The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 320 Detailed explanation, the game begins

Chapter 320 Detailed explanation, the game begins

"Yes, Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen joined the Jiangling Science and Technology School team at the beginning of this semester, and Duoyuan's first 20 matches were also played before they came. You can check Duoyuan yourself below. for comparison."

"It can be said that this [-]-game winning streak is the result of many sources of hard training since Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen joined the school team. The other team members have also made great progress."

Listening to Xiaoqiao's commentary, the audience used their mobile phones to check Duoyuan's record. Only then did they know that not only did they win the twelve games, but most of them were played by Duoyuan Kairui. The KDA was surprisingly high, while the previous twenty games , can only be said to play very reluctantly.

If there is power leveling in this world, then they will definitely think that these twelve games were played by power leveling.

But obviously, power leveling in the true sense does not exist, and players don't bother to find power leveling, after all, it is no different from seeking abuse.

The camera quickly moved to the position next to Duoyuan, which was Yuchen in the jungle position.

"Next, this handsome boy is the former captain of the Jiangling Science and Technology team. The jungler Yuchen is also one of the current two hundred masters in the national server. He has 52 points and ranks 174th in the master list."

"Yuchen is also the only master of the national uniform in Nanling City, and on the other side is Huanyuan, the captain of the Fuhua Economic and Trade Team in this participating team."

This time there is no need for Xiaoqiao to remind, as soon as Yuchen's ID appeared on the screen, the audience was already immersed in checking the record, and of course they did not forget to listen to Xiaoqiao's commentary.

Yuchen's record is two reds in one page, that is, eight wins and two losses. Although it is not as good-looking as Duoyuan's one green page, the audience can imagine the difficulties involved.

Yuchen's strength should be at the middle or lower level among the masters, this is what the audience thinks.

The right ear took over the conversation and said: "There are two masters of national uniforms in a prefecture-level city. You may not be very clear about what this is?"

This made the audience stunned for a moment, not knowing why the right ear said that, but some senior members of Yaohua TV's eyes lit up.

Because they know that the words of the right ear are just the prelude to the science popularization mode.

"Mainland China, including Hong Kong and Macau, has 4 municipalities directly under the central government, 2 special administrative regions, 283 prefecture-level cities and 374 county-level cities, adding up to a total of 661 cities. Nanling City is just one of these 661 cities. According to our Yaohua According to the statistics of the TV station, 162 of the 81 masters of the national service are located in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and other big cities with e-sports institutes, accounting for 38%. That is to say, there are only 2 "opposition party" branches In all parts of the country, Nanling City, which accounts for two of them, can even be ranked in the top ten in the country, even excluding Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities with e-sports background, Nanling City is enough to rank in the top three.”

"Now, do you still think that Nanling City, which has only two masters of national costumes, is still inconspicuous? Even though the list of masters of national costumes is updated every day, it is quite remarkable for a city to have two masters on the list at the same time. .”

After the right ear finished speaking, he said again: "I haven't counted the two kings, Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen!"

The audience, who were still casual at first, realized that this was indeed the case. After all, it would be unfair to compare Nanling City with big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou.

This is also one of the reasons why the right ear and small explanations are popular, and they often give people some common sense related to e-sports and society.

Watching masters play games as a pastime and entertainment, but also increase life knowledge, why not do it!

If it weren't for listening to the explanations in the right ear, most people probably don't know how many cities there are in mainland China and how they are classified!

Although this common sense is useless, it is better than nothing. Knowing more about things is not bad, maybe sometimes it can be used to show off and bluff your juniors.

The introduction of the five team members of Jiangling Technology was quickly finished. At this time, the audience was surprised to find that even though they were eager to see the game start quickly, even though they felt that the commentary was a superfluous role to watch the game, they preferred to listen to them at this time. explained.

No matter who they introduce, the two commentators can always say some attractive remarks and common sense, which makes people want to listen and can't stop.

This also refreshed the prejudice of many viewers on commentary. It turned out that it was not that the commentary was redundant, but that the commentary they had seen was not attentive enough. For example, the commentary of CCTV, compared with these two people, is a program, a machine.

It seems that people and things cannot be generalized. There is a reason for the existence of everything. If you feel bad, it is only because you have encountered bad things.

Then they introduced the members of Qiyu University's school team. The introduction was equally serious and meticulous. When Liu Ming was introduced, some female audience members screamed.

This is just a small episode.

Interestingly, I don't know who first dubbed Qiyu University's school team "Niangjia team", and this statement was recognized by many audiences at the scene, and it spread quickly.

The Qiyu school team, who were waiting for the start of the game, didn't know that they already had another name, and it was still the same name.

In the interesting commentary of the two commentators, the game officially started!

The picture on the big screen turns to the BP link!

"Okay, let's start the game. The blue team is the Jiangling Technology team. The first one to be defeated is the current version of the top laner Gnar, who is not required to be selected. The mechanism of the hero Gnar is quite special. The only hero in the entire League of Legends whose arms can be long or short, and whose body can be big or small, Gnar's strengths are known to everyone without me saying more."

Xiaoqiao smiled, and didn't explain much, and time didn't allow it, because Team Qiyu quickly defeated a hero, LeBlanc, the witch of tricks.

The right ear said at this time: "To add, the random mechanism is adopted in the current competition. It is no longer like in previous years that the team that forms a team must be the blue team, but the system is random. Of course, the second mechanism remains the same. The second hand on the blue side must be on the purple side."


"Team Qiyu defeated LeBlanc. Although the hero LeBlanc has removed silence, she also added some explosions accordingly. Although it is not a must-choice in the current version, it is indeed the hero with the highest ban rate among mid laners. hero."

"Jiangling Technology's mid laner, Dong Yuan, happens to be best at mid laner assassin heroes. Assassin heroes like Jie and LeBlanc are more intimidating in his hands. I think this is also the consideration of Qiyu University, for mid laners."

Then Jiangling Technology defeated the Tsar and the Ice Girl, and Qiyu University defeated the Wind Girl and the Excavator. These heroes who were defeated are all relatively strong heroes in the current version, and their performances are particularly outstanding.

Especially the jungler Excavator, this hero was a big hit when it first came out, with high-speed clearing efficiency and fast support ability, it seems to be the first-line jungler in the current version, and a new generation of jungle overlord.

The ban is over, and the next step is to choose people!

(End of this chapter)

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