The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 299 The days in Nanhua, the beginning of school season!

Chapter 299 The days in Nanhua, the beginning of school season!

Ye Qingzhen answered: "I have a friend who is a member of a third-rate team. Ever since he joined that team, he has been so busy that he doesn't even have time to have dinner with us, but he is doing better than us now. Not to mention high, benefits are also good, I have been to their training base, shooting room, stadium, game hall and other facilities, these facilities are set up to relieve stress."

"This shows that as much as you put in, you will get as much in return." Dad Ye concluded cheerfully, looking forward to Xiaofeng's future.

After chatting about professional players for a while, Ye Qingzhen suddenly asked Ding Feng: "Xiaofeng, you should have your own career at your house now, right?"

"Well, I just opened an Internet cafe at home. Opening an Internet cafe has always been a wish of mine. I plan to open my Internet cafe all over China. I will come here often in the future, so I also plan to open an Internet cafe here. He didn't hide anything, and instead asked, "Brother Zhen, where do you work now?"

"Ha, I don't have a stable job. My friends usually find me some temporary workers to look after the site, and now I'm helping them keep the construction site." Ye Qingzhen laughed, looking a little embarrassed.

"Uh!" Ding Feng laughed, and after thinking about it, he asked with a smile: "Why don't I open an Internet cafe here sooner or later, but I'm not familiar with the place here, so I can't find someone to take charge of it. Brother Zhen, if you help me, I will have someone, what do you think of Brother Zhen?"

When he said this, he seemed a little cautious and embarrassed. After all, it is really inappropriate to talk about work at the New Year's Eve dinner, but he also knows that there are not so many rules and regulations among the people, and they usually talk about work during the Chinese New Year, so this Dare to speak up.

"Of course I have no problem, but although I have worked in an Internet cafe, I am either a cashier or a security guard. I don't have much management experience. I'm afraid I can't do it well." Naturally, Ye Qingzhen has no reason to refuse such a good job, but just as What he said, was inexperienced.

"This is not a problem. I can find someone to teach you when the time comes. The Internet cafe at home is also in charge of a high school classmate of mine, so don't worry." Ding Feng smiled nonchalantly.

Ye Qing really thought about it, then nodded and agreed, "Then I'll try it!"

"Then it's settled. Brother Zhen, if we have time, we will start preparing after the Chinese New Year."

"no problem!"

Ye Qingzhen was very happy to have a good job, and toasted him again.

Seeing that the two hit it off so well, Mother Ye was very happy, and said, "By the way, Xiaofeng, how long do you plan to stay here? Or go back after the new year?"

Without thinking too much, he smiled and said, "Let's play until school starts, and then I will go back to school with Qingxue."

"Very well, where will you live here from now on? I'm afraid you won't be used to living here, or I can let you live with Qingxue." Ye Ma continued to ask.

If it was in the past, Mother Ye would not be able to accept her daughter living at home with her boyfriend, but the atmosphere in modern society is different, not to mention that they are already college students, and there are many rumors of junior high school students living with lovers. The more I listened to it, the more I gradually accepted it.

In addition, she is quite satisfied with Xiaofeng.

What Ye Ma said made Qingxue a little embarrassed, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Anyway, the relationship with him had already developed to that point, so there was no need to cover it up, it depended on what he wanted.

"Auntie is worrying too much. I think this house is pretty good. There's nothing I'm not used to." He shook his head and smiled, and then said, "But I forgot what my mother said before, which means to live in the house before getting married." It will be very unlucky for the woman or the man's family, does Auntie know this saying?"

"I know, I know, but those are old sayings in the old society, and they are no longer popular now." Ye Ma nodded kindly, and said with a smile: "Then it's up to you."


After eating this New Year's Eve dinner for a long time, it was not until late at night that Qingxue greeted her parents and elder brother and went out with him.

Tonight is very cool, but glowing warm.

The two wandered around the nearby streets for a long time, until the street cooled down in the early morning, and then went back to the hotel to rest.

The next day, the two went to various nearby communities to look for his private house, which would be their future love nest, and the house was not confirmed until evening.

It is a villa facing the sea!

The first thing he did after buying the villa was naturally to move out of the hotel, and then the two of them spent another day carefully arranging the villa.

Meeting parents and buying a house, the two most important things in Nanhua City have been perfectly resolved so far, and the next step is the happy time of playing around.

Of course, before the New Year's Eve atmosphere has completely passed, the two will find time to go to her home every night to have a warm New Year's Eve dinner with her parents.

And every time this time, she always felt a little guilty towards him, because he came here to accompany his parents, so what about his parents?
She asked him this question before, and his answer made her very satisfied, but she felt a little bit sorry, so she proposed to him the idea of ​​going to his house next year.

He thought about it and agreed!

The most festive moment of the year slipped away quietly.

After the New Year's Eve, he set aside a few days to prepare for the Internet cafe with Ye Qingzhen. She was always by his side and shared a lot for him.

The matter of the Internet cafe was settled, and he became the shopkeeper again, which was so straightforward that it made Qingxue laugh at him a lot.

Next, it is natural to play to your heart's content.


The happy time is always the shortest, and in the blink of an eye it is another school year.

The spring breeze at the end of February blows all over the ground, and the earth recovers.

On the last day of February, Ye Qingxue and Ding Feng got out of the car and got on a tricycle bound for University City.

Seeing that they were about to meet those lovely classmates who had been separated for a long time, the two were both excited and excited, talking and laughing along the way.

Even the middle-aged driver who sent them off was infected by their loving young couple, humming the classic old tune that they couldn't understand and couldn't understand.

The tricycle stopped on the street between Qiyu University and Jiangling Science and Technology. There were dense figures on the street, and every student’s face was covered with smiles. The festive atmosphere seemed to be like New Year’s Eve. Even those who are usually unsmiling, At this moment, a smile broke out.

"Look, isn't that Goddess Qingxue and Mr. Lu? It's been a long time since Qingxue is even more beautiful."

"Hey, it must be the result of being nourished by Mr. Lu."

"You are hopeless. You still have the mood to think about such things in such a festive atmosphere. If you are hungry and thirsty, you will look for the 32G network disk in the computer in the dormitory."

"That's right, it's boring!"


(End of this chapter)

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