The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 315 All eyes are on, two heroes debut

Chapter 315 All eyes are on, two heroes debut

Along the way, there were more and more pedestrians and vehicles, many of whom looked like foreigners at first glance, and the place these people were going to seemed to be the same as them.

"Recently, Nanling is very lively. Many foreigners have come here, and many celebrities have also come. Their arrival has indirectly attracted many fans. The airport was overcrowded last night, and the traffic was almost paralyzed." Mo Qingchen explained, saying Pointing to the traffic police on both sides of the road.

"Many of these big names and fans are here for you." Ding Feng smiled. Mo Qingchen's domestic reputation is comparable to those popular stars and big names.

This is the case in China, but the gap is even bigger when it comes to international status.

Because of the huge differences in culture, race, history and other factors, the development of stars abroad is limited. The stars who are well-known in China are not even as good as small stars abroad, but e-sports stars are different. They rely on their strength. Who is stronger? Anyone who is weaker than Bibi will know.

There are hundreds of millions of LOL fans around the world. This circle is no smaller than the film and television circle, and because the audience is younger and has a stronger ability to attract money, it is favored by many business leaders.

Recently, there have been frequent news about the establishment of teams by many bigwigs, and many of them have been confirmed. The intervention of business bigwigs has further promoted the development of e-sports.

Although it is not against industry regulations for professional players to broadcast live broadcasts, it is a relatively cheap thing, but if they retire, it is another matter.

When I was a professional player, I took the game prize money to receive commercials, and after I retired, I used the accumulated popularity to broadcast live broadcasts. This is roughly the value that business tycoons use of professional players.

In this extremely developed world of e-sports, the value of professional players is no less than that of singers and movie stars, just because they have a stronger ability to attract fans.

In the e-sports circle, as long as you have absolute strength and have no problems with your personality and style of life, then at least [-]% of the global LOL fans are his die-hard fans, and this is impossible for entertainment stars.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be such a monster in the e-sports circle. Even the two Korean team captains who have won two consecutive S-series global finals and always occupy the top two in the world do not have such influence.

It's not that there is a problem with their personality and life style, but that they don't have absolute strength. There is not a big gap between them and the world's ten kings in terms of personal ability.

"I also came here for you." Mo Qingchen didn't deny it either, no one knew better about his domestic fame and social circle than himself.

And what he said is also true, many people came for 'Mr. Lu', and even more of these people came for him.

Soon, the car drove into the special channel set up by the organizer of the league for the participating teams. This was the entrance to the Nanling City E-sports Plaza.


Near [-]:[-] in the morning, tens of thousands of people had already gathered around the e-sports plaza, and the buzzing voice was the same for a while, and the security guards were strictly guarding their posts in an orderly manner.

Excitement was written on everyone's face, and they snapped pictures with their mobile phones in their hands.

"Wow, so many people!"

"Why haven't you started yet? I can't wait to see Qingchen and Mr. Lu. They must be so handsome when they play together. I'm so excited."

"This is the first time I've come to Nanling. It's a really good place. I'll come here often in the future."

"If my parents didn't agree, I would have applied for Jiangling Science and Technology, but Qiyu University is also good, at least it is the alma mater of Goddess Qingxue."

"The host of Yaohua TV is also here. Is this the rhythm of following the game?"

"I'm so angry. If I knew it, I would hurry up. Now I can't see the front. How will I take pictures later?"

"You're okay, your male ticket is so tall, let him lift you up."

"That's a good idea!"

"The players are coming out soon..."

Under the eager anticipation of the fans, with the explosion of fireworks, the special car of the first participating team came slowly from the other side.

"The team from Qiyu University is the first to appear on the stage. Everyone applauds and welcomes..." The voice of the hostess of Yaohua TV rang out at the right time, and the warm applause erupted immediately, and the fans waved the ribbons in their hands one after another.

The car stopped in the middle of the red carpet, Liu Ming and other team members got out of the car, waved and clapped to the surrounding fans, not nervous at all, but attracted some cheers.

Both in appearance and temperament, Liu Ming tends to be perfect. He belongs to the level of a male god, which naturally attracts the attention of many female fans.

It was the first time for Yuan Yi to participate in the national college league, and it was also the first time he had seen such a battle. Not to mention how nervous he was, he almost peed in fear.

He is very envious of his teammates, this is a rare opportunity to show off, especially Captain Liu Ming, no need to guess, he knows that the screams and cheers of these female fans are all because of him.

But it was also like this that made him more determined about his e-sports path. He believed that as long as he had the strength, money and beautiful women could be obtained by surprise.

Because he knows that most of the people here are here for Mo Qingchen and Mr. Lu. They don't have the perfect appearance like Liu Ming, but they have the world's top strength, which is their biggest asset.

He also wanted such money.

"The next stage is the participating teams from Linhua School of Economics, let us applaud and welcome..."

"Next is the participating team from Fuhua College of Economics and Trade..."


With the appearance of each participating team, the atmosphere on the scene became more and more enthusiastic.

The protagonists always appear at the last moment, they all understand this truth, so although they haven't seen Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen's team for a long time, they are not in a hurry, and the teams in front also have bright spots.

Liu Ming's perfection, Huanyuan's evil...

After the appearance of the first six teams, the enthusiasm of the fans reached its peak, because they all knew that the main character was about to appear.

"The last one to appear is the team from Jiangling Technology. Everyone applauds and welcomes..." As soon as the hostess' voice fell, there was an explosion of applause and screams at the scene.

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu! Lu..."

"Light dust! Light dust! Light dust! Light..."

"Mr. Lu..."

"Light dust..."

The special car of Jiangling Technology appeared on the stage under much anticipation, and it drove to the center of the red carpet without rush. As soon as the car stopped, the doors on both sides opened, and Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen came out.

Yuchen and others got out of the car a second after the two got off.

Ding Feng smiled lightly and waved to all the fans present, and clasped his hands together in response. There was no trace of nervousness or excitement on his face, only a faint smile.

At this moment, he is calm and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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