The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 330 Ding Feng's Guidance

Chapter 330 Ding Feng's Guidance

Seeing the coach looking over, Mo Qingchen shook his head slightly, if there was a proposition, he would have a lot to say.

But just not.

And the coach has already said what should be said!
Ding Feng pondered: "Everyone performed well today, but there are still some shortcomings."

After a pause, he continued: "First of all, Yuchen's blind man kicked a little bit hesitantly twice, but he still couldn't do it well. The mother of the wheel also made three mistakes in her shield, which resulted in her not being able to block the skills she wanted to block. .”

"In the final analysis, you haven't fully integrated into the hero in your hands, and become one with the hero. If you do this, the situation today will not happen. The blind man's R flash is no longer two buttons, but just One of your thoughts, relatively speaking, it is more difficult to put the shield of the wheel mother at certain times, after all, it is necessary to grasp the opponent's output rhythm, and it is also a test of the reaction ability."

"It is very difficult for you to qualify for the national competition with your current strength, but if you can take a step closer to this point during this period of time, it will not be a big problem to qualify."

"Well, that's all I said."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. Ding Feng had emphasized this point more than once, but it is really not an easy thing to become one with a hero.

They have tried very hard, but still can't meet his requirements.

Ding Feng's words have always been regarded as classics in the school team, so there is no need to say more about their convincing power. Most of their current progress is due to his guidance.

In the hearts of the players, Ding Feng is not only a friend, but also their mentor and coach.

As for Mo Qingchen, the strength of the world's ten kings is indeed terrifying, but playing well does not mean speaking well, just like a good player may not be a good coach.

In terms of guiding ability, Mo Qingchen is far inferior to Ding Feng. When Ding Feng guides people, he can basically speak to the point of every sentence and speak to people's hearts.

It's hard not to nod.

Ding Feng, who is usually not good at expressing, can do this very well. In fact, this is what the players and coaches have always been puzzled about.

"Then how can I integrate into my hero as soon as possible? Is there any way?" Yuchen asked humbly.

The others pricked up their ears when they heard the words, and they also wanted to know if there was any way to do it.

Or a shortcut.

Although Ding Feng has been emphasizing this point, he has never used methods to train them. He pretends to let them understand by themselves, and he is only responsible for pointing out.

But how difficult it is to comprehend it with just one sentence!
"To put it bluntly, it's the feel and the state." Ding Feng thought for a while, and said: "For example, a player in good shape, the moment he holds the ball in his hand and looks at the basket, he will have a very subtle feeling. , it seems that the basket is in front of you, and this is the so-called feel."

"For us, basketball is the mouse and keyboard, the basket is the goal we want to achieve, and the feel is the hit rate. It will help us achieve what we want to achieve, so we need the feel."

"Hand feel is the ultimate in operation. The better the state, the easier it is to trigger. Therefore, the state is very important, the state can be adjusted, and the hand feel needs to be practiced. Since the hand feel is the ultimate in operation, then the ultimate in operation is the hand feel. So you need to practice more."

"Hand feeling is a feeling. It is needed for playing basketball and playing games. This is the same reason. We can get the feel by playing games and practicing operations, and of course we can also get the feel by playing basketball."

"The method is actually very simple. You don't need to play basketball, and you don't need to shoot. You just need to stand under the basket with a basketball, try to integrate into the basketball, find that shooting feel and remember it. This will help you .”

"That's all for the time being, and I'll add it to you later."

After Ding Feng finished speaking, everyone was amazed by the method and statement he said, and the coach picked up a pen on the spot to write down some key points he said.

This is not the first time that the coach has acted like this. Basically every time Ding Feng is instructing, he will record it in a notebook, even if he is not present, he will ask other players to help him record it.

After more than a month, these records have almost filled a small notebook.

Everyone in the team has a copy of this book. This book is not only Ding Feng's "classic quotations", but also a must-read for the players, and it is also an important basis for him to become a top coach in the future.

The coach was recording, the players were pondering, and the conference room fell silent.

After finishing the recording, the coach closed the notebook, looked at Ding Feng and asked, "Xiaofeng, since basketball can cultivate your hand feeling, should we reserve the nearby basketball court?"

Yes, his coach is seeking Ding Feng's opinion.

He is not so much a coach, but whether in the eyes of outsiders or the players, the real coach is Ding Feng, and even all the decision-making power for this league trip is in the hands of Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen.

As a coach, his only usefulness is probably to be on the stage with the players.

Even without any convincing!
Fortunately, neither Ding Feng nor Mo Qingchen valued these things, and respected him as a coach, so he didn't have much complaints about such an embarrassing situation, because he knew who he was and who he was.

In the domestic e-sports circle, it is not uncommon for players to ignore the coach, and that is when the status of the coach is higher than that of the players.

Compared with this matter, his situation is not so embarrassing, and he should even thank Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen for giving him face, giving him everything he should have as a coach, and giving him the opportunity to learn.

"It's up to you coach to decide." Ding Feng nodded, and then added: "It's better to have a closed court, as long as there is a basket."

"Well, that's the end of the meeting, I'll go get ready." The coach announced the end of the meeting and left the meeting room by himself, apparently ready to go.

This is the coach's style of action, vigorous and resolute, never procrastinating.

As soon as the meeting ended, Yuchen's cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Huan Yuan's call.

As for the purpose of the call, he could guess it with his toes.

It's nothing more than playing training games. This guy is an avid game fan, and he belongs to the type who can leave his girlfriend aside when playing games.

Yuchen pressed the answer button helplessly.

As soon as the answer button was pressed, Huanyuan's voice came over, "Yuchen, come to play the training game."

As soon as Huanyuan came up, he went straight to the topic without saying a word of greeting.

"Don't ask people to rest, we just finished the game." Yuchen said and looked at Ding Feng, he was not sure if there would be other arrangements later.

Ding Feng didn't speak, just nodded with a smile.

"Hmph, it's useless to talk less. It's been more than an hour and I still don't think I've had enough rest. Come and tell me." Huanyuan on the other side rolled his eyes, as if he didn't understand that Yuchen had two great gods to guide him. Come time to sleep.

"Why don't you come, you go online first, and we'll be here right away." Yuchen hung up the phone and began to greet the team members.

Ding Feng had nothing to do, so he followed.

(End of this chapter)

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