Chapter 306 New routine?
It has only been five days since Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen joined the Jiangling Science and Technology School team, and these five days have caused Yuchen's strength to undergo an earth-shaking change.

Yuchen has made such progress, so his team members must not be bad.

How exactly is this trained?
Almost all the analyst team and coaches of Fuhua Economic & Trade come from the most prestigious Shanghai E-sports Academy in China, and a small number of them are top analysts from abroad. Popular training mode.

With such excellent teachers and advanced training mode, although the improvement for them is not particularly great, it can make them understand and recognize the game a little deeper, and they also know how to quickly improve themselves and realize their own What are the flaws and deficiencies...

And it is precisely because of so much understanding and cognition that Huanyuan knows that there are some things that he can understand even if he can't do it, but this time he really can't figure it out:
How did Mr. Lu train Yuchen and the others?
What kind of training method can make Yuchen and the others improve so much in such a short period of time, and even leap to a level that can rival the master?

Is it to teach game awareness?
Can consciousness be taught?
In fact, he knows that consciousness can be taught, and consciousness is nothing more than a collection of calculation ability, judgment ability and experience, which is the conclusion of the school team coach.

The so-called calculation is to calculate the movement speed, damage, etc. Calculate the movement speed to determine whether you can reach the battlefield in time, whether you can kite to counter-kill, whether you can proceed to the next step, and the calculation of damage is to determine whether you can pay an acceptable price Kill enemies within minutes to gain an advantage...

It is not so much a calculation as a calculation.

The calculation is done under the condition of knowing many prerequisites. It can be seen with the heart. It is relatively simple, but the judgment is more difficult. After all, it is necessary to judge the movement of the enemy who is in the dark and may disrupt the plan at any time. Be careful, a good wave may become someone else's dowry.

Calculation and judgment, one bright and one dark.

As for the final experience, it needs to be accumulated through countless battles. Of course, it can also be taught, but even if it is taught by hand, most of the time, students have to learn and practice by themselves, and put the knowledge into the game. It just takes a little longer.

Huanyuan's doubts are actually on the point of 'experience'. In just five days, how did Yuchen acquire such rich and even sophisticated experience?
While Huanyuan was puzzled, Yuchen's words came: "Huanyuan, it doesn't explain anything, why don't you do it again?"

"Okay, it's still early anyway." Huanyuan smiled. After the last observation, he wanted to see how strong Yuchen, who even dared to oppose Hongtao's opponents, was, and maybe he could learn something from it. New routines and skills, such as the previous Gnar playing F4 and then going online.

Since Yuchen received the special training from Mr. Lu, he must have mastered some wonderful skills and routines that have not yet been developed. Although many new routines have been spread from Hanbok to China during this period, there are always some mistakes. , and these flaws will certainly not escape the discerning eye of Mr. Lu.

Thinking of this, Huan Yuan's eyes were filled with anticipation.

Soon, when the opponent was lined up, Yuchen's laughter came immediately: "Huanyuan, do you want to try a new style of play?"

"What style of play?" Huanyuan's eyes lit up. Since Yuchen would say that, it must not be those old things that have been handed down from Hanbok and are well-known to the public. It can only be new things developed by Mr. Lu that have not yet been released.

"Order immediately!"

"Renma single?" Huanyuan was stunned. The current version of Renma has indeed been strengthened a lot, and there is a faint posture of the top single brother, but this style of play is too common at present, and it is not developed by Koreans. It's just because the enhancement of people and horses has attracted players.

It can be said that now when playing ranked, you can always see people running wild in Summoner's Canyon. The reason why people didn't play in the last round was just being banned.

This point, even Yuchen who doesn't play ranked has no reason not to know.

Is there any difference?
If he wanted to say something different, he immediately thought of one thing, that is, it was the same as when he played Gnar in the last game. He played F4 at the first level and then went online. Centaur itself is also one of the jungle heroes. Naturally, the speed of clearing the jungle is not comparable to Gnar, but If this is the case, Yuchen will not play mystery.

"In detail, it should be the top order of the people who lead the punishment."

"Punishment and teleportation?"


"Is this okay? Isn't it difficult to fight online without ignition or flash? How can you run after being gank?" No matter whether this is a technique developed by Mr. Lu, and no matter how confident Yuchen's tone is, he still can't help it. Doubt the feasibility of this approach.

He never doubted Mr. Lu's development ability, even worshiped him blindly. With Mr. Lu's terrifying strength, he can kill ordinary players with any routine. After all, there is a gap in strength, but this also shows that Mr. Lu The routines developed may not be suitable for everyone.

Even if it is suitable, it will take time to practice.

What he questioned was whether Yuchen had a thorough understanding of this routine. If he didn't understand it thoroughly and he didn't point it out, then he was the one who was tricked.

This is Huan Yuan's worry.

Seeing that the National High School League is coming soon, he is full of longing for the rank of master, and he is even more diligent in climbing, trying to avoid losing too badly. If he can reach the master before the college league, when the time comes and the commentator introduces him, he, the master, will do his best for him. Fuhua Economic and Trade wins glory.

What does master mean?
There is no doubt that it is strength and glory.

Since the S5 revision, the number of strongest kings in the national server has dropped to fifty, and there are only two hundred masters under the king. These two figures are too small compared to the players in the entire national server. The number of players in the diamond group is also thousands of times that of it.

It is an exaggeration to say that there are too many monks and too few porridge.

It is also because of the fierce competition that the gold content of the master rank is increasing day by day. Every update and change of the rank of the master rank will inevitably affect the nerves of the national server players and major clubs. Almost all clubs in China also start from this list. Only in the search for talents.

Whenever an unfamiliar ID ascends to the throne of a master, domestic players and media will definitely spread the word, and a high exposure rate represents more opportunities.

This is also the main channel for countless grassroots players to become famous.

none of them!

Even Huanyuan with a good family background hopes to be on the list of masters and be famous all over the world. If he can be spotted by a certain club and complete a game of games under the eyes of everyone, it is not a happy event for him , after all, he has always had an e-sports dream.

However, he is more aware of his talent in this area, and he also knows that there are some things that no matter how hard you put in, you can't make up for your inherent disadvantages.

All he wanted was the title of master, nothing more.

Of course, as Mr. Lu's 'closed disciple', Yuchen is also his good friend. No matter how much he longs for the title of master, he doesn't mind trying this seemingly unreliable routine.

(End of this chapter)

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