The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 339 Asian High School League

Chapter 339 Asian High School League
Tell me about this national competition.

The first is the battle for the top eight places in the national competition. The Hong Kong International Chinese University team ranked seventh and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University team ranked eighth were unexpectedly replaced by other two strong teams. This ending is similar to last year's The National College League is the same.

The difference is that there were as many as three teams that were dismissed last year, but this year there are only two of them.

The strength of the challenger and the challenged party are equal. In the early stage, they played back and forth. In the middle stage, there were various anxiety, but in the later stage, the challenger was better.

In the end, the challengers narrowly beat the challenged 2:1, directly advanced to the quarter-finals in the second week of the national competition, and got tickets to the Asian University League.

Then came the quarter-final qualifying match in the second week of the national competition. The Jiangling Science and Technology School team, which had been unstoppable in the city and provincial leagues, was completely at a disadvantage in this competition.

Facing the powerful five major e-sports institutes, the three teams with strong online abilities were all suppressed in the early stage. In the middle and late stages, the gap between detail handling and team battle awareness is even more obvious.

Without any suspense, Jiangling Technology lost in the competition with the five major e-sports institutes, and even lost badly. In the end, they only got 2 points.

According to the BO2 competition system, a win is 1 point.

That is to say, Jiangling Technology only won two games in the top eight qualifying matches of the national competition, played a total of 14 times, and the winning rate was only a pitiful 14.2%.

And the only 2 points were obtained from the two weakest teams that were newly promoted. The process was quite difficult, and one of them relied on the late cooperation of Yuchen and Dongyuan to come back.

This result surprised the audience, but it also showed that Jiangling Technology did not enter the top eight relying on the votes of the majority of players and the concessions of other school teams, but did have this strength.

2 points seems to be very few, but it also ranked seventh in the country.

This year's national competition finally ended with the Shanghai E-sports Academy winning the championship.


The day after the national competition ended, the Jiangling Technology team set off for the venue of the Asian University League with other teams that qualified together.

Busan, South Korea.

Busan is a big shopping paradise for Chinese tourists. There are often reports in domestic news. Many Chinese people’s perception of Busan is basically based on such reports. It is said that a large number of Chinese tourists flock to Busan in a certain season every year. Enter the shopping malls in Busan and snap up goods like crazy.

If you rush to buy, you can buy it quickly, but some Chinese tourists even fight for shopping, which makes the majority of Chinese compatriots puzzled and even more disgusted.

After the Jiangling Science and Technology team arrived in Busan, it was too late to feel the charm of this 'shopping paradise', so they threw themselves into intense training.

After the top eight qualifying matches of the national competition, the players deeply felt the huge gap between them and the real strong teams, and that was still in China, and there were more and stronger foreign strong teams.

The pressure on them can be imagined, even the jungler Yuchen and the top laner Duoyuan, who will not be playing in the future, dare not be idle for a moment.

The Asian University League, as the name suggests, is able to participate in this competition are university teams from various Asian countries that have experienced many selections and stand out. Top e-sports academies and university teams from South Korea, China, Japan, India, Thailand, Singapore and other Asian countries will compete here. Decide male and female.

There are more than 30 participating teams in the Asian University League, among which there are eight teams from China, only four from South Korea, three from Japan, two from India, Singapore, and Thailand, and the rest The country has only one poor one.

This kind of quota allocation has been used since the start of the International College League. Even though many countries and players now feel that China is not qualified to win so many quotas, the organizers do not know what to consider and still insist on this quota allocation.

Not to mention other things, in fact, Chinese players don't want to have so many places. After all, except for the top three e-sports academy, other teams are basically beaten in the Asian University League.

Isn't it a joke to find someone to abuse?
Like the national competition, the Asian University League also adopts the group arena system, but because there are not many participating teams and there is plenty of time for the competition, each game will be played on the stage.

Before the start of the competition, there is another link in the 'ring competition system'.

Global voting!

Through the votes of players around the world, the "preparatory" top eight of this league will be selected, and then they will accept challenges from other colleges and universities on the stage.

If you win you keep your spot, if you lose you get replaced.

This kind of voting only lasts for one day, and the time is very short, but it is enough for the extremely popular Asian High School League, not to mention that the combination of Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen makes this year's High School League more suspenseful , Attracting a lot of attention is the reward for voting, players will not miss it.

As long as you cast all four tickets in your hand, you will receive 200 gold coins.

200 gold coins, which is almost equivalent to the harvest of 3 match victories, and now you only need to tap four times and vote for your favorite team to receive it.

This is completely free.

Before the opening of the global voting channel, countless players were waiting in front of the computer or holding their mobile phones, ready to vote for their favorite team as soon as possible.

It was midnight when the global voting channel was opened, but within a few minutes of opening, countless votes had already been distributed to each participating team. But it soon calmed down.

"The global voting channel is open. I don't know if we can directly enter the quarter-finals reserve team."

Even though it was late at night, all the participating teams had no intention of falling asleep at this moment. They were all paying attention to the voting this time, and wanted to know the situation of their team's votes as soon as possible.

Every team is nervous!

Given a choice, no one would be willing to be the challenger.

Compared with the participating teams from other countries, the Chinese participating teams are much more relaxed.

There is no way, there are too many people, and they will be willful.

At least the top four Chinese teams in the National Competition think so. After all, as the most promising team for Chinese players, the 4 tickets in the hands of Chinese players will generally be shared among them.

China not only has a lot of people, but also a lot of netizens and gamers, there are guaranteed to be hundreds of millions of them, and if there is no accident, most of these tickets belong to them.

Those who will throw out the precious tickets are, after all, a minority.

In the international college leagues in previous years, the Chinese teams always took the lead in the number of votes, so what they care about is not whether they can make it into the top eight, but where they rank in the top eight.

Before the results come out, who can know.

(End of this chapter)

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