The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 305 Yuchen's 'God Blindness'

Chapter 305 Yuchen's 'God Blindness'

"I'm blind when I meet a god!" Looking at the black screen in front of him, Hongtao looked helpless. This blind man could invade his own jungle without him noticing, and almost harmlessly steal the jungle and kill himself. It is indeed not easy to be courageous, and it is a blindness to him.

God is blind, god-level blind!
Such an aggressive blind man grabbed a wave of wild monsters, took a head, and even beat him by a level. He could almost imagine what would happen next.

The blind man will definitely not let him go.

Pan Sen was resurrected, and the money on his body was not enough to synthesize high-quality jungle knives. Hongtao couldn't help laughing bitterly. He hit so many knives in Zhuanyi, and this was the worst time.

Perhaps this is okay, the most important thing is to be careful of the blind man going against the jungle at any time. As the early hero, the blind man may have a little less HP when the level equipment is suppressed. Once he encounters the blind man in the wild, Pan Sen I'm afraid there is no good way to escape.

Therefore, without much thought, Hongtao bought a few bottles of red and two eyes, one real and one fake, with the only money he had, in order to prevent the blind man from turning against the wild.

As for going to online gank, let's talk about leveling up.

"Brother Tao, you feel a little overwhelmed in this promotion match. The stone talent in the top lane made up less than ten knives, and he was almost pushed out of the experience zone. The disadvantage in the bottom lane is not obvious, but the gap in strength seems to be a bit big. Only the middle lane can do it." It developed peacefully, but it couldn't hold down the cards, and it completely collapsed."

"Don't jump to conclusions so early, the disadvantage of the bottom lane is just the hero's suppression, and the top lane is very miserable, but as long as Brother Tao successfully ganks a wave, the situation can be reversed."

"That's right, aren't you underestimating brother Tao!"

"The blind man is so well developed, there is no reason to let go of other paths. I'm afraid he is already squatting somewhere, or he may be waiting for Brother Tao in the wild!"

"Why is Gnar's ID so familiar on the road?"

"Uh, isn't this the ID of Huanyuan, the captain of the Fuhua Economic and Trade School Team? I heard that he likes to duo with Yuchen from Jiangling Technology, but this one doesn't seem to be duo."

"Who is Yuchen?" Hongtao tilted his head and asked in confusion. Huanyuan knew that his strength was not much worse than him, but he didn't have any impression of Yuchen.

The reason why he was curious about 'Yuchen' was only because he came from Jiangling Technology.

"Yuchen is the captain of Jiangling Technology's school team, and he serves as the jungler in the team." The boy who had mentioned the Magic Yuan ID smiled and nodded, and continued to explain: "Since the news that Mr. Lu and Qingchen joined the Jiangling school team Afterwards, the members of the former Jiangling school team seldom play ranked, and it is said that they are in secret special training."

"It's quite enviable." Hongtao nodded. It is the dream of countless LOL fans to get the training and guidance of these two superstars who are even valued by the Korean e-sports circle.

He, of course, is no exception.

The school team members of Jiangling Science and Technology, this time they are lucky.

At this moment, Hongtao was not surprised when the blind man appeared in the river's field of vision. After signaling the middle and lower roads respectively, he was still playing toad in a slow manner.

However, less than two seconds after he sent the signal, the blind man who originally wanted to invade his wild area retreated suddenly, which surprised him.

Is there an eye there that the blind man perceives?
With this doubt, he went to the grass behind the blue BUFF to insert the real eye after brushing the toad. After inserting the real eye, a white light fell on Pan Sen's body.

It's Q for the blind!

Why did the blind man appear here so quickly?Hong Tao and the students behind him were taken aback. At this time, the cards and clockwork in the middle were also rushing towards them.

Q hit, followed by the blind man's general attack, Pan Sen knew that he was invincible, and he didn't intend to get involved, so he hurried to the middle lane to meet Clockwork.

Although this wave did not result in a kill, it brought great psychological pressure to Hong Tao. The gank efficiency and speed of this blind man are not generally scary.

"Could it be that you hired someone to fight for you?" Hong Tao thought so, when the boy's voice came from behind him, "Brother Tao, this blind man is Yu Chen, and he hasn't played ranked for five days, counting from the time , this may be Yuchen's first ranking since receiving Mr. Lu's training."

"No wonder!" Hong Tao understood, but was even more surprised, this progress was too great, in his opinion, this blind man might not be weak even in the master group.

From drill [-] to master, it is not something that can be crossed in a short period of time. He himself became a diamond two years ago. After watching countless teaching videos of the masters, he used all versions of strong heroes. After working hard for so long, he barely managed to become a master. With his strength, he naturally understands the hardships involved.

But this Yuchen, although he doesn't know his specific strength, but since he can't even enter the top three in the provincial competition, his strength may not be much stronger.

But now, he was able to put so much pressure on himself.

However, since he is the disciple of Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen, such a big improvement is not surprising at all. If it were him, he believed that he could do it himself.

Of course, surprises are surprises, and he won't admit it.

He is more serious!

However, this is of no use. The gap in strength cannot be made up by seriousness alone.

Afterwards, the blind man frequently ganked other lanes, either forcing dodges or killing them. During this period, he also invaded the wild area several times and successfully caught Pan Sen. Pan Sen, who had a low level and did not have any defensive equipment, was well equipped when encountering high levels, and he was still The blind man of the violent hero in the early stage, the result can be imagined.

Even if there is a flash, Pan Sen has nowhere to escape.

Only 10 minutes into the game, Pan Sen's side had collapsed in all directions, with no room for resistance at all, and was finally defeated in 15 minutes.

"Oh, it didn't last more than 10 minutes!"

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, just find a chance to fight back!"

"The blind man's performance in this round was easy, not at all like Zhuan Yi's, and the top laner was tricked. Yuchen's progress is really too fast."

"It's not surprising, it's different to have a good teacher."

"... "

Hongtao played this round very heartwarmingly. Although Pan Sen is not a hero who particularly needs equipment, he does need levels. Every time he is about to clear the red and blue buffs and toads with a lot of experience, he will always Caught by the blind man, he not only ate his wild animals, but also took his head.

Even the wild area is not safe, why mention gank?The level is not high and the equipment is not good. Pan Sen went to gank other lanes, and the result could only be a double kill!

From the moment he was robbed and killed by a blind man in his own jungle, and the other lanes tended to be at a disadvantage, he already knew that he was going to lose this one.

And the result, just as he wished.

The big blood red word 'failure' on the screen was so dazzling, Hong Tao who was still somewhat unconvinced immediately clicked to continue the game.

He hopes to meet Yuchen again and use his best state to face him.

He still doesn't believe in evil!


"Haha, how's it going? Is my strength okay?" Following the explosion of the crystal, Yuchen picked up the water glass and took a sip, while laughing in the voice.

"This progress is too great, how did you train this?" Huan Yuan's words were a little more surprised. This round seemed to be that he crushed the top lane and brought pressure to other lanes, but he knew clearly that if It's not that Yuchen told him this routine and caught Hongtao in the wild, the outcome is still a matter of opinion.

It was Hongtao who was turned against him that he dared to suppress the stone man without any scruples, because the stunted Pan Sen was not a big threat to Gnar.

What amazed him was Yuchen's progress.

(End of this chapter)

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