The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 324 The Unlucky Prince

Chapter 324 The Unlucky Prince

"If it was Xiaofeng's operation, the prince would definitely die. My reaction is still too slow!" Yuchen sighed secretly, but didn't take it to heart.

In order to kill the prince in this wave, the only possibility is to kick the prince away with a big move at the moment when the prince's EQ Erlian just started, but this is easy to say, but it is not generally difficult to do.

The big move was kicked too fast, and the Prince's EQ Erlian didn't have time to make a move, and with the flash, there were two shifts, and the blind man would definitely not be able to catch up.

If you are slow, you will be picked up and fly, and the result will be just like before.

Yuchen thinks he doesn't have such an awesome reaction speed, and maybe many masters and professional players don't either.

But he believed that Ding Feng must have.

He didn't know why, it just felt like that anyway.

In fact, if he insisted on chasing him, he might kill the prince, but the opponent was not a vegetarian, no matter how confident he was, he would not be sure to escape from the siege of Daomei and Syndra.

It was a profit, but it was tied in the end, and it was still a loss.

So he gave up the moment he forced the prince to flash, anyway, he had already made money.

It's still free!
This wave caused the prince to have a doubt. The doubt was not why the blind man appeared in the grass, but that he failed to react immediately when the blind man came out.

This reaction blind zone is too long, right? !
Be caught off guard!

Liu Ming quickly thought of this word, but he was still puzzled.

And this wave also made the audience see the signs. The prince met a blind man alone in the wild, and he had to be rubbed on the ground.

Leaving the upper half of the purple side, the blind man has already given up the idea of ​​​​gank in the middle lane. The wave just now has alarmed Syndra, and now there is no chance and meaningless to squat.

Helped the murloc get rid of the blue buff, then cleared the first half of the wild area, and then chose to return to the city to reload.

Go out again!

Now the game has been going on for about ten minutes, except for the first blood produced by the wave of good luck at the beginning of the road, until now there have been no more kills.

This unscientific!

Just when the blind man was thinking about how to break the deadlock, the opportunity suddenly came.

I didn't have any precautions, and I didn't have any scruples, you just appeared like this...

Well, like the song says.

Coincidentally, the blind man went out in the direction of the lower road, and when he saw that the lower road was being fought, he turned his buttocks and hurried away.

Down the road, Nami made a mistake in her position and was hooked by Thresh. She was fighting A's plane with Mommy Wheels and immediately shifted her attack target.

Thresh unhurriedly threw the lantern behind him, the prince stepped out of the darkness, stepped on the lantern and flew towards Nami with Thresh.

Landing on the ground, Thresh's E skill gently yanked the ground, almost tripping Nami like pulling a rug.

The Prince's EQ second company followed up!

A passive heavy blow, followed by a vigorous jump.


The big move is covered, but the target is not Nami, but the wheel mother.

However, Nami was still affected by the prince's big move. Although she was not framed, she lost a lot of blood.

'puff! '

Nami's health was exhausted, and she hurriedly handed over the flash in the direction of the defense tower, but the ignition given by Thresh was still hanging on her body.

There was a wave of fighting in the bottom lane before, although both sides did not exchange evasion, but the healing of ad was handed over.

No one can save her.

At this time, the blind man arrived just in time, and leaped towards Nami, his Q skill shot instantly and landed on Thresh.

Thresh was disabled, and was taken away by the blind man without any suspense.

The blind man couldn't be sure if the plane was still moving, and he didn't bother to ask, but the prince definitely didn't.

Regardless of the plane on the side, the blind man slapped the ground with his palm, slowing down the prince, and gave the prince a good beating.

The blind man's current damage is considerable, and the wheel mother with residual blood will come up and hit him from time to time.

The prince said he couldn't bear it.

The prince was quickly kicked to death by the blind man. Seeing that the plane was in bad shape, he could only fly away, and the blind man did not pursue it.

One for two!

Nami finally hung up.

This wave of Jiangling Science and Technology's bot lane didn't make any money. Both flashes were handed over, but none of the kills were lost.

On the opposite side, Thresh took Nami's head, although it was harmless, but the flash of the plane remained.

The blind man is the big winner in this wave!

Now the blind man has three heads, leading the field in development.

In fact, this wave of blind men also thought about leaving the prince's head to Luan's mother, but with Lu Zi's mother's blood volume at that time, he was really afraid that she would be stabbed to death by the prince's turn, so he reluctantly took the prince's head.

Yes, it's hard work!

"This is so embarrassing, a good wave was ruined by this blind man again."

"Yeah, originally this wave of purple can be exchanged for two."

"Is it a coincidence again?"

"This wave is really a coincidence. Didn't you see that the blind man was going to fight the gargoyle just now? He rushed over after seeing Nami being hooked."

"The blind man didn't flash in this wave, but his big move is gone."

"... "

The excitement level of this wave was only so-so, but the audience at the scene watched it with great interest, and the discussions were endless.

This wave is indeed a coincidence!

Yuchen was also quite surprised by this. He wanted to catch the middle road before, and ran into the prince when he jumped on the corner of the Dalongkeng. This time he planned to clear the gargoyles before going down the road to find opportunities, and the prince bumped into him again.

This prince is too unlucky!
It seems that Liu Ming has done a lot of bad things recently, and the goddess of bad luck can't help but want to favor him.

Good luck!

Yuchen smiled lightly.

After destroying his own red buff, the blind man looked at Syndra in the middle with malicious intentions.

The two people in the middle lane just ran to the road to fight in groups. No one was killed, but a lot of skills were handed over.

Now that Syndra has just arrived online, her vigilance must not be much higher.

good chance!
The blind man paid attention to Syndra's actions, and quietly walked around the river, appearing behind the purple square blue BUFF.

Syndra didn't respond.

The positions of the little fish and the blind man just sandwiched Syndra in the middle. With this position, it should not be too easy to kill Syndra.

The main reason is that Syndra is not flashing now!

This is the point!

The little murloc wasn't playing tricks either. Seeing the blind man successfully circumnavigate, the Q-pawn line narrowed the distance, and then pole-vaulted.

Xiaoyu's sudden attack made Syndra realize that something was wrong, and the light waves flying behind her also confirmed her premonition.

Before Syndra could make an effective resistance, the two of them joined forces to instantly kill her, and the head was given to the little murloc.

The blind man still has a little conscience, knowing that it will make people headache.

However, this wave really has no reason not to let people head.

Get rid of Syndra, push the pawn line over, and then the two go to fight the dragon.

The next lane was busy laning, and the prince didn't dare to come alone. The two took down the first little dragon without any effort.

Now it is the version of Wulong. Although there is no economy to take dragons, it has BUFF bonus. It is stupid not to take it for nothing.

The bonuses of the five dragons appear in a fixed order, and the bonus of the first small dragon is a percentage of attack power and magic power, which directly improves the combat effectiveness of the hero, and is the most domineering.

It is also the most competitive dragon.

And now, it has fallen into the blue party's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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