The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 308 Brother Hei, King of the S4 National Service!

Chapter 308 Brother Hei, King of the S4 National Service!
Although there was resentment, Huanyuan still helped Yuchen take down the hero Dragon Girl without hesitation, and he couldn't help wondering why Yuchen wanted to play Dragon Girl.

Huanyuan doesn’t think that Yuchen really depends entirely on him to open Rui. He chooses the dragon girl just for entertainment. If he has no advantage here, it will be difficult for him to be a driver.

Besides, he is not the only one who wants to be the master before the national college league. I am afraid that Yuchen is also very urgent, even if he says it is easy.

As far as he knows, although this version has been greatly revised and even redone many heroes, it basically has no great impact on Dragon Girl. The hero took advantage of the trend and ascended to the position of a strong hero.

Could it be that the dragon girl belongs to this kind of strong hero who takes advantage of the trend?

But he watched a lot of Hanbok games and videos, and even watched some research results of the Hanbok Research Institute many times, but he didn't see the strength of Dragon Girl in the current version.

There is probably only one thing that Dragon Girl has been praised for as a jungler, and that is the super fast wilderness. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the No.1 wilderr in LOL.

While Huanyuan was thinking, the selection of the two parties was completed, and Yuchen's words interrupted his meditation: "Don't put too much pressure on it, just follow the normal way. You only need to pay attention to two points in this routine. One is to synthesize The red jungle knife, the second is to punish the toad as much as possible to use the anti-injury BUFF, the anti-injury BUFF is not only effective for minions and wild monsters, the hero will also lose blood when hitting you, and the early stage is good for everyone.”

"Just remember these two points, and it's OK to play the rest according to your own ideas."

In this round, the first choice belongs to the blue side, so the wild monster that the top laner must farm is naturally toad, and the detailed information of the BUFF obtained by punishing toad is no secret, at least for people in high-end rounds. In this way, Huanyuan naturally knows this.

Of course, there is some information that Yuchen didn’t say, because he knows Huanyuan also knows this, for example, the damage of the toad BUFF is a fixed value, the first six levels are strong and cost-effective, but it will become weaker and weaker in the later stages, even worse than Other buffs...

Another example is the anti-injury effect of the Toad BUFF, which can trigger the effects of some heroes' skills and equipment, such as the percentage magic damage of the big mask, the deceleration effect of the ice stick, etc. When combined, the gain and debuff effects are very impressive. Unfortunately, the duration of the Toad BUFF too short.

In addition, no one will use equipment such as big ice sticks and masks for the effect of the toad buff, and those heroes who are suitable for these equipment that can be triggered by the toad buff have almost become strong junglers in the current version. A typical example is the Spider Queen.

In this version, the spider is a must-choice hero, but this time neither side can pull the spider, nor take it. In fact, Yuchen wants to take it, but this will somewhat conflict with the top laner with punishment After all, if a person immediately gets the toad BUFF, he will be stronger.

Although people and horses don't necessarily need the bonus of this BUFF, isn't it better to have this BUFF?This time Yuchen wanted to let Huanyuan see the most powerful people, so he planned to leave all the resources to him, so he didn't choose Spider.

Huanyuan nodded slightly, keeping these two important points firmly in his mind, and quickly thought of the reason why Yuchen didn't choose Spider.

When the game entered the loading screen, Yuchen casually glanced at the enemy's lineup, and found that the opponent's top laner was actually the Barbarian King. This reminded him of something, and he couldn't help laughing, "Huanyuan, this will make you take off."

Huanyuan, who was simulating and rehearsing how to fight next in his mind, was a little puzzled. He didn't understand why Yuchen suddenly said this sentence, and asked subconsciously, "Why do you say that?"

He naturally knew that he was facing the barbarian king, and based on his understanding of the centaur, the hero of the centaur can't restrain the barbarian king, and even after six, he can't fight at all. This is a situation without ignition. It's not obvious either, because the barbarian king on the opposite side is playing Ignite and Sprint.

This is a very cruel barbarian king!
He thinks it's okay to develop peacefully, but if he wants to kill the barbarian king online, he will feel unreliable, because he doesn't bring a sharp weapon to restrain the barbarian king's big move, but Yuchen said that he is going to take off, which is natural It's not simply that he develops well, but that he will have a big advantage online.

The question is, why did Yuchen say it now?

"Haha, you don't understand this!" Yuchen laughed, and then explained: "Because the punishment of the red wild knife can break the barbarian king's big move."


Longya Live is the leader in the domestic live broadcast industry.

At this time, in a live broadcast room of Longya Live, no less than [-] viewers gathered, all staring at the hero selection screen in the live broadcast room, and the comment section was almost maxed out, often before a comment came out Going down, the atmosphere is extremely hot.

"Hey, I finally caught up with Brother Hei's live broadcast!"

"I haven't seen Brother Hei's Barbarian King for a long time. Last season, Brother Hei used the Barbarian King to top the ranks of the national uniform kings. I don't know if it's still okay now."

"Needless to say, there were so many top laners last season, and Mondo's weapon Riven crocodile was blown up one by one. Didn't the black brother still go against the wind and use the barbarian king to become the king? This season they are all weakened, and the barbarian king takes advantage of the trend In the top position, I'm afraid it's much better than last season."

"I want to hear Brother Hei's cheap laughter, where is Brother Hei!"

"Haha, Brother Hei is dumb today, he won't suffer from kidney deficiency!!!"

"Dumbness has something to do with kidney deficiency!"

"I don't want to talk, I just want to see how Brother Hei uses the barbarian king to beat the people on the opposite side to shit..."

"... "

The name on this live broadcast room is 'Don't stop me, I want to be a master'. It's a very common name, but it reveals the anchor's great determination.

After the selection is completed, enter the game selection screen.

"Hey, why are there two people with punishment?"

"What kind of trick is this?"

"I don't understand, but the top order should be a team!"

"Emma, ​​the man on the other side is an idiot, don't you know that this ID is last season's king black brother? He doesn't even have ignition and punishment!"

"It is estimated that although the soldiers and horses have been strengthened a lot, they are not able to defeat the barbarian king. There was a chance to bring the ignition and replace it, but now there is really no chance at all."

"It's boring, it's one-sided on the road."

"When you choose the barbarian king, there will be something like this, Brother Hei is going to take off, this one..."

"... "

The audience who were still looking forward to this round lost their interest when they saw the summoner skills brought by the enemy troops. It was rare to see Brother Hei play a barbarian king, but found that the enemy troops were actually playing tricks. up.

It was nothing at first, but they were eager for more people to play different tricks and develop different routines and styles of play, but at this time it was a bit of a spoiler, who made him meet Brother Hei.

Anyone who already knows the ending of the battle before it starts will not be interested in watching it unless they are in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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