The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 350 Because I Love You

Chapter 350 Because I Love You

When he came to the only vacant seat beside Li Ruoshui and sat down, Ding Feng first glanced at the other men at the table, then looked at her, and asked casually, "Why did you come to Busan?"

This is a bit knowingly asking.

She looked at him with a smile, an inexplicable look flashed in her eyes, and said softly: "Apart from coming here to watch someone's game, what else do you think attracts me in Busan?"

It is self-evident who someone is.

This is straightforward.

Ding Feng didn't answer, but asked, "Did you come here alone?"

"Well, yes." His bland reaction made her smile, a little disappointed, and nodded with a smile.

He continued: "If someone wanted you to go back, would you go back?"

He is really worried about her sitting here alone every night. Now Busan is hosting the Asian High School League. A large number of tourists and fans are pouring into Busan. There are people from all over the world. There are mixed fish and dragons. good time.

After all, as long as a safe period of time passes after committing a crime, nothing will happen if you leave with the flow of people. It is impossible for the Busan government to stop all tourists from leaving because of one case.

And with Li Ruoshui's external conditions, it is indeed too tempting to commit crimes. In such a special period, the dark side of some people may be exposed because of her.

What's more, she would sit alone in the same place every day, and would stay until late at night, leaving too many opportunities for people to take advantage of. Even as long as she was careful about committing crimes, nothing would happen afterwards.

Among other things, among the few men who stayed beside her, none of them had a kind face. When they first saw her coming, they all showed fierce eyes.

Obviously threatening him!
Therefore, he is going to persuade her to leave now.

It is best to persuade her to return home.

Her purpose for coming here is obvious, and she is a bit stubborn. If she doesn't return to China and comes here alone every night, something will happen sooner or later.

It is impossible for him to come here to accompany her every day. After all, his attitude towards her is to avoid her if he can, but since he cannot avoid it, the most ideal way is to persuade her to return to the country. Only in this way can he feel at ease.

He believes that she will listen to him, but the problem is that if he persuades her to leave as her sweetheart, then he must first change his attitude towards her.

How difficult!
He is very distressed.

"If he really cares about me so much, I will go back." She nodded seriously, and then added: "Do you think he really thinks so?"

She knew why he wanted to go back so much, it was just because he was worried that he would not be safe here alone, but there is a police station nearby, and because it is an extraordinary period, there are often police patrolling the area, and the owner of this milk tea shop is a Chinese.

He may not know these things, and she didn't point them out.

"Are you going back or not?" He looked at her fixedly, with anger flashing in his eyes.

He was mad at this woman.

When she met his gaze, she was startled and turned her head away.

She believed that as long as she said 'no', he might not get angry with her, but he might walk away. This is not what she wanted, so she could only whisper aggrievedly: "Back!"

In her eyes, there was a flash of crystal.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily: "Why are you bothering, why do you want to humiliate yourself like this, I have a girlfriend, it is impossible to be with you."

This was the first time he had spoken to her so bluntly.

He didn't want to go on like this, it was better to speak clearly.

"I know it will be difficult for you, but I can't control myself." She mustered up her courage, bit her lip and said softly, "Because I love you."

His heart skipped a beat at those words.

He looked at her fixedly, and said helplessly: "I hope you have your own life, do you understand what I mean?"

It seemed that because of saying what she had kept in her heart for a long time, she felt more at ease. She forced a smile and nodded, "I understand. I'll listen to you. I'll go back tomorrow."

"En!" He nodded, but fell silent. She looked at him fixedly, hoping to hear what he said, but he didn't say anything.

She wanted to let him go shopping with her, and even hoped that he would take her to the airport tomorrow, but when the words came out of her mouth, it turned into, "I'll go back first."

He just gave an 'um', but didn't express anything. She stood up in great disappointment, glanced at him, and left with disappointment.

Turning his head three times a step, he sat there motionless.

He did this because he didn't want to leave her with any thoughts. He admitted that Li Ruoshui, who was so infatuated, was indeed beautiful, but so what?
After a long time, he stood up without interest, first glanced back at the direction she left, and then went back to the hotel without looking back.

Not far away, she stopped and looked at his leaving back until he completely disappeared from sight.

The night is sultry, the hateful falling flowers are deliberate, and the flowing water is ruthless!
She was absent-minded for a long time, and then left with a sigh...

After Ding Feng returned to the hotel, he put this matter behind him. He still has a lot of things to do next.

Facing so many strong teams, he is not without pressure.

The main reason is the shortcomings of the middle and bottom lanes. As the main output position of the team, their performance cannot be compared with these strong teams. If his rhythm cannot be brought up, then it will be difficult to play. Fortunately, Mo Qingchen is good at It is a violent top laner who can limit the opponent's output.

Of course, there is pressure, but it's not a big problem.

The only ones who can make him feel pressure are the two major e-sports academy teams in South Korea. As long as they can understand them thoroughly, then this year's international college league championship will be guaranteed.

It was late at night.

Ding Feng returned to the room, closed the door and turned on the computer. After studying the games of the two major e-sports colleges in Korea for more than an hour, he climbed into bed and began to exercise his 'power'.

He didn't fall asleep until he was too tired to move.

In the next two days, discussions on the Asian College League were very hot on the Internet. Players focused on whether Jiangling Technology could beat the two major e-sports institutes in South Korea.

This is also the most curious point of this Asian University League. If Gangneung Technology can defeat the two major e-sports institutes in South Korea, it will not only win the championship of the Asian University League, but also the championship of the International University League will fall to Gangneung The hand of technology, there is almost no doubt about it.

After all, last year's international college league championship and runner-up were won by the two major e-sports academies in South Korea. Although there are many strong teams this year, there are very few teams that can beat them.

No one doubts the strength of Mr. Lu and Mo Qingchen, but the shortcomings of the middle and bottom lanes are indeed a big problem. The disadvantages of the middle and bottom lanes were not obvious in the previous game, but the opponents were too weak to be exposed.

Once exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.

How will Mr. Lu respond then?

The audience is curious.

(End of this chapter)

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