The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 328 The Unstoppable Nakano

Chapter 328 The Unstoppable Nakano

Both of them are not at a loss this time. Syndra lost her flash, but her ultimate move is still there. Although her blood volume is weak, it is not enough to return to the city. Without the ignition and ultimate move, only the blood volume There is also an advantage.

For an assassin like Jie, without a big move is almost equivalent to having no means of killing people.

Especially the opponent is Syndra, who is long and fast.

As far as the current situation is concerned, although the number of people is not as high as that of the top leader, the friction between various parties is much more frequent than that of the top leader.

In addition to the middle lane, Kassadin and Lulu on the top lane also fought a wave when they first reached level [-]. Although their confrontation is too childish compared with the middle lane, it is far less dangerous and tense than the middle lane.

After all, one has the best escape ability in the league, and one is almost invincible with a big body.

Although meaningless, the audience never tires of it.

Twelve minutes into the game, Syndra went out and went straight up the road, and cooperated with the excavator behind and Kassadin on the line to chase Lulu to death, but was caught by the poodle and Zed who came later .

After a fight, Excavator and Syndra died tragically on the spot, Zed was replaced by Syndra's ultimate move and Ignition, and the poodle failed to leave Kassadin with only a trace of blood in the end.

Two for two!
In 15 minutes, the poodle found an opportunity in the bottom lane. First, it killed the policewoman in seconds, and then chased Morgana to the tower and successfully killed it.

Almost at the same time, Jie in the middle road was surrounded by the enemy Naka Ueno. Although he showed a wave of operations that made the audience admire, Kassadin's pursuit ability was too strong, and he died tragically under the second tower in the middle road.

Jie's death also directly affected the team's decision-making. Originally, the poodle wanted to take the first dragon. Once Jie died, the three opponents were in the middle again. The dragon had to wait for the next opportunity.

If the dragon can't take it, take the tower!
At the same time that the blue side's bottom tower was destroyed, the purple side's middle tower was also gone.

Compared with side towers, it is obvious that the loss of the middle tower will have a greater impact.

Once the outer tower in the middle of the purple square fell, it was impossible for Jie to stay in the second tower and wait for the pawn line to come over, so he was transferred to the bottom lane to lead the line, and the liberated bottom lane combination from the middle lane took over.

After all, two people are better able to face emergencies than one, and Jie's leading ability is well-known throughout the league.

In this way, Jie will be on duty in advance!

At 8 minutes, the poodle and Jie took away the first dragon who had been waiting impatiently, and there were eyes in the dragon pit, and the blue team took this opportunity to encircle the road. Realizing that they would come, Lulu and Nami hurried Back off.

The purple side hit the road and the first tower was quickly broken!
The blue side is not greedy either, and they disperse after removing the tower.

However, Syndra was caught by the poodle while walking towards the middle. The damage caused by the three poodles with their heads was too explosive, and Syndra was killed before he could make an effective resistance.

Syndra was puzzled, the lion came too fast!
Could it be that he drove over directly?
Syndra's death was an accident, so no one came when the mother of wheels pushed the pawn line to the first tower in the middle of the blue square. It's a pity that the blood volume of this tower was still healthy, and the poodle and mother of wheels did not pull it out in the end.

At 22 minutes, the poodle rushed into the upper half of the blue field, killed the policewoman instantly and continued to chase Morgana.

At this time, the poodle was already unstoppable. After dodging Morgana's Q in a flash, he was pulled to death a few times, and then Kassadin rushed to keep him, and cooperated with the excavator after the big circle to successfully kill him.

Everyone on the purple side took this opportunity to take down the second little dragon, and then Jie also pulled out the second tower on the blue side's lower road.

This wave of big profits!

Afterwards, the poodle found an opportunity to launch two more groups. Facing this terrifying poodle, everyone in the blue team seemed a little powerless.

At this point, the balance of victory began to tilt to the purple side.

Subsequently, Kassadin was forcibly killed by Jieyue Tower in the bottom lane, which directly accelerated the purple side's pace of victory.

The blue team returned to defend the high ground, and the purple team easily took down the big dragon. After returning to the city to replenish, they went straight to the top road.

Divide the troops!

Jie continues to lead the line in the bottom lane. The current Jie is no longer able to defend alone, but if two people come to the road, I am afraid that they will lose.

The purple side doesn't have a strong first-hand hero to go to the high ground, and Zed's single-band ability just makes up for it.

On the road, after a few waves of soldiers, the people on the purple side seized the opportunity to go directly to the high ground, but facing the menacing people on the purple side, the people on the blue side did not dare to defend. They retreated while fighting, and the high ground was quickly broken.

As soon as the crystal was broken, everyone in the purple party became even more unscrupulous. Nami made a big move to keep people, and the poodle disappeared into the darkness...

During the melee, Morgana and Syndra fell to the ground one after another. The policewoman and the excavator were driven back to the spring. Attack and kill.


2: 0!

According to the rules of the competition, Jiangling Technology can get 2 points this time, while Qiyu University doesn't get any points.

"Jiangling Technology's mid-field performance is very eye-catching. The top lane is too stable, and the bottom lane can be stable in the early stage and can carry in the late stage. This combination is really perfect, and the natal team is also good. It can only be said that the opponent is too strong."

"The game is played like this. When it is stable, the opponent is not given a chance at all. As long as the opponent shows his flaws, he will attack decisively. Unlike those in LPL, sometimes they don't know what they are doing!"

"Same feeling!"

"Hey, two games are not enough, just a few more games. Fortunately, there will be their game tonight, looking forward to it!"

"... "

At the end of the game, the audience was a little unsatisfied, and wanted to watch a few more Jiangling Technology games. Of course, this was just a thought, and they were not disappointed, anyway, there was another game tonight.

There are a total of seven participating teams in the Nanling City competition area, and each team has to play a BO2 with the other six teams. The game time is four days, which means that each team has to play twice in at least two days.

There may be exceptions, after all, there is still a day to play an extra BO2.

The team members of Jiangling Science and Technology returned to the waiting room happily again. Ding Feng chatted with them a few words, received a text message from his girlfriend, and went out after saying hello.

The content of the text message is very simple, congratulations to their team for winning the game, that's all, nothing else.

Although Ding Feng doesn't like to talk and is not good at communication, it doesn't mean he is dull, at least he knows how to read people.

What's more, this is Ye Qingxue who gets along with him day and night, no one knows her better than him.

If there was, it was herself.

So at this moment he knew that he should find a quiet place to call her back, maybe she would be happier.

Ye Qingxue who received his call was indeed very happy, even though she hung up after saying a few words.

Ding Feng smiled, put the mobile phone into his trouser pocket, and didn't rush to go back, he leaned on the railing and looked at the scenery outside.

(End of this chapter)

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