Chapter 309

"Damn it, isn't this Brother Hei's ID? Why is he on the opposite side? Isn't it time to go to the master?"

"It's over, it's over, this game is going to lose."

"Hey, let me go. I met Brother Hei, who is really cheating. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, as long as you don't get mad. Once Brother Hei gets the advantage, he will be a tower-stealing madman. It's nothing to stop him. He is still a man without ignition, so it would be strange not to be kicked out by Brother Hei."

"I want to hang up!"

"If you're not afraid of the title, just hang it up. Don't worry, I won't report you."

"It's useless for you to report or not. The official monitoring system is not vegetarian."

"... "

In the voice, the three teammates of Yuchen and Huanyuan kept complaining.

Originally, they checked the records and knew that the top laner and the wild dragon girl were in a double row. The top laner's record added up to zero deaths and 13 kills. He just played routines and didn't say anything, who knew he met Brother Hei.

Still Hei Ge's barbarian king, with aggressive sprinting and ignition.

Brother Hei's famous hero is the Barbarian King. It is said that in the era of the single-position heroes in the last season, Hei Ge insisted on using the weak Barbarian King to ascend to the throne of the king of the national server. It can be seen how powerful his Barbarian King is, even if the king is in Whenever you meet him, you have to take down the barbarian king.

In addition to being powerful, Brother Hei's barbarian king is extremely annoying, annoying to the point of disgusting, some great masters are not afraid of fighting with him, they are afraid of being disgusted by him.

Regarding the complaints from their teammates, Yuchen and Huanyuan just smiled.


Entering the game, Centaur and Dragon Girl took the lead and rushed out of the highland quickly, but the three teammates who were extremely active in the voice were silent.

The two of them were not afraid that they would hang up, they each found a position in the wild area, and waited patiently.

Soon, the three teammates also left the house, looking reluctant.

Just like the previous game, Huanyuan's men started F4 first, and the efficiency of clearing the jungle was indeed not comparable to that of Gnar, plus he brought punishment.

After quickly brushing F4, he returned to the city after being promoted to the second level, and was directly sent to the minions on the line, successfully delaying the time for the barbarian king to reach the second level, and bought a few bottles of red by the way.

There are a few more bottles of red than the barbarian king, what else can people do?
Of course, we did it as soon as we met, and even if we couldn't kill him, we couldn't make the barbarian king feel better. As long as the barbarian king's blood volume could be lowered, the barbarian king should be honest.

Brother Hei's barbarian king is strong, but he is not a god after all, so he can only bear it when he is rushed up and stepped on by a second-level force, looking for opportunities to make up the knife.

"Be careful with gank, don't use your escape skills indiscriminately, focus on development." Seeing that Huanyuan abused the barbarian king so much, Yuchen had no choice but to remind him aloud. In the season, the weak barbarian king became the king, and he must be stronger than them all.

"Hmm!" Huanyuan realized that he was getting carried away, and quickly adjusted his mentality.

Since his teammates know that Brother Hei is on the opposite side, then Brother Hei's teammates will naturally not know about it. Maybe there is a wild wine barrel squatting not far away who wants to open the situation for Brother Hei. If he is caught and killed Once, then this round probably really has no chance.

What's more, the real strength of his team was after the sixth level of the barbarian king, and he always remembered this.

But this time Huanyuan's judgment was wrong. The enemy's wild wine barrel didn't mean to come to the road to gank at all, because that's what Brother Hei meant.

It's rare to use a barbarian king, not to mention that the opponent's horse doesn't have a igniter, even if he has him, he is confident that he will torture the opponent out of shit, and he is quite sure of this.

However, Brother Hei still has to give up now, because he was drained of a lot of blood by the troops, he also ate the red medicine when he went out, and the pawn line was only occasionally touched, so Q's ability to recover is very limited, and fortunately this The men and horses are not particularly ferocious, otherwise he might not even be able to eat soldiers.

Just when the two sides were focused on development, there was a sudden killing sound, which broke the peace of the Summoner Canyon. Everyone saw that it was the wine barrel who was killed by the dragon girl in the wild.

And the location of this solo kill was actually in the wild area of ​​the purple side.

This single kill is actually not mysterious at all. After the revision of the wild area, the damage and life of the wild monsters have been greatly enhanced, which makes some heroes very hurt in the early game, especially those who have no recovery ability and the speed of clearing the wild is very slow. heroes, such as princes, weapons, etc.

Although the wine barrel has the recovery ability, it is extremely limited in the early stage, so the wild spawn is very hurt and the speed is very slow. On the contrary, the dragon girl, relying on the super fast wild spawn speed and the acceleration of W, just caught in the jungle and was tricked by wild monsters. The broken wine barrel, after a chase, easily took the wine barrel into his pocket.

Not even flashing!

In fact, the wine barrel is also careless, and there is no vigilance. Players who have played the wine barrel know that if the wine barrel wants to improve the efficiency of clearing the wild, the E skill must hit as many wild monsters as possible, and the wine barrel is in the three wolves The position used this technique, which resulted in being caught by the dragon girl without reacting for a while, and was directly caught by the second.

Yes, the blood volume of the wine barrel was very low at that time, and it was too late to adjust to the position where it could flash through the wall.

The solo kill in the wild this time did not excite the blue teammates, but only made Huanyuan smile bitterly.

If the wine barrel died, then the three wolves belonged to the dragon girl.

After brushing the three wolves and returning to the city, the dragon girl bought a red wild knife and two eyes, one true and one false, and went out, directly heading towards the upper half of the wild area of ​​the purple side.

On the way, I gave a real eye to the middle road, and went to the purple Fanghong BUFF non-stop, inserted a fake eye, and found that the wine barrel was hitting red, and it was about to be finished, so Longnu drove W quickly without thinking past.

The appearance of the dragon girl made the barrel panic, but he also knew that if he gave up the red, he would be crippled. Punishment, but it's a pity that Long Nu was punished first.

There is no way, the level of the wine barrel is not as high as that of the dragon girl, and the damage of punishment is determined by the level, so it is not surprising that it is robbed.

It's okay if the red is gone, but something has happened to Keren. The dragon girl who got the red BUFF will naturally not let go of the wine barrel that is close at hand. If she catches up, she will be beaten violently.

Reluctantly, Jiu Ke had no choice but to hand over Flash. If the mid laner hadn't come to meet him, maybe the flash would not help, after all, Dragon Girl still had Flash.

At this time, the wine barrel also regretted it a little. If he hit the red directly as soon as he went out, he would not be caught by the dragon girl. He was still a little bit greedy for the stun buff of the big gargoyle.

In the final analysis, he still underestimated the aggressiveness of this dragon girl, it was so unreasonable that he would go straight to the enemy's wild area as soon as he went out.

Do you pinch me like a persimmon?The barrel thought angrily.

After these two waves, Wine Barrel began to develop a desire for revenge, and the best way for him to take revenge was to support the top lane barbarian king.

(End of this chapter)

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