The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 323 Coincidence, Dama Monkey?

Chapter 323 Coincidence, Dama Monkey?

Daomei's sudden death made the prince quite helpless. Originally, the prince thought that this wave would end with the blind man handing over the flash, but because of the blind man's pursuit, he saw an excellent opportunity to win the next wave of advantages.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he had this idea, Dao Mei died suddenly.

The prince really didn't know whether to blame Daomei for her mistake, or to admire the blind man's god-level prediction.

If Daomei is not selected by Q, then with the current state and position of Blind Man and Dashu, the prince is absolutely confident to keep both of them.

It's all right now, once sister Dao died, facing the half-blooded blind man and the tree that was almost full of health, the prince had no choice but to run away.

From the zero-for-two within reach, to the current escape, the blind man's Q can be said to turn things around!

One Q determines the universe!
Liu Ming once again experienced the horror of Yuchen's blindness, no wonder he was able to thrive in the master rank.

There are some players and players who perform mediocre most of the time, but once the critical moment comes, they can always burst out with unimaginable energy, which is really amazing.

And Yuchen is probably this kind of person!

"This Q is a bit magical!"

"Both sides played very well in this wave, and there were no obvious mistakes. In my opinion, this sword girl's performance was even better. If she hadn't been killed by the blind man in the end, this wave would have been more perfect."

"It's just the third level and it's tough. The young man is really angry. It seems that this one will be very tragic and very exciting."

"It's amazing my brother, you can decide the world with one Q, Captain Yuchen is blind, I can't even refuse to accept it!"

"... "

This wave has amazed the audience. The calm, unhurried sword girl and the blind man who knows everything about the world have all performed brilliant operations. Although the prince and the tree are not as good, they are still remarkable. .

With this wave ahead, the audience is more enthusiastic about the follow-up games.

The game must be played like this to be exciting. It would be too boring to fight for the development of the gods in the early stage and then build the lineup like LPL.

The prince left, and the blind man helped Dashu push the line of soldiers to the opposite defensive tower, and then they went back to the city together.

This wave of 2V2 ended with Jiangling Technology's narrow victory.

Some viewers may have such doubts.

Why did the blind man and Dashu have a higher rank than the prince and Daomei, and they still had to fight so hard to get rid of one of them even after beating Daomei to half-mutilation first?
This is the result of the blind man's last predictive Q hit, and there is an element of luck in it.

Didn't you say that Yuchen's blind man walks a lot?
Why is this happening?

In fact, when it comes to the 'real' high-end rounds, although there is a difference in the operation of the players, it is extremely limited.

At least, not to the extent that it directly affects the outcome.

After all, the players who can stand on such a stage, their operations are all top-notch, and they have almost reached the limit of human beings. It is almost impossible to improve their operations to a higher level.

The most important thing in high-end rounds is awareness, which includes gank awareness, laning awareness, team battle awareness, and so on.

And a confrontation like the one just now is actually not what the junglers of both sides want to see.

What the jungler prefers to see is to seize the opponent's flaws, cooperate with his teammates to form a favorable situation of playing more and less, and gain more advantages at the smallest cost, rather than fighting against others.

That's what a good jungler wants.

It's something any team would love to see.

Of course, those who have such doubts are basically low-end players. High-end players will only think that the operations of both sides in this wave are not bad. The final death of Daomei can only be said to be an accident.

The entry of a head gave the blind man an attacking dagger ahead, and he went out happily.

Randomly scanned the online situation of the middle and lower lanes. The middle lane is developing peacefully, while the bottom lane is a bit under pressure, but it doesn't hurt.

Thinking like this, the blind man also got into the wild area to clear the wild.

It's a pity that Shan was handed over in the last wave, otherwise the sixth level could show off a wave and satisfy his vanity.

After brushing the second half of the wild area, I went to the river to kill the crabs. I wanted to go to the opposite lower half of the wild area to fight against the wild, but now the wild monsters should be cleared by the prince, so I gave up this idea.

I squatted in the middle, but I didn't find a chance. The opponent's mid laner was too stable.

Keep going wild!

He reached level six soon, and the flash hadn't improved yet, but the blind man still planned to squat in the middle to see if there was a chance.

From Dalongkeng to enter the upper half wild area of ​​purple square, the blind man is not afraid of meeting the prince. He has just reached six because of the experience of having a head, and the prince must not have reached six now, so of course he is not afraid.

There's no reason why a blind man at level six can't beat a prince at level five, not to mention that the blind man's equipment is still ahead.

The blind man got into the grass and was about to walk towards the middle road, when he saw the prince walking towards him, he stopped in his tracks.

What a coincidence!

The audience looked at this scene with some surprise. They didn't know whether it was a coincidence or if the prince's movements were detected by the blind man. They only knew that this wave of princes would suffer, and they might even be killed.

The prince didn't seem to realize that the blind man was squatting in the grass in front of him, and walked along the wall towards the grass with big strides. For some reason, maybe it was just a habit.

The prince stuck his eyes in the grass!
This insertion doesn't matter, it really startled the prince.

The moment the eye was inserted, a person who didn't know what happened ran directly in front of him, like a big horse monkey running out.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that he was blind.

But it looks like it!
Why is the blind man here?
Originally, the blind man wanted to wait for the prince to enter the bushes before making a move, so that he would be absolutely sure to kill the prince. Who knew that the prince was so stubborn that he stuck in his eyes, so it's no wonder he was there.

The moment the prince inserted his eyes, the blind man rushed to the prince without hesitation.

One punch, one palm slap on the ground, Q, this set of operations is like flowing clouds and flowing water, done in one go, as if they have been rehearsed thousands of times.

In fact, it is the most basic operation of the blind.

It took only a moment for this set of operations to be completed, and the prince finally realized that the blind man was beating him, and decisively rushed towards the bushes with EQ Erlian, and picked the blind man away by the way.

The blind man was helpless, after landing, he activated the second Q and rushed towards the prince, but in the end the prince stuck to the wall and flashed away.

The last wave of the prince's flash was not handed over. I didn't expect it to come in handy so soon, even the prince was surprised.

This is why the blind man had to wait for the prince to enter the bushes to be absolutely sure of killing the prince.

It's okay for the prince to be flashy, but it's a pity that the blind man used up his W at the beginning, otherwise the prince would still die if he touched the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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