The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 322 Predict Q, 1 blood!

Chapter 322 Predict Q, First Blood!

"Okay, now the live broadcast for you is the 2015 League of Legends National College League officially organized by the League of Legends. What you are watching now is the first game in the Nanling City Division."

"The blue side is the Jiangling Science and Technology School team, and the purple side is the Qiyu University team. Now, the heroes of both sides have stepped out of the water spring and marched towards the battlefield. Each hero has his own mission on his back."

"... "

The two sides went out and found a suitable position in the wild area to stand still. Neither side had any intention of invading the other side's wild area.

There is only one thing to note at the beginning:
Prevent the opposite line from changing!

This is also a key point in the early stage. Once the line is changed successfully, the rhythm will become chaotic, and it will be more difficult to play in the early stage. After all, the side that changed the line is psychologically prepared, but the side that is changed is not.

The purpose of changing lanes is to unplug the enemy's top lane defense tower as soon as possible, to gain the advantage of the pawn line and the economy of the defense tower.

S5 is not like S6. S6 not only strengthens the defense of the top tower, but also has the mechanism of a blood tower. If the lane is changed, the side that takes the initiative to change the lane will suffer. But now it is S5, and the lane change is very important.

However, it is obvious that both sides are not playing falsely. The commentator just talked about changing lanes, and the two sides have already stiffened in the river.

Both sides didn't dare to fight too hard, they deliberately hit each other a few times before finding a place to go back to the city.

Peaceful start!

With the help of the bottom lane combination, the blind man quickly cleared his own red buff, and after brushing F4, he went directly to the upper half of the wild area, as if he had no intention of going against the opposing prince's wild.

"It's really a face!"

Some viewers laughed at this.

After punishing the blue buff, the blind man turned his attention from the wild area to the upper and middle lanes, looking for a chance to gank, but found that the two lanes were surprisingly peaceful, and the pawn line was still in the middle of the two towers.

Even the long-handed Syndra didn't bother the short-handed murloc much.

What is this!

Thinking about it, he still decided to squat on the road. After all, if this big tree is caught and killed by the prince once, basically he will not be able to line up with Daomei, and it will be difficult even to make up the knife.

Don't look at how imaginary this sword girl is now, it's because she is playing on such a big stage for the first time. It is inevitable to be a little nervous, but once the sword girl gets the advantage, one can imagine his flamboyance.

The player who played Daomei was Qiyu University's new upper unit one. She only joined Qiyu's school team in the second half of last year. She is a very confident player.

Confident people are generally very aggressive, and Yuan Yi is no exception. He usually likes to play violent heroes like Ruiwen and Daomei, and he plays very well. Yuchen often suffered from him in the past.

Yuan Yi is also a key carry point for Qi Yu's school team. If his sword sister gets up, it will be difficult to deal with.

As soon as he saw the blind man approaching, the tree filled up the exposed line of soldiers, and the blind man took advantage of the situation to burrow into the grass on the wall.

Walk two steps forward to the edge of the grass and stand still.

Dao Mei didn't seem to notice that the blind man was squatting aside, slowly mending her own knife.

Did not press the line, nor let the pawn line push over.

Seeing that Daomei is so calm, is he so sure that the blind man will not come to squat him?
or?The prince is near here?
The blind man thought so.

Liu Ming likes to help Yuan Yi build up an advantage. All the school teams in Nanling City know this, but even if they know it, it is difficult to target them.

However, since the blind man came, he didn't intend to leave so soon.

Yuchen looked at the line of soldiers, then at the grass on the opposite side and the grass in the river, and he was quickly calculating in his mind how to force the flash of the sword girl.

Or kill Daomei.

He even considered the worst plan, the prince's squatting back.

The blind man squatted for a while but didn't find the right time. Just when he was about to come out to press the bloodline of Daomei, Dashu suddenly raised his hand and threw a sapling on Daomei, and then it turned into a ball The illusory things are bound towards Daomei.

That's it?
Although it felt inappropriate, the blind man followed the tree without any hesitation.

He punched the tied Daomei with a punch, and then slapped the ground with his palm, but he didn't activate the second deceleration immediately, but quickly followed up with a Q with another punch.

The blind man's Q is not affected by the interval between basic attacks.

The blind man's operation is extremely fast and smooth, and he can produce the maximum output in the shortest time.

Dao Mei's blood flowed down.

"Why is this blind man taking so much damage?!"

"It seems to be fooled. Don't look at the sword girl's blood line dropping so quickly. The blind man and the big tree will explode high in one wave, and it will be over after one wave. The follow-up damage is almost non-existent. It is difficult to kill this sword girl in seconds."

"The prince is here!"

"This wave is hard to say, the key depends on the operations of both parties."

"... "

Just as the blind man and the big tree were beating Daomei, the prince walked out from the grass in the river.

It seems that the prince has been squatting here for a long time.

But now Daomei is half-disabled, so the blind man and Dashu don't panic.

Seeing the prince approaching, Daomei, who had disappeared under control, took a look at the blind man, and then rushed to the bloody back behind the two, trying to join the prince.

The blind man activated the second Q without thinking much to keep up, Daomei turned around and stunned the blind man, turned on W and it was a crazy A meal, and then the prince's EQ second company flew the blind man, and crippled the blind man with a passive blow.

This set broke out and directly maimed the blind man who was almost full of blood.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or Daomei did it on purpose. At this time, the lines of soldiers intersected and the recruits hadn't arrived. Therefore, when the two sent out the blind man, there was no line of soldiers to attack them.

Unable to withstand the output of the two, the blind man immediately handed over his flash in the direction of his defense tower as soon as he landed from the air.

The blind man is disabled, but the big tree is in good condition, so it is naturally impossible to leave the bloody sword girl like this.

No matter what, you have to make a flash!

Dashu was chasing Daomei, and the prince, who knew that even if he handed over the flash, he would not be able to kill the blind man, turned around decisively and output Dashu.

After Dashu chased Daomei A for a few times, he couldn't catch up anymore and was about to give up, but Yuchen said at this time: "Keep chasing, you can kill!"

Although the words are short, they are beyond doubt.

With Daomei's current blood volume, being hit by the blind Q is sure to die.

The big tree continued to chase, and the blind man W followed the big tree. At this time, Dao Mei had been compressed into the grass and had no way to go. The blind man paused for a moment after falling on the big tree, and then threw a Q.

But it was a predictive Q!

The purpose of the blind man's meal is to let Daomei's reaction enter a blind spot and improve the hit rate of predicting Q.

After all, there is still a flash of light on Daomei.

The audience was watching this scene intently, and they couldn't help being stunned when they saw the trajectory of the blind man's Q.

What is the pre-judgment Q?

What surprised them even more was that the Q was caught by Daomei's flash.

Yes, caught!

It seems that he is very confident in this prediction of Q, and the blind man flew over as soon as Q was caught by Daomei.

The beheading damage of Q in the second paragraph killed Daomei on the spot.

A blood is born!

(End of this chapter)

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