Chapter 338
At first Ding Feng didn't recognize it, but when the beautiful figure turned his head to look at him, he was taken aback for a moment. Isn't this the girl who fell down on a bicycle the night before and was sent to the infirmary by himself?

Until now, he still didn't know the girl's name.

Why is she here?

Judging by her clothes, she should have dressed up specially.

Li Ruoshui was also taken aback when she saw him, she really wanted to see this boy who made her dream, even if she took a look from a distance.

She thought that he had already followed the morning crowd to the Pudong e-sports center, and she was just trying her luck sitting here, but she didn't expect to actually see him.

And it was discovered by him.

The canteen where she is located is relatively remote, and it is the only place where the guest house goes out. The nearby buildings are either administrative buildings or dormitories for boys. Generally, few girls will come here, and they will sit quietly in the canteen and drink tea. Anyone who thinks about it knows that she is waiting for someone here.

Seen by him, she smiled shyly and waved hello to him from a distance.

To her delight, he also smiled and waved hello to her.

To her disappointment, after he finished greeting, he turned and walked to the administration building.

She clearly saw that the direction he was going to walk was the side of the commissary just now, and then she walked to the side of the administration building after seeing herself.

What a far-fetched pace.

The administrative building is where the school works, and only the students of this school will go there.

You can't go to the dean for tea!

She looked at his lonely back with resentment, while comforting herself in her heart, "Isn't seeing him enough? You should be satisfied, you..."

After the last contact with her, Ding Feng really didn't dare to provoke her anymore.

Facing a beautiful woman who is passionate about you and is very proactive and bold, it is really difficult for him to resist. The best way is to avoid contact with her as much as possible.

As the saying goes, "the most difficult to bear the favor of a beauty", she is a beauty, and she has no kindness to him, but she has feelings, so it should be "the most difficult to bear the favor of a beauty".

After making sure to leave her sight, Ding Feng looked around. There was only the administrative building here, and there was no exit to the outside of the school.

The only reason he can think of for coming here is probably:

Looking for tea with the dean?
The most coincidental thing is that he was really noticed by Dean Yang, who happened to be basking in the sun on the balcony of the dean's room upstairs, and called him up.

If Li Ruoshui knew, he would be too surprised to speak.

How is it so coincidental?
Ding Feng thought so.

In the following period of time, Ding Feng met that girl many times:
First, I went to the administrative building and happened to be called up by Dean Yang to drink tea that night. He and his team members went to the leisure street of the e-sports academy to drink tea. It happened that Li Ruoshui passed by them and saw him. He had no choice but to invite her to take a seat. .

She didn't refuse, and sat beside him.

Ding Feng only knew her name when she was introducing herself.

Her name is very artistic, called Li Ruoshui.

But her rank in the game puts the other team members to shame except for Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen. She is actually the top twenty masters in the national server.

This position is much higher than Yuchen and the others, and it is top-notch in many college teams, but in a crowded place like Shanghai E-sports Academy, this position is not enough to enter the school team.

The main force of the school team of Shanghai E-sports Academy is even a substitute, and they are all ranked among the kings, and they are still high among the kings.

And last year's winner of the domestic rookie title is the current school team captain of the Shanghai E-sports Academy, currently ranked third among the national server kings.

Of course, this does not mean that his strength ranks third in the country. After all, in addition to the national server, there are also the Asian region and the world region. Many domestic professional players are mixed in the Asian region, and the national server is rarely played.

The most powerful group only played in the world area.

For example, Mo Qingchen.

Such a high-ranking stunning beauty made all the team members very excited. The bottom lane team was quite shy, and they didn't even dare to say a word during the whole process. Yuchen and Dongyuan, the two beasts, were happy to see Lie, and their words were more than usual More, trying my best to make the beauty amused.

However, they soon discovered that the beautiful woman chatted with them out of politeness, and more attention was paid to Ding Feng.

Although her movements were very subtle, they could still see it.

Fengshen's beauty is not shallow!
Within a few days of coming here, she has attracted such a beautiful woman who is no less than Ye Qingxue.

This is the voice of the team members.

Even Mo Qingchen was a little envious.

The team members were indeed jealous and very jealous, but they were not surprised.

Since it's Mr. Lu, it's really not surprising that there are some beautiful fans in China.

Of course, there must not be many whose quality can reach the level of Li Ruoshui. After all, even if such a stunning beauty is placed in China with a large population base, I am afraid that there will be few who can match her.

Ye Qingxue is one of them!
Li Ruoshui left shortly after sitting down. Although she really wanted to stay with him, even if she didn't say a word, she was willing to stay by his side, but she also saw that he had nothing to say to her, and she also knew that she appeared If it affected their conversation, they left first because they had other things.

She's still a little lost.

This was the third time seeing Li Ruoshui and the second contact with her.

The next morning, Ding Feng saw Li Ruoshui sitting by the canteen again.

The breeze is refreshing, and the sun is beautiful.

She looked at him with a smile and waved her hand as a greeting.

This time he didn't hide, came to sit down opposite her, and said casually, "Do you like coming here for tea?"

"Suddenly I want to come here, the scenery is not bad." She smiled softly and said softly, "Do you want something to drink?"

"No, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first." He shook his head slightly, stood up without saying hello, and walked out without looking back.

She was very lost.

Looking at his back, she really wanted to follow him and walk quietly with him for a while, but she also knew that this was all she could think about.

Until his figure disappeared from sight, she came back to her senses and whispered: "Seeing you, even the scenery and mood are different..."

For a while after that, she could no longer wait for him to appear.

But she didn't know that every time he wanted to go out, as soon as he saw her sitting there alone through the window on the floor, he put out the idea of ​​going out.

She sits for a whole day.

He believes that time is poison and the best antidote.

He also believed that she was only temporarily lost, and would soon be forgotten, as if they had never seen each other...

What he doesn't know is that time can make people forget, but also make people more profound.

Many things vary from person to person.

Until the day he left Shanghai, he could still see her by the canteen, and she knew he was waiting for her.

She smiled and waved to him, her beautiful face full of hope.

He waved his hand, but left without looking back.

She was left with a sad face.

(End of this chapter)

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