The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 346 The Prince's Extreme EQ Flash

Chapter 346 The Prince's Extreme EQ Flash

The two sides fought each other for a while, and finally the poodle was defeated, so it could only dodge and escape through the wall. Although the prince did dodge, he didn't dare to chase too deeply.

At this time, the upper and middle lanes of the purple square had disappeared, and they were approaching the prince. However, the prince's EQ second company had improved at this time, and there were still flashes on his body, so he was not afraid.

The upper and middle lanes of the blue side are also coming. In the end, the Tsar and Dashu didn't get the prince, but they got together with the sword girl and Kassadin who rushed over on both sides of the wild area.

Compared with the two battlefields, it is natural that the big tree is easier to grasp. After all, the czar has two stages of displacement, so the prince rushed up without any hesitation.

Dashu was fighting with Daomei behind the wall of triangular grass on the road, Dashu retreated while fighting, Daomei tried to keep Dashu again.

Soon the prince came, and the EQ Erlian rushed towards the big tree, and the tree hurriedly flashed in the direction of the first tower, so the prince and Daomei could only give up.

This wave earned two flashes.

Big money!

At 8 minutes into the game, the prince has reached level six.

off the road.

Bron's Q hit Thresh, triggering a wave of bloodbaths between the two sides. Lucian and Bron were superior. Wheel Mom and Thresh quickly lost their blood.

At this moment, a golden question mark appeared above the heads of the two of them, and then a brutal figure jumped out of the darkness and rushed towards the bloody mother of the wheel.

At this time, Wheel Mom and Thresh not only lost their dual skills, but their life-saving skills were also cooling down, and there was no way to limit the poodle's assassination.

The prince has arrived, but it seems to be a bit late.

There was still a short distance away, and the prince stepped forward directly with EQ Erlian, and then handed over Flash, unexpectedly picking up the poodle and flying it into the air.

Defensive tower lock poodle...

Mother Wheel and Thresh retreated to a safe distance after the poodle was picked up, and were about to turn around and output. After the poodle landed, it flashed decisively and took Mother Wheel away, but was hooked by Thresh.

The prince originally wanted to go big to keep the poodle, but he gave up after judging that Thresh could hit the hook, and turned to go big to frame Lucian and Bron, who hadn't had time to retreat in the future.

Lucian E used the range of his big move and turned around to output. At the moment Bron fell down, Lucian chose to retreat. The prince continued to chase, and Lucian dodged and fled.

As for the poodle, it died the next second after being hooked by Thresh.

During the period from when the poodle entered the arena until it was hooked by Thresh, it has been taking damage from the defensive towers, so it's no wonder it didn't die.

One wave for two.

"Take back the situation strongly, Mr. Lu 666..."

"Prince's EQ flash is known as one of the most difficult operations in LOL. Mr. Lu has not only used it, but also has such a limit, it's too powerful..."

"When I watched the game before and saw the operation of the prince's EQ flashing, the commentator said at the time that this was one of the most difficult operations in LOL. I didn't believe it at the time. Isn't it just EQ and then flashing, but after that I tried many times. It's really hard to find out, as hard as Yasuo's EQ flash..."

"The most difficult thing is the geometric barrel of the wine barrel..."

"... "

The audience originally thought that this wave of poodles would win a double kill and then flashed away, but it turned out that the poodles were at a loss, and they were full of praise, praising Mr. Lu's EQ flash.

The prince's EQ flash is indeed the limit.

At that distance, many viewers felt that it was a bit far away, but they did not expect it to be successful.

Then the prince went to the middle lane to gank again, but he caught the opportunity. Unfortunately, the czar appeared in front of him, and he escaped with a trace of blood in the end.

The Tsar ran away, but he also lost a large wave of soldiers.

The purple side seems to be in a mess, but it doesn't give the blue side much advantage. This is good news for the purple side, at least it won't be beaten as badly as the previous one.

Push the line of troops under the tower, and the prince and Kassadin return to the city.

Kassadin didn't go to the middle road after going out, but followed the prince to the top road quickly.

The prince went to the triangle grass on the road from the EQ second company of Dalongkeng, intending to grab the big tree directly, but just happened to meet the poodle coming, and Kassadin went through the wall without thinking.


With a flick of the E skill, the poodle was slowed down.

Seeing this, the Tsar, who was rushing to the line, and Dashu, who was on the road, rushed over immediately.

The support of Daomei is faster.

The poodle who did not flash fell quickly, and at this time Dashu and the Tsar had arrived on the battlefield, and the assistant Braum followed them.

The poodle knew that he was going to die when Kassadin kept him, so he went all out to wipe out a lot of Kassadin's blood, allowing his teammates to find a chance.

With Bron joining, it's still three-on-three.

Kassadin was killed by the rushing tree and the czar, and then the czar accidentally moved and was picked up by the prince.

In other words, the prince's EQ Erlian is too precise.

At this time, Dashu's control was fully handed over, and Daomei ignored Dashu's obstruction and rushed directly to the Tsar. The Tsar without a big move could not escape the pursuit of these two people at all.

As for Bron, Q was the prince's Q hit, but no one helped him make up the basic attack, and he was passive until the end and didn't hit it.

The top shield of E skill can't resist the damage of two melee to the czar.

Braum's only usefulness in this wave is probably to throw a useless big gun, which just blocked the footsteps of Xia Daomei, but failed to save the czar.

With the death of the Tsar, Bron was also in a desperate situation.

At this time, the big tree with improved skills tied up the prince, and Daomei continued to chase Bron, and successfully killed him in the grass by the high ground.

One for three!

When Thresh arrived, the battle was over.

The bloody prince returned to the city after clearing the upper half of the wild area on the purple side, and went straight to the little dragon when he went out, and successfully captured the first little dragon.

With such a great advantage and such a perfect state, under such a premise, since the prince has come to the bottom lane, he has no intention of leaving just like that.

This is also a style of Ding Feng's jungler.

Don't give it a chance.

The bot line entered the tower. Lucian and Blooming knew that the prince was going down the roost, and they might encircle him, but they didn't retreat. It seemed that they had something to rely on.

At this time, it was not a good choice for the prince to give up the empress, so he followed Mother Wheel and Thresh to point to the tower, while using his position to persuade Lucian and Bron to retreat.

This behavior is obviously trying to force the behavior to establish an advantage in the bottom lane.

This style of play is often used by top Korean professional teams, and it has been tried and tested without success. However, not everyone dares to imitate it. The reason why Korean teams dare to do this is because they have confidence and confidence.

You can also use it if you have it.

But do you have it?
Looking at the prince's appearance, it seemed that he would not leave until the tower was demolished. The purple side couldn't bear it, and their disadvantage was not too great. It was hard to say who would win, so they didn't intend to let go of this opportunity.

The big tree teleports behind...

Poodle opens up big…

(End of this chapter)

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