The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 304 Huan Yuan's Surprise

Chapter 304 Huan Yuan's Surprise

"How about I go online directly?" Huanyuan hesitated a little because of his teammates' dissuasion, not because he didn't believe in this routine, but because he didn't know how to implement it.

It's okay to play wild, but what about the follow-up?

You can't let Yuchen teach every step, so he will lose his own rhythm, and no rhythm is very fatal to anyone.

"You listened to me right this time. I'm sure you'll like this routine in the future, and if you don't have a novel style of play, even if you become a master, it will be difficult to get along. We can be steady, but we can't be too conservative." Yuchen is confident With a smile, he used to be too lack of adventurous spirit to stop.

"Then listen to you once!" Huanyuan nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Gnar has never moved, the teammates who persuaded him to no avail had no choice but to give up.

The wild monsters refreshed, and the card threw a red card and returned to the line.

After playing red, the blind man took a look at Gnar who was still playing F4. The jungle speed was indeed quite fast, so he said: "Huanyuan, after finishing F4, return to the city to supply directly to the online minions, remember Do not pass the tower, as long as the stone is stuck on the first level, if the jungler does not come, the stone will collapse."

Many people who are not familiar with this routine usually teleport to the tower in order to save half of the teleportation cooling time, so he needs to remind.

"No problem!" Huan Yuan looked at the line of soldiers and found that this strategy seems to be really feasible, mainly because Gnar's third attack does more damage to wild monsters.

If you switch to other heroes, it will be much slower to clear the wild.

After brushing F4, Gnar went back to the city and teleported directly to the second wave of soldiers with residual blood who decided that the stone did not reach the second wave. Taking advantage of the gap in the teleportation, Gnar quickly replenished a few bottles of red while recovering blood.

Gnar appeared on the road, with the advantage of one level higher than the Golem and one more skill, he was beaten up against the Golem. The Golem, who knew he couldn't fight, hurriedly retreated, but Gnar slowed down and continued chasing and beating , There was no room for resistance at all, and he lost a lot of blood all at once.

Fortunately, it came out of the crystal bottle.

However, the stone man soon discovered that this Gnar was not only one level higher than it, but also brought a full four bottles of red, and what was even worse was that it was stuck two.

With the support of so many red medicines, Gnar didn't mean to let it get close to the pawn line. It wanted to fight Gnar in the past and regain the chance to make up the knife, but Gnar's hand damage is high, so it might not get close There is a lot of blood lost, and Gnar is worth it even if he stands up.

The stone man can't be cowardly!
Although it quickly reached the second level, the situation still did not improve. Although it was not pushed out of the experience zone, it did not have the chance to get close to the pawn line.

As a last resort, it hurriedly called the jungler for support.

Seeing the hesitant stone man, Huan Yuan was delighted: "Haha, Yuchen, this routine is really ridiculous. I declare now that the stone man has collapsed."

He has used Gnar to play so many top laners, but he has never played the big advantage of crushing people to death at the second level like he is now, and it is very easy.

However, he also knows that this routine has little effect on some heroes. The reason why it can crush stones to death is mainly due to the restraint of heroes. Not too big, since they are not chnar.

Of course, he is not stupid. If he is facing heroes like Weapons and Raven, he will naturally switch to other heroes who can restrain them, and he can also crush them to death with the same routine.

All in all, this routine is really good.

"As expected, don't get carried away, it's still very easy for Pan Sen to catch you." Yuchen smiled and turned his camera to the top lane for a glance.

But the situation on the road surprised the students behind:
"I'll go, will it be suppressed like this?"

"Nar is one level higher than a stone, and if you don't crush it to death, you will have ghosts!"

"Hey, this routine is not bad, I will learn it later, if I can master it, I will be fine."

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to be difficult. As long as there is a hero who can quickly clear the jungle and restrain the enemy, a successful card two will be crushed, unless the opponent is too strong."

"How strong can it be? The opponents that can be ranked are all of equal strength."

"... "

The angle of view turned back, and it happened that Pan Sen's figure was seen in the eye position of the assistant inserted in the lower half of the field at this time, and Pan Sen was walking towards the three wolves.

Looking at Pan Sen's movements, he would either go to the upper half of the field to support the Golem, or go around the river and squat in the middle lane. Based on Yuchen's understanding of Pan Sen, he would probably consider stabilizing the top lane situation first, and the middle lane is not too busy right now. Good opportunity, the mid laners of both sides are brushing troops.

While thinking about it, the blind man walked towards the enemy's upper field.

Huanyuan, who was leisurely developing on the road, couldn't help being surprised when he saw this, and said in surprise: "You want to fight Hongtao's wild?"

Anti-jungle is very common in low-end rounds, because even if someone knows that someone has invaded the wild area, teammates may not come to support immediately, but in high-end rounds like Diamond, this problem does not exist. Fang immediately came from all directions.

And once it is killed, it is very likely that it will cause a crash all the way, and then a total crash.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, if the advantage is not too great or there are teammates to follow, generally the jungler will not invade the enemy's wild area alone, and the risk is too great.

In the past, Huanyuan and Yuchen knew that they were at the bottom of the ranks in the first rank, let alone invading other people's wild areas, it would be fine if they didn't get turned against them.

Now, Yuchen not only took the initiative to fight against the enemy jungler, but also knew that the enemy jungler was the champion jungler of the provincial college league, not to mention whether he could succeed. I don't know where he got the confidence to dare to go against other people's wild.

"Yeah, watch it, see how I caught Hongtao to death!" Yuchen replied with a smile, while manipulating the blind man to quickly cross the river, and found that F4 was still there, so the blind man bypassed the red BUFF and went deep into the wild area. Standing behind the purple Fang Er Pagoda, he did not rush over.

He can be sure that this Pan Sen is playing F4, because Pan Sen is just short of reaching the third level with this little experience, and Pan Sen at the third level has greater confidence in gank.

There is no pawn line between the two defensive towers in the middle of the own side at this time, so the enemy naturally has no pawn line. Without the worry of being seen by the pawn line, the blind man got into the grass of F4.

That's right, Pantheon is playing F4.

The blind man waited for a while, and seeing the remaining blood on the big F, he immediately slapped the ground with his palm, successfully grabbed F4, and prevented Pan Sen from advancing to the third level.

Grabbing F4, the blind man made a general attack and followed by a Q, slowed down to the top, and after chasing Pan Sen was beaten violently, Pan Sen jumped up and stunned the blind man, then fled to the middle.

Clockwork in the middle saw that Pan Sen was in a precarious situation, and rushed over, but was fainted in time by the card that had been paying attention to the blind man's movements, so that he failed to save Pan Sen in the first place, and got the card's Q damage With the support of Pan Sen, the blind man took Pan Sen's head smoothly.

"Pan Sen has collapsed!" Yu Chen said when the head arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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