The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 321 Why is the blind man not banned?

Chapter 321 Why is the blind man not banned?

Just after the banning session was over, Xiao Qiao seemed to realize something suddenly, and asked in confusion, "It's strange, why didn't the blind man get banned?"

The audience was puzzled when they heard the words, why ban the blind man?

Blind is indeed popular in the current version, and he often appears in this year's LPL Spring Split, but he is not considered a strong hero in the version, and he has not yet reached the point where he must be defeated. Why is Xiaoqiao puzzled by this?
Is it?

The audience reacted quickly.

The blind man is a jungler, and the one who will take out the blind man is naturally the junglers of both sides, and the fact that Xiaoqiao has such a strange reaction shows that one of the two junglers is blind.

Even walking to the point where it must be pulled!

How much walking is this?
There are not a few players in the national server who are blind players who play well, and Mr. Lu is obviously one of them, and he is also the most famous one, even though his number of appearances for blind players is not high.

The top analyst teams and media from various countries have conducted analysis and research on Mr. Lu, and published the final results on the Internet, and gave them very high evaluation.

Speed ​​of light touch eye, R flash at extreme distance...

Precise damage calculations...

All kinds of one enemy is many, and after the counter-kill, a trace of blood escapes...

A series of gorgeous operations make people dazzled and amazed.

With Mr. Lu in the front, the audience's first reaction was Yuchen, the jungler of Jiangling Technology. After all, Mr. Lu's blind man has walked like this, and Yuchen's blind man should not be far behind.

And it seems that the blind man is also Yuchen's most commonly used hero.

"Don't tell me I almost forgot, no wonder I always felt wrong just now, so I didn't pull the blind." After Xiaoqiao's reminder, the right ear also reacted, "The audience who often follow the official top ten videos of this matter should be a little impressed, There is a blind man who has been on the list of top ten non-professional videos in the past two weeks, playing very well, and this blind man is the jungler Yuchen of Jiangling Technology."

Xiaoqiao nodded with a smile, and added: "Yuchen reached the top with this blind man. The blind man is Yuchen's signature hero, the hero of his destiny. I didn't expect the first one to be released. This one will probably be very exciting!"

The audience was even more looking forward to it.

Due to the introduction of Korean aid this year, the LPL has re-attracted the attention of many viewers. As a version of the popular blind man, he has appeared a lot more times, but he has not been able to play the momentum and operation that a blind man should have.

The audience was quite disappointed by this. It was rare for the blind to be so popular in the professional league. Who knew that none of them could show off. Even those Korean players who are known as the great gods of the blind played so-so.

This made them nostalgic for Mr. Lu's blindness even more, and they were looking forward to this year's college league with Mr. Lu, but they didn't expect that Mr. Lu would not play in domestic competitions, which left them speechless.

But fortunately, since Yuchen's blind man has topped the top ten videos for two consecutive weeks, he should be able to show off.

Although the audience thought so, they really didn't know what to do. Those blind professional players were not able to walk around in the rank game, and they were still timid and made frequent mistakes in the professional arena.

The audience and commentators originally thought that Jiangling Technology would be the first to snatch the blind man, but it was not. After a short hesitation, it locked on the little murloc.

What the hell?

Some blind man let it go and chose a small fish with a low appearance rate?
Could it be that Yuchen is also cowardly?

The hero of the blind man can't show off if he can't keep up the rhythm, and it's useless if he can't show off. The risk of taking it out is really high, and many people dare not take it unless they are very confident in their own operations.

When it was Qiyu University's turn, it might have been discussed in advance, and Daomei and Syndra were directly locked on.

There are not many positions for these two heroes to choose from. It seems to be top laner and mid laner.

"I use my hands to fulfill your dreams!"

A classic line sounded, and the audience was excited, but Yuchen still took out his blind man.

Even if it's not locked!
"Locked, locked!"

The moment the blind man locked on, the audience applauded and cheered excitedly.

"It's been a long time since I saw a decent blind man. I don't know if Yuchen's blind man is as powerful as the explanation says."

"It's the first time I came to watch the game live. The atmosphere and mood are really different from watching it alone with a mobile phone. Even I was so excited."

"Blind man, my favorite, it's a pity that a handicapped party like me can't show off in my life, I can only watch the master play it for fun."

"No matter how well other people play, what I want to see the most is Mr. Lu's blind man. That is the blind man with a soul. Other people always feel that they lack spirituality when they play. Alas, I have to wait for a month. I have been waiting for more than half a year. gone."

"... "

Candidates will end soon!

The head coaches of both sides walked to the center of the stage with smiles, shook hands and bowed and walked off the stage together.

After some adjustments, the lineup of the two sides was finally determined.

Jiangling Technology is on the blue side, with Dashu in the top lane, Blind in the jungle, Little Murloc in the mid lane, and Wheel Mom and Nami in the bottom lane.

Qiyu University is on the purple side, with the single sword girl in the top lane, the prince in the jungle, Syndra in the mid laner, and the plane and Thresh in the bottom lane.

The lineups of both sides are good, and the heroes they have played are not low in this year's LPL Spring Split. No matter whether they are in the line or in the team, neither side is worthwhile.

Is this the rhythm to be tough?

Before the game started, the audience hurriedly used their mobile phones to search for the official non-professional top ten videos mentioned by the two commentators.

To the audience's surprise, Yuchen's blind man was not only on the list, but also ranked very high. You can't see Yuchen's blind man until the end is almost over.

The previous week ranked fourth, and last week's squeezed into the top three, ranking second.

This ranking is based on a series of data such as the degree of excitement, difficulty, and operation coefficient. If Yuchen's rank is not lower than other candidates on the list, his ranking may be even higher.


Seeing Yuchen's blind man's wonderful operation, the audience couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they kept shouting 666. It's not hard to imagine how well Yuchen's blind man played, and they looked forward to this game even more.

"All the blind people walking like this have been taken out, and other positions also have advantages. It seems that this game may be a crushing game."

"It should be, but I heard that the relationship between the college teams of Nanling is very good, so it should save some face for the other party."

"Human nature!"

"Yuchen's blind man has been released. It seems that the two sides should have communicated before the game. Anyway, it is not difficult to enter the provincial competition with the strength of Qiyu University. Perhaps Yuchen is allowed to take the blind man to make the game more exciting! "

"... "

The picture on the big screen turned to the water spring.

"Qiyu University, come on!"

"Jiangling Technology, come on!"

"... "

Fans from both sides began to cheer for the teams they supported, which seemed to be a link, and the audience in the LPL league also cheered for the teams they supported at this time.

After a few slogans, the scene gradually calmed down.

At this time, the heroes of both sides stepped out of the water spring and headed for the battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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