and middle school students can't.

In Ding Feng's view, those who are smaller are child laborers, and it is illegal to employ child laborers.


"How old is this year, show me your ID card."

"Eighteen years old, is that okay?" The young man handed over his ID card with some trepidation, his age was right between an adult and a minor.

"Your name is Huang Yilong? Are you still in school?"

"No more."

"OK, what do you know about computers?"

"I can solve general computer problems, and if I don't, I can just use Baidu to search them." The young man was a little more confident when he said this.

Next, it was time for Ding Yi's professional assessment.

The young man easily answered Ding Yi's questions. Although his words were not very standard, his skills were solid and he was hired by the Internet cafe.

(End of this chapter)

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