The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 314 Coach, the '6th man' in the professional arena

Chapter 314 Coach, the 'sixth man' in the professional arena

Since entering S5, there has been an obvious change in the leagues of all major regions around the world, that is, team coaches are no longer limited to offline training and guidance for professional players, but can also be on the stage of the professional arena, directly Participate in the BP part of the competition.

That's the selection process!
The emergence of this change is the change of the competition system, the expansion of the scope of the team's coach's responsibilities, and the addition of new tricks to the professional league. The era of players' free selection has passed, and the coach has absolute power in this link. Became the 'sixth man' of the professional team.

Even the core!
What is a coach?Coaches are the guides of the team and also the management of the club. Although their main responsibility is to improve the strength of the team and win the game to obtain higher bonuses and honors, they are more to serve the club and serve the upper echelons. profit.

It may not be a bad thing for such a commercial-minded coach to appear in the professional arena, but the degree of viewing and excitement has to be worrying.

Why are many clubs in China willing to spend a lot of money to sign famous star players instead of cultivating new players?This is not only because it takes more time and energy, but also because there is no guarantee that players who can withstand one side will be developed within a certain period of time.

From the side, the club is a company, and the interests are always put first, but they have no intention to find and train new people.

Of course, this is also human nature.

The coach appears in the professional arena as the 'sixth man of the team'. Although he cannot directly participate in the game process, he can decide the team lineup of a game. Once the coach only has victory in his eyes, let the players win every game. It must be the safest lineup.

And this has also created the uniformity of the entire LPL arena. Often after a season, you will find that there are only a few heroes who come and go in each position, no matter how good the players are. It will definitely cause the aesthetic fatigue of the audience.

The main reason for the low ratings of the LPL Spring Split is here.

The coaches of the major teams are naturally aware of the importance of innovation, and they are constantly exploring, and have made bold attempts on the field, and the results have been remarkable, allowing the audience to feel the power of innovation, thus attracting many audiences , which increased the ratings.

But interested audiences soon discovered that such an attempt was only based on the fact that the strength of the two parties was too far apart, and it was not so-called 'bold'.

And the audience who realized this were even more disappointed.

Still the same!
The lineup of heroes in the first chapter is easy to be analyzed and targeted. This also caused the Chinese team to be no weaker than the European and American teams in the first two seasons. He was dead, completely powerless to fight back.

And once the European and American teams come up with some weird lineups, such as Shen assisting Kenan, the Chinese team will panic and can't play to the level they should.

This is the power of innovation. The one who can innovate has a strong ability to analyze and understand. One is good at analyzing the opponent's lineup and style of play and targeting them, knowing oneself and the enemy, and winning every battle. The other is able to develop some wonderful lineups that make the opponent at a loss. , caught off guard.

If the league before S5 was a battle of wits between players, then after S5, it has become a competition between head coaches.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that the coaches of European and American teams are better and bolder than Chinese coaches in terms of innovation and analysis capabilities, and even decision-making.

This is an accepted fact!
Why did you never mention the South Korean team?Because if you want to fight against Korea, you have to beat European and American teams first. Wrong, now you have to 'resist Japan' first.

In last year's All-Star, Mid-Season Invitational, Asian Championships and a series of international competitions, the Chinese team lost to the Japanese team. Players lack training and opportunities, and the glory of the past seems to be gone forever.

In the current global team rankings, the Korean team has three seats, the European and American teams have four, and the last one that should have been China has been taken away by the Japanese team.

To win the championship, we must first fight against Japan, then against Europe and the United States, and finally against Korea. China has a long way to go to become a champion.

Chinese e-sports needs a 'savior'!

As the crystal on the TV screen shattered, she shook her head and said with a light smile, "Con still hasn't come back. It's a pity that OQN didn't make it to the semi-finals in the Spring Split."

Among the LPL teams, she is most optimistic about and likes OQN, the strongest domestic team that has created countless miracles, even though OQN's recent performance is always disappointing.

"I think it's better for OQN to experience some setbacks. Only after experiencing real failures can you have the courage to face success. Always winning generals is not necessarily a good thing. Once you fall, you will be smashed to pieces. A series of games last year has proved OQN's mentality. It is easy to explode." Ding Feng smiled indifferently.

It is precisely because of OQN's omnipotence in the domestic arena that blinded their eyes and prevented many of their deficiencies from being effectively made up for. Although they often encountered some setbacks in the international arena, none of them were more serious than last year. OQN was almost destroyed.

As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a blessing in the future. Perhaps OQN, which has experienced these setbacks, will soon be able to regroup and even go to a higher level.

The recent e-sports news also pointed out that OQN is introducing two Korean aids. It is not sure which two, but what is certain is that Fang Hua, the captain of OQN, will not be replaced. After all, Captain Fang Hua They are the absolute core of OQN, the spiritual leader.

"You said it lightly!" His leisurely tone made her mutter involuntarily, and teased, "Don't be beaten so badly that you can't even find Bei in the competition."

"Haha, how come, my output is very explosive, you know!" He chuckled, and winked at her wickedly as he spoke.

She froze for a moment, then understood the meaning of his words after a little thought, and gave him an annoyed look. The various amorous feelings revealed at this moment made him stare straight at him, and the hand that hugged her waist subconsciously moved toward him. Leaning on his body, she also took advantage of the situation and gently leaned on his shoulder.

The two snuggled together were speechless, enjoying each other's silence.

Tomorrow, the International College League will start, and they will spend less time with each other in the future. Their eyes are full of reluctance, but neither of them spoke.

A light flashed in her eyes, she suddenly sat up and straddled his reclining waist, met his astonished gaze and said domineeringly: "Male god, my sister wants to fuck you."

She wanted to give him an unforgettable memory on this 'last night'.

As she spoke, she leaned down and approached him, stretched out her hand to lift his chin, lowered her head and kissed him affectionately.

Being with her for so long, this was the first time she took the initiative, which gave him an indescribably strong sense of stimulation, and all the cells in his body were activated.

After a long wet kiss, he hugged her tightly wrapped around him like an octopus and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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