The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 347 Strong Suppression

Chapter 347 Strong Suppression
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Seeing that the opponent was about to start a group, Mother Wheel let out a battle roar and ran quickly towards the river. The prince poked his eyes in the grass on the wall and then faced the dryad.

Knife girl sent...

The prince's EQ second company picked up the tree spirit, and the tree spirit had been suppressed by the sword girl after the first wave handed over the flash. The development was not very good, so the prince chose to focus on the fire tree spirit first.

The dryad is quite fleshy after being enlarged, even if it is set on fire by the three of Wheel Mom, Prince, and Thresh, it will not be able to kill him for a while, and the poodle has already driven over.

Lucian, Bron, and Tsar wanted to join the battle circle, but they were blocked by the sword girl who just teleported over, so they had to gather fire sword girl first.

When the poodle jumped out of the darkness, Kassadin just arrived at the battlefield, and appeared in the battle circle with a long-distance jump.

At this time, the prince abandoned Wheel Mom and others, and went to the front to help Daomei.

A large-scale team battle was divided into two battlefields.

The poodle was killed by Kassadin after assassinating the wheel mother. On the contrary, the big tree is still very strong, but it is useless no matter how fleshy it is. He lacks output and is not enough to kill Thresh and Kassadin who are in good condition. Retreat back to help the middle and lower three on the side who were devastated by Daomei and the prince.

Lucian was quickly killed by Daomei, but Daomei was also disabled. After retreating back, she took the initiative to face the tree.

Although Daomei's blood volume is not much, she has a strong recovery ability. The damage of this big tree really can't pose a big threat to her. On the contrary, her real damage poses a greater threat to the big tree.

After the Tsar opened up, he was already close to the defensive tower. Although his HP was crippled, the prince could not pass through the wall of his ultimate move to kill him.

But before the Tsar could be complacent, Kassadin flashed his big move and got close to him, and the set immediately gave him a second.

And Kassadin accidentally entered the range of the defensive tower when killing the Tsar, and was killed by Braum's Q after taking damage from the defensive tower.

Why is Braum's Q damage so high?
Kassadin was surprised by this.

The big tree that was set on fire first persisted to the end, but was chased to death afterwards.

Two for four!
For the poodle, the most regrettable thing about this wave is that Kassadin was not taken away, otherwise the czar would not have to die later, then this wave is just three for four, which is acceptable.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Then the prince led the bottom lane team to the top lane, intending to take advantage of the enemy's lack of defense to directly pull out the outer tower of the top lane, and Kassadin in the middle lane also disappeared.

Looking at this sign, the purple team quickly knew the blue team's intentions and rushed to the road to support the defense, but when they rushed to the road, they found that Kassadin and Daomei suddenly appeared in the middle.

Is this hide and seek?

Kassadin didn't appear in the middle lane before. They thought that Kassadin was rushing to the top lane to support, but they didn't expect that Kassadin not only went to the middle lane, but also the sword girl who was in the bottom lane.

It was too late to defend in the middle and was quickly pulled out.

A mistake in decision-making caused the purple side to lose an important mid-lane defense tower in vain.

The middle and lower pawn lines have already pushed through at this time, and Kassadin and Daomei turned to rush up. At this time, the purple side has no plan to keep the first tower on the road.

Just let it go.

So far, all the outer towers of the purple side three roads have been pulled out.

However, after learning this wave of lessons, the purple side became more cautious, which blocked the blue side's next expansion.

Although the purple side got a chance to breathe, the whole situation was very passive. All the dragons were lost, and the blue side took up more than half of the resources in the wild area, and the field of vision could not be extended.

At 10 minutes into the game, Prince and Daomei appeared in the bottom lane, easily killed the big tree that pushed the line too deep, and then quickly pulled out the inner tower in the bottom lane.

The so-called pushing the line too deep is just to clear the line after pushing the line out of the defense tower, but the prince and Daomei found the opportunity.

The most important thing is that the vision of the purple side cannot be done.

The eye positions in some key positions were basically removed after a short period of time.

If the last game was due to lack of understanding of the opponent, and the blind man was lucky in the early stage, got too many kills and brought up the rhythm, which made them less than 10 minutes, then this round they are really Feel the strength of Jiangling Technology.

It felt like facing a strong Korean team.

Mo Qingchen's style of play itself has a Korean style, while Mr. Lu's operation and awareness are very strong, and his style of play is even more brutal. The combination of the two really made them feel unprecedented pressure.

Based on their judgment, I am afraid that even the Tokyo E-Sports Academy is not so strong.

When the prince and Daomei were killing the big tree, Wheel Mom and Thresh, who were pushing the line on the road, were also caught by the poodle, Bron and Lucian.

Killing the two easily, the purple side regained a little disadvantage.

In this wave, the blue side lost a bit.

But soon, the prince and Daomei went to the middle lane to cross the tower again, and successfully killed the czar under the tower, forcibly reversing the 'loss' of the bottom lane combination being killed in the top lane.

It doesn't make sense.

When Prince EQ crossed the wall and was seen by the Tsar, the Tsar was greeted with a block, and then Daomei came from behind. This was the kill this time.

The damage done by these two people was too high, how could the Tsar, known as the 'crispy chicken', resist it.

If the prince and Daomei hadn't come over, they would have been able to pull out the inner tower in the lower lane, or even directly go up to the high ground, but now they can only pull out the inner tower in the middle lane.

Just in time, the pawn line arrived under the tower.

However, this tower has basically never been touched, and it is almost full of blood. No matter how fast the prince and Daomei tap the tower, it is impossible to pull it out in a short time. Of course, the two of them never thought about pulling out the tower.

It's a click if you can click it.

After killing Lu Zima and Thresh, the three on the purple side rushed to the middle road non-stop, just in time to prevent the prince and Daomei from pushing down the second tower in the middle road.

This is good news.

At this point in the game, the prince and Daomei have turned into big bosses, and the equipment that leads the audience is extremely terrifying in their hands.

After a short period of peace, the blue team easily took down the third dragon, and then went straight down the road in a group.

Seeing their menacing approach, Zifang didn't even dare to guard the second tower on the next road, and retreated directly to the high ground.

But, is the high ground really safe?

The two sides confronted each other on the lower road for a long time. After two waves of soldiers, seeing that they could no longer defend, the back row of the purple team hurriedly retreated, and the big tree and Bron in the front row reluctantly blocked the front, with a look of fear. Cowardly, even they are not sure whether they can resist the opponent's attack.

But what can be done?

With the current situation, if the high ground falls, I'm afraid I won't even be able to go out, and I can only take one step at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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