The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 316 A commotion, a cute little girl

Chapter 316 A commotion, a cute little girl
"Wow, Mr. Lu is so calm, is this really the first time to participate in such a competition?"

"Well, his manners are also very decent, unlike those from ordinary families, I think he is much more elegant than those so-called nobles."

"Wow, he's so handsome, I've never seen anyone as unique as him."

"Mr. Lu, I love you!"

"A very unique person who can arouse my desire to explore. Whether I should consider snatching him away from Qingxue, I am quite sure."

"Come on, although your conditions are not worse than Qingxue's, and your family background is deeper, but you have had a boyfriend, and it's a waste of time. I believe that even people who say that they don't have virginity complex will have pimples in their hearts. There will be bad feelings, you can consider having a one-night stand."

"Rather than a one-night stand, I'd rather have me be his regret."

"I look forward to it!"

"... "

Being human in two lives, the perfect fusion of two souls, the temperament created is naturally beyond the comprehension of others, so he just stood there and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

No one can tell the reason for this feeling, but it deeply attracted them. It is a deep worship from the heart and soul.

Mo Qingchen is also very calm, but his calmness is taken for granted by the fans, after all, he is a famous player, and his calmness is far from Ding Feng's depth.

If the calmness of ordinary people is acquired and a habit, then Ding Feng's calmness is inborn, originating from the soul, and emanating from the bones.

The screams and cheers became more and more enthusiastic and lasted for a long time!

At this moment, the two girls suddenly rushed out of the security guards and ran towards Ding Feng.

Everyone was stunned, but the security guards on the side quickly reacted with annoyed expressions on their faces. Although they didn't think that these two girls would pose a threat to Mr. Lu's life, one thing is for sure, they had neglected their duties.

On such occasions, dereliction of duty means that they have to lose the job.

The security work in the e-sports plaza is easy, and the salary is quite high. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a golden job, but how can they not be angry when they are about to lose this golden job.

The security guard ran towards the two girls with an iron rod. This scene made the fans commotion, and the other security guards stood firm at their posts.

"Everyone be quiet, don't move around!" The hostess hurriedly uttered a voice to appease the commotional audience.

Seeing the two girls running towards him, Ding Feng was stunned for a moment. The little girl in front blushed because of running too fast, which brought him back to his senses. Run slowly, and be careful not to fall."

With that said, he also walked up quickly.

The little girl threw herself into his arms immediately, and the girl behind her apologized as soon as she came up: "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of my sister."

The girl was fifteen or sixteen years old, with a pure and sweet appearance, a well-proportioned figure, young but well-developed, she seemed to be the little girl's older sister.

Seeing the security captain approaching from behind, she became even more nervous and stood there at a loss.

"It's okay!" Ding Feng gave her a reassuring smile, and then separated the little girl, but the little girl burst into tears as soon as they separated.

Only now did the little girl realize that she had done something wrong, and she was extremely wronged, but Ding Feng separated her, as if he disliked her in her small world, so she cried.

Ding Feng gave a wry smile, knelt down and held the little girl's shoulders with both hands, the little girl stopped crying, and looked at him eagerly with tear-filled eyes.

The little girl at the moment is very cute, and the hearts of the fans watching are almost melted.

A tissue was handed over, and Ding Feng reached out to take it, and while wiping the little girl's tears, he said gently: "Hey, don't cry."

The little girl sobbed and said, "Well, can I call you Brother Ding Feng?"

"Of course!" The little girl was so cute, he felt that he should give her everything.

The little girl laughed through tears, and solemnly handed a beautiful book in front of him with both hands, and said pitifully: "Brother Ding Feng, this is a gift I've prepared for a long time, and it's for you."

She seemed to be afraid that he would not accept it!
"Thank you!" Ding Feng took it with both hands, looked at it for a while, and then closed the book, "I like it very much, can you tell my brother your name?"

The little girl's eyes were full of joy, and she smiled even sweeter, "My name is Lin Yimeng, Lin from the woods, Yi from Yiren, you are so cute."

"Lin Yimeng!" He murmured and said with a smile, "It's a nice name."

"Hee hee, my parents gave it to me, as long as my brother likes it." The little girl was talking, when the hostess came over, knelt down and said, "Xiaomeng, Brother Ding Feng is going to the competition."

"Okay!" Although the little girl was not happy, she still nodded obediently, with reluctance written all over her little face.

"Xiaomeng is good, brother wants to go in." Ding Feng smiled slightly, stood up, and signaled the girl beside him to take Xiaomeng away, but he felt the hope in her eyes, so he opened his hands with a smile.

The girl smiled and took the initiative to hug him. He couldn't let go, and didn't know where to put his hands, but the girl was very easy to let go and hugged him tightly.

There was a softness in the chest, but it came and went quickly, the girl smiled sweetly and waved to him, then led Xiaomeng to the previous place.

Following the participating teams, fans rushed into the e-sports plaza.


By [-]:[-] in the morning, the e-sports plaza was already full of people, and the faces of the fans were full of anticipation and excitement.

The male host soon appeared on the stage, and an impassioned speech completely mobilized the atmosphere of the scene. Immediately afterwards, the seven participating teams appeared on the stage one by one. After the male host introduced them one by one, he announced the start of the competition.

Before the game started, there was an interview.

The subjects of the interview are naturally Mo Qingchen and Mr. Lu, and for this interview, the fans' expectations are even higher than the competition, after all, they are here for them.

In this year's national college league, the involvement of Yaohua TV has changed the taste of this league. After all, everyone can see that their goal is Jiangling Technology, and they will give priority to live broadcasting Jiangling Technology's games, which means ignoring other participating teams.

Naturally, the fans will not have any objections, and neither will the other participating teams, because they know how much they have.

Everyone has jealousy, but this kind of jealousy has a certain 'casting distance'. When this 'casting distance' is far beyond imagination, then this kind of jealousy will not exist.

Either turned into dismissive, or deeply admired and admired.

(End of this chapter)

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