The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 300 The big event that caused a sensation in the Chinese e-sports circle

Chapter 300 The big event that caused a sensation in the Chinese e-sports circle

The two walked towards the gate of Qiyu University with the flow of people, and the students who recognized them along the way would happily greet them. A response, whether you know it or not.

Before coming to the school, Qingxue had already called Li Xiaoxin and Liu Xiaohua, two best friends, who were already waiting for her at the gate of Qiyu University.

Reunited after a long absence, the three girls happily hugged each other lightly.

Ding Feng talked to them for a while, then greeted them, and walked slowly towards the side door of Jiangling Technology.

"Hi, how are you doing recently?" Ding Feng adjusted his sitting posture after pulling out a certain seat, and looked at the mysterious young man sitting in front of him.

"Hehe, long time no see." The mysterious young man pulled up his hat a little, revealing an extremely delicate face with a faint smile on it.

It was Mo Qingchen!
"Why do I feel that you are younger than before? Is it an illusion?" Ding Feng smiled slightly, "Waiter, bring me a cup of chrysanthemum tea."

"Okay!" The passing waitress was startled, and quickly recognized him as Mr. Lu, and couldn't help but glance at the young man opposite him in surprise.

Seeing this, she was stunned.

Mo Qingchen put his index finger between his lips, and gestured to her to silence her. The waitress understood, quickly covered her mouth with her hand, and left quickly.

"It's not an illusion, it's an illusion!" Mo Qingchen smiled lightly, and then said: "S5 has been updated for almost a month, and I haven't seen you play the game. The outside world is rumored that you have disappeared, but I am very curious about you. Can you talk about the research on the current version now.”

"Secret!" He smiled, Mo Qingchen didn't care, Ding Feng continued: "All the things needed for registration are ready, we will go directly to the registration later."

"It's all here." Mo Qingchen patted the backpack on his back, his jerky and uncomfortable movements made Ding Feng laugh.

After drinking tea, the two got up and walked towards the school.

Ding Feng did not cover up, and the students on the street could recognize him, but the young man wearing a hat following him caught the attention of the students.

"Who is this boy?"

"I don't know, but the face looks very familiar."

"Do you think he is Mo Qingchen? I think the exposed half of his face is very similar to Qingchen."

"I think so too, but why did Qingchen come here just after school started?"

"If it's really Qingchen, I have a bold guess, that is, Qingchen will go through the admission procedures, and then compete with Mr. Lu in this year's National College League."

"That's the only possibility!"

"Nimma, this news is too shocking!"

"What is the national college league, to be precise, the international college league, the combination of Qingchen and Mr. Lu will definitely win the league championship."

"Let's go and have a look."

"... "

Afterwards, wave after wave of students were impatiently excited, and they followed in a dignified manner, following the example of those secret agents on TV.

The two people in front walked for a while, Qingchen turned his head and glanced behind him, and said with a wry smile: "Why don't you cover up, being followed by so many people."

"I'm used to being high-key, so I can't keep a low profile for a while." Ding Feng also turned his head to look, and made a joke indifferently, and Qingchen smiled helplessly.


"Hey, why is Jiangling so lively, it seems like someone is following?"

"I don't know, go and have a look."

"What are they doing? Sneaking around."

"They are following a boy who looks a lot like Mo Qingchen. The boy can't see his face clearly with a hat on, but many students say he is Mo Qingchen, so they follow."

"Are you kidding? Even if Mo Qingchen goes to school, he has to go to our Qiyu, which round will you get the junior college in Jiangling, do you think so!"

"Hehe, it's common sense, but does our school have Mr. Lu?"

"that is…"

The news of Mo Qingchen's suspected appearance in Jiangling Science and Technology quickly spread among the students as if they had grown wings. At the time of the news, I came here after hearing the news even if I was free.

For a while, Jiangling Science and Technology School was extremely lively.

Not only that, after the news was put on the top of the Nanling League of Legends forum, it gradually spread to the outside world, and the domestic e-sports circle completely exploded.

Since the LPL division was killed in the Asian Championship at the end of last year, the domestic LOL players' enthusiasm for watching the LPL competition has dropped to freezing point, and many players have no news about domestic and foreign leagues. So interested.

Many domestic players have said that if there is no new team in LPL, or there is a large number of fresh blood, they will no longer pay attention to the LPL league.

And because of this, the ratings of the LPL Spring Split, which has already started for more than half a month, are now extremely dismal, almost reaching the lowest point since the start of the competition, and even some small foreign leagues are not as good as it is. Disappointed.

Now, the news of Mr. Lu, who "disappeared" for the whole winter vacation, who was called "the rising star of Chinese e-sports", "the future rival of Korean e-sports" and other titles by the Korean e-sports circle, came again. , so that the depressed domestic players suddenly became high-pitched.

What is even more astonishing is that there is a suspected figure of Mo Qingchen in this news.

The name of Mo Qingchen has been heard by all loyal fans of LOL, especially in China, he is the only king who has entered the top ten in the world.

Mo Qingchen may not have won the championship or runner-up in any competition, but his strength is beyond doubt. Even the top four teams in the S series have all acknowledged his amazing strength, and he has squeezed into the competition announced by the fist countless times. The top ten of the global professional player ranking list.

And among the top ten on this list, he is also the only one in China.

It can be said unceremoniously that Mo Qingchen is the most representative figure in Chinese e-sports, and his reputation and status in the international e-sports circle far exceeds that of any Chinese player.

Even Captain Fang Hua of OQN is far inferior.

Although Mo Qingchen has retired for more than half a year, he is still young, and domestic players are looking forward to his comeback again to support China's e-sports.

Now, he seems to be here.

Domestic players have reason to believe that since the news about Mo Qingchen is related to Mr. Lu, it must not be groundless. After all, there was news about the joint formation of Mo Qingchen and Mr. Lu last year. Although it was also a rumor, it was also received. part of the evidence.

Although this news has not been fully confirmed, it has already stirred the strings in the hearts of domestic players, and they have shifted their attention to the major LOL websites in Nanling City.

The country is also paying attention to the news.

(End of this chapter)

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