Chapter 329 The Stars Visit
Ding Feng just stood there for a while, when he heard footsteps behind him, he looked back to see that Yuchen was coming, and he seemed to be in trouble.

"Why are you here?" Ding Feng turned around and leaned on the railing to look at Yuchen.

"Someone is looking for you." Yuchen smiled.

"Who is it?" Ding Feng was a little puzzled, Yuchen would come here on purpose, it seems that the person who came here should be unusual.

After speaking, he walked to the lounge, Yuchen followed him and said, "It's Zhou Tianwang and his wife."

"Yeah!" Ding Feng nodded, but didn't speak any more.

Pushing open the door of the lounge, Mo Qingchen and a group of team members were chatting and laughing around the two, it was Zhou Tianwang and his wife.

Ding Feng had no contact with Zhou Tianwang, and his knowledge of him was limited to the Internet.

In Ding Feng's impression, Zhou Tianwang belongs to the kind of singer who is very friendly and has no airs, always with a faint smile on his face.

I didn't expect to see the real person so soon.

Seeing Ding Feng approaching, everyone stopped talking, Mo Qingchen greeted with a smile: "Xiaofeng, Chairman Zhou saw you coming."

This was Ding Feng's first meeting with Jay Chou, and it was also the first time Jay Chou met Ding Feng.

Jay Chou is a star, he has appeared in many variety shows, and his exposure rate is very high, so many people know him somewhat.

Ding Feng only made his debut last year, and he usually keeps a low profile. Except for his classmates and people who have been in contact with him, others don't know what kind of person he is.

Including Jay Chou!
Director Zhou looked at the young man in front of him curiously, Ding Feng smiled lightly and extended his hand to him, "Hello, Mrs. Zhou!"

In his previous life, as a professional player, he also had contact with stars in the entertainment industry. Although none of them were as big as Zhou Tianwang, he had contact with them after all.

Coupled with the experience of being a human being in two lifetimes, I am bearish on many things, so naturally I don't feel nervous.

Mrs. Zhou just nodded with a smile on her face, while Mr. Zhou shook his hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Lu, it's the first time we meet. Didn't I bother you?"

"Dong Zhou is being polite, it's too late for us to welcome you." Ding Feng smiled and shook his head.

This time Zhou Tianwang's sudden visit seemed to be just to meet him, simply because of the same hobby, and did not talk about other things.

Although they all guessed that Zhou Tianwang came here to know Mo Qingchen and Ding Feng's thoughts on entering the professional circle, but in the end Zhou Tianwang didn't say anything.

The only action is to distribute his business card to everyone.

Yes, his business card was not only distributed to Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen, but also to the team members present.

As for why it was sent to them, I am afraid that only Zhou Tianwang himself knows.

After Zhou Tianwang left, many celebrities visited again, most of them were LOL star anchors and professional players, and a small number of them were entertainment stars.

Of course, these entertainment stars are also LOL lovers, and they came here as lol friends.

There is such an event in the world, where entertainment stars and professional e-sports players form a team to compete with teams from other countries.

This event is hosted by the entertainment circle, in order to strengthen the connection between the two circles and the exchange of stars from various countries, so each participating team has more stars in the entertainment circle than players in the e-sports circle.

This is also one of the rules!

Three in the entertainment circle and two in the e-sports circle, this is the standard for this competition.

The joint competition between entertainment stars and professional players in the e-sports circle, it is difficult not to attract the public, which is why this event is very popular all over the world, and it is extremely hot.

Thinking of this event, Ding Feng was amazed and became interested. It happened that Zhou Tianwang was the captain of the Chinese team in this event.

If King Zhou invites you, do you want to go?It just so happens that there is nothing to do this year.

Of course, he was just thinking about it out of boredom and didn't take it to heart.

Jiangling Technology has another BO2 match against Linhua School of Economics.

In the second half of last year, the Linhua Economic School team ushered in two more powerful freshmen. They thought they would be able to squeeze into the top two in this year's municipal college league, but found that the reality is so cruel.

They didn't dare to think about surpassing Fuhua Economics and Trade. After all, the team was already very strong, let alone a stronger main force this year.

Compared with Fuhua Economics and Trade, Qiyu University is much worse. Even if there is an upper unit no less than Qiyu this year, they have a chance to surpass it.

Who would have thought that Qiyu University's progress would be so great, and there was no way to surpass it.

As for Jiangling Technology, they didn't even dare to think about it. Not only Mr. Lu, who is famous all over the world, but Mo Qingchen, who is the top ten king in the world, also joined this year.

Even if the two of them don't play horses, the Yuchen, Dongyuan and others they have trained are not what they can match. They have never won the training match with Jiangling Technology.

But it's okay, at least he didn't fall out of fourth place, and it is still hopeful to advance to the provincial league.

The strength gap between Linhua's economy and Jiangling's technology is too great. In the laning phase, all three lines were suppressed, and the wild area was also overwhelmed by Yuchen.

Can't fight!
Lin Hua's economy didn't last more than 10 minutes in the two rounds before losing, which can be said to be a disastrous defeat.

Same as in the morning, the MVP of the two games in the afternoon was given to Yuchen.

With four games a day and four MVPs, Yuchen really lived up to expectations.

That's the end of the day's game!

The team members of Jiangling Technology went down to the nearby high-end restaurant under the leadership of the coach and had a delicious meal, which was regarded as a reward and affirmation for their good performance in today's game.

They didn't go back to school after dinner. Since they made up their minds to push it all the way abroad, they would have no face to go back if they didn't get good grades.

Because of this idea, even though the city e-sports center is not far from the school, the school still arranged accommodation and some simple necessary facilities for them outside.

This is also the reason why Ding Feng bid farewell to Ye Qingxue today, since he went out, he didn't plan to go back so soon.

Mr. Lu's fame has indeed brought many benefits to Jiangling Technology, but it is not yet the season of full harvest, but the funds for this trip to the league are quite sufficient.

So much money is useless, so they are now living in a five-star hotel that is closer to the city's e-sports center.

Ding Feng had been to this hotel before, so when he heard the coach say that he was staying here for the past few days, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

At night, after the players of Jiangling Technology washed up, they were called by the head coach to the temporary meeting room.

In the conference room, the head coach stood on the stage and talked freely, analyzing the tactics and styles of play of those powerful teams that the players might encounter after being promoted to the provincial league.

Yes, Provincial League!
Except for Fuhua Economic and Trade, the other teams in Nanling City hardly threatened them.

As for Fuhua Economic and Trade, the coach may not know these players well, and in addition to winning almost all the training games in normal times, there is no need to analyze it.

The coach didn't say too much or too much detail, after all, it's a bit early to say these things.

"That's the end of my analysis, who of you has something to say now?" the coach said, looking at Mo Qingchen and Ding Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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