Chapter 337
For non-top eight teams to challenge the top eight teams, it is natural not to take turns for one team to take turns, otherwise the challenged top eight teams will be exhausted.

Moreover, the game time is limited.

This is actually to let all the teams who want to challenge the same top eight teams compete offline first to determine the final winner, and then compete with the reserve top eight teams on the stage for the top eight seats.

The purpose of doing this is not only fair, but also saves time and effort. After all, no matter how many teams there are, only the strongest team is needed, and there is no problem in assigning opponents however you want.

The ring competition system is a common competition system in international college leagues. It allows many teams to participate in the competition, but only a small number of teams have the chance to advance. Most of the teams are just here to join in the fun.

The NCAA lasts a month, or four weeks to be exact.

The first week is the municipal league, the second week is the provincial league, and the last two weeks are the national competition.

The first week of the national competition is to determine the top eight teams in the country, and the second week is the ranking match of the top eight teams, which can also be said to be the championship battle of the national competition.

What follows is the first week of the national competition. From Monday to Wednesday, it is an offline challenge for non-final eight teams to compete with the 'reserve' top eight for the final eight places.

Thursday and Friday are played on stage, where the final winners of the first three days will compete for the 'preparation' quarter-finals.

These two competitions adopt the BO3 competition system, and the teams that get two victories will directly advance to the top eight qualifying competitions.

At midnight on the night when the provincial competition ended, the voting channel for the final eight was opened, and each user had eight votes to choose the top eight of the national competition in his mind.

This has also led to the fact that teams with high popularity can basically get one vote from each user, while teams with low popularity may not have one.

The teams from the top five e-sports schools in China, plus the explosively popular Jiangling Science and Technology School team, out of the eight tickets in the hands of most users, six of them were given to these six teams.

The remaining two cards were relatively scattered, and most of them were voted for the representative team of their own city.

This led to the fact that 'these six teams received a very high number of votes early, and the rankings were determined long ago, and after the voting channel was closed tonight, the final 'preparation' top eight list was fully released.

In the top eight of the 'preparation', Jiangling Technology Hao Ran was on the list, and it was still at the top of the list.

In previous years, the Shanghai E-sports Academy had always received the highest number of votes, but this year it fell to second place, which can be said to be the first time since the start of the International College League.

Of course, the 'preparation' quarter-finals are not the final quarter-finals after all, and they have to accept challenges from other teams not in the quarter-finals. If they win, they will keep their places, and if they lose, they will be replaced.

In the college leagues over the years, there have been many cases of the 'reserve' top eight being picked and dismissed. For example, last year, the replaced 'preparation' top eight even reached three teams.

It can be said that in addition to the five major domestic e-sports academies, the places in other college teams may be replaced.

And this year, it seems that there is one less 'reserve' top eight that may be replaced, but in fact it is the same as last year.

Also three.

One of them is Jiangling Science and Technology with the most votes.

Ding Feng took a rough look at the voting results. The top six were the same as before, and the seventh and eighth places, which have been up and down all the time, have now been determined. He still knows these two teams and has some understanding.

These two teams were among the top eight contenders evaluated online, but they were actually selected.

I just don't know if they were selected because of the online evaluation.

He looked at it for a while, then put away his phone, and went back to his room to train his 'power'.

He traveled to this world in the S6 season of the previous life, and this world has only reached the S5 season. He dare not say that he knows all the versions well, but as long as he reads the version update content and practices it, he will know this. How can the version be played.

This is not an exaggeration.

It is precisely because of this that he puts his main energy on the exploration of 'supernatural abilities', which is also his greatest gain and capital in this world.

Know more about the 'power', every time the 'power' increases, his strength will increase exponentially.

And this year's International College League may be the time for him to show his talents.

I just don't know if these high school teams have the strength to force his 'supernatural power' out.

He was looking forward to it.


The first week of the national competition, Monday.

In the morning, the coaches of each team participating in the national competition formally submitted their team's willingness to challenge, and then the person in charge of the organizer randomly assigned the teams with the same challenge willingness to one group, and then in the computer room of Shanghai Pudong E-sports Center Start the race.

The competition is held offline, and non-competition personnel are prohibited from approaching the computer room, but other places inside the e-sports center are very lively.

The willingness of each team to challenge does not need to be kept secret, so when all the non-final eight teams submitted their willingness to challenge, Ding Feng quickly got the news.

There is no team willing to challenge Jiangling Technology?

Moreover, there were actually only two teams that were challenged, and they were the last two 'reserve' quarterfinals with the most votes.

To Ding Feng, these news were unexpected and reasonable.

He was surprised, but not surprised.

Since the start of the National College League, there are not a few teams that have challenged the five major e-sports academies, but all of them have failed. The strength of the five major e-sports academies is hard to shake, and no school team dares to challenge.

And Jiangling Technology may be average, and may not even be qualified to enter the top eight, but everyone knows that it's because Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen didn't show up. Maybe he was sprayed bloody by the domestic audience before he even started playing.

This is going to be a big deal.

Although there are always people who take risks for the sake of profit, this game is a BO3 competition system, you won the first game, and when Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen played in the next two games, you still lost in the end.

I'm afraid no one is willing to do something harmful and unhelpful, right?
Compared with the above six teams, the two teams with the lowest number of votes in the "preparation" quarterfinals are obviously soft persimmons, and there are always people who want to pinch them.

For Ding Feng, it is best not to be challenged, so that he doesn't need to worry about the next national competition, because now it has been confirmed that the national competition will qualify for the top eight and directly advance to the next Asian University League.

It's time for him to play, too.

Looking at the empty room, he was tired and bored after the training. He saw through the window that the weather outside was just right. After thinking about it, he put on his shirt and left the dormitory.

Today's Shanghai E-sports academy is very quiet, not as lively as usual. Most of the students should have gone to the Pudong E-sports center to join in the fun.

Stepping out of the gate, he stretched out his hand to lower the brim of his hat, looked around, made sure that no one was paying attention to his side, and walked forward.

When he looked at the commissary ahead, he saw a familiar figure.

(End of this chapter)

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