Chapter 336
Aunt Lou Guan said to the beautiful anchor: "They asked your name."

"My name is Lin Xiaoqi, and I'm doing a live broadcast in Longya." The beautiful anchor looked at the phone number of Auntie Lou Guan, eager to snatch it up and tell her in person.

She wanted to report more information about herself, but she was afraid that the building management aunt would not be able to express clearly.

"The other party agrees, you can go up, in room 305." The auntie of the building manager put down the phone, and after a notification, she pressed the button next to her.

"Thank you auntie!"

The door opened, and Lin Xiaoqi stepped in with ecstasy.

"I'm going, I really went in."

"Today, I visited all the anchor rooms in Shanghai, and none of them could step through the door. I didn't expect to be dealt with by the anchor just like this. It's amazing."

"The anchor is mighty, I want to watch Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen."

"My girlfriend is very obsessed with Mr. Lu. Her boudoir is full of photos of Mr. Lu. Can the anchor help me ask Mr. Lu if he wants to find a lover? My girlfriend is no worse than Qingxue."

"The trick upstairs is called throwing stones to ask for directions. First use your best friend as a test, and then send yourself to it. Buy one get one free. It's easy to calculate."

"I'm going to see the two heroes soon, I have to inform my friend, if it's late, she'll have to skin me alive."

"Everyone, help the anchor to increase popularity. The popularity of the two heroes appearing on the stage is too low. No matter what, it will cost tens of millions. I will post a few groups first."

"... "

As soon as the beautiful anchor stepped into the gate, the live broadcast room immediately exploded, and the comments jumped up, making the beautiful anchor smile uncontrollably.

She knew that her popularity was going to explode.

The students who were watching the excitement outside the building management saw it, and each of them had a look of disbelief. Then they picked up their mobile phones and spread the news.

Soon, the news spread.

Many students and hosts rushed over upon hearing the sound, and surrounded the gate of the guest house tightly, causing the building manager to be overwhelmed, and had no choice but to call the security guards to maintain order.

Some anchors even clamored, why the beautiful anchors can enter and they can't.

Aunt Lou Guan explained to them helplessly that the anchors asked to make calls one after another, but Aunt Lou Guan dared to do so, so many calls would affect the work and rest of the people upstairs.

In the end, even the school was alarmed.

The beautiful anchor Lin Xiaoqi didn't care about these things, she was staring at the ever-increasing number of users in the live broadcast room with joy, and she couldn't close her mouth with joy.

As a newcomer anchor who just joined the ranks of live broadcasting, she finally gained her current popularity through her own efforts, but she was not satisfied.

But she knows that with her own ability, her popularity is already very high, and she is already at a bottleneck.

To break through this bottleneck, she has to get in touch with more e-sports masters.

So even though many people have failed, she still wants to try, and this is it.

I didn't expect much at first, but I didn't expect it to be a success.

Her popularity in the live broadcast room has stayed at the threshold of more than 1 for a long time. No matter how hard she tries, she can't break through [-], but now...

It is already in the early [-]s, and it is growing geometrically at a gradual growth rate.

"Beautiful anchor Lin Xiaoqi has successfully entered the guest house of the Shanghai E-sports Academy, and is interviewing Mr. Lu and Qingchen..."

"Good news, Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen appeared in Lin Xiaoqi's live broadcast room, the room number..."

"Shocked, Mr. Lu and Qingchen appeared in Longya's live broadcast room..."

In a short period of time, all the live broadcast rooms with more than [-] fans in the Longya live broadcast received such news. Players who saw this news poured in with the idea of ​​believing it or not Lin Xiaoqi's live broadcast room, leaving behind the popular anchors who want to cry but have no tears.

When the players came, they didn't expect it to be true.

Thirty thousand...

forty thousand…

fifty thousand…



As the news spread, more players flooded into Lin Xiaoqi's live broadcast room, and in just 10 minutes, [-] reached the million mark.

And still growing rapidly.

Lin Xiaoqi was not surprised by such crazy growth. She knew that the popularity of these two people would be strange if it didn't exceed one million. After all, there are so many people in Longya's live broadcast.

With so many users watching, she worked harder to interview Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen, trying to satisfy the audience and keep these fans as much as possible.


Ding Feng has no prejudice against being an anchor. After all, he may also enter this industry in the future, but he resists interviews with unfamiliar anchors.

Originally, he planned to let Mo Qingchen go to receive the other party alone, and then he went back to the room to exercise his 'supernatural ability', but after hearing the story of Lin Xiaoqi who was going to come over, the resistance was much relieved.

The most important thing is that Lin Xiaoqi and Mo Qingchen still have a relationship.

As for the origin, Mo Qingchen didn't make it clear, nor did he ask.

Thinking about it, he gave up the idea of ​​avoiding it.

Not long after Lin Xiaoqi interviewed the two of them, Yuchen and the others came back, and a group of people formed a circle chatting with Lin Xiaoqi.

I have to say that the girls who are anchors are really talkative. During Lin Xiaoqi's more than one hour interview, there was not a moment of silence.

After talking about one topic, another topic was thrown out immediately.

Moreover, Lin Xiaoqi is not like some female anchors, who shoot this and that as soon as they come up, and speak freely. She is a very polite and beautiful anchor, and she quickly gained the favor of everyone in the room.

At the end of the interview, Lin Xiaoqi's live broadcast had tens of millions of viewers.

This is not the point. After all, viewers will be lost. The most important thing is that her fans have more than 200 million users, and she has become the first-line anchor of Longya live broadcast.

In one hour, the number of fans went from less than 200 to [-] million. Such a terrifying increase was unprecedented in Longya live broadcast, and it made countless anchors feel jealous to death.

Especially those anchors who were blocked outside the guest house were even more frantic.

Lin Xiaoqi's harvest was originally their biggest purpose for coming here.

They felt that if they could think of asking the building management aunt to call the room where the Jiangling technology team is located, such an opportunity would be theirs.

It can be said to be a mistake!

However, what they didn't know was that the reason why Lin Xiaoqi was allowed to go upstairs was mainly because of her relationship with Mo Qingchen.


After Lin Xiaoqi left, the room became quiet. The team members went to take a shower first, and then turned on the computer to play games for tonight's training.

Late at night.

After 23 o'clock, the list of the top eight voted by this year's national competition was released.

Yes, the top eight voted out, but not the final eight.

This is the consistent rule of the country.

Every year there are more than 100 teams participating in the national competition, and the time is limited, it is impossible for all the teams to play once, so there is a "ring competition system".

The so-called 'ring competition system' means that through the votes of the audience across the country, the preliminary quarterfinals of the national competition will be selected first, and then other teams that are not the quarterfinalists will challenge, and the winner will replace the original quarterfinalists.

(End of this chapter)

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