The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 351 Points Competition

Chapter 351 Points Competition
A new week is coming soon.

On Monday, it was the first day of qualifying for the quarter-finals of the Asian College League, and this week's game schedule was announced online as early as Saturday night.

Today's first game is Shanghai E-sports Academy vs. New Delhi E-sports Academy.

The online assessment of these two teams is that their strengths are comparable. The main basis for the assessment is that the New Delhi Esports Academy defeated the University of Mumbai team. The University of Mumbai ranked ninth in the international university league last year, although they lost to Shanghai Esports. Academy, but there is not much difference in strength between them.

Of course, this is just speculation, after all, the two sides have not played against each other.

Which one is strong and which one is weak, you will only know when you fight.

Although Ding Feng has not done in-depth research on these two teams, he has a little understanding of them. He is more optimistic about the Shanghai E-sports Academy, knowing that this is a very resilient team, while the New Delhi E-sports Academy has been established for too short a period of time. There are often mistakes in the late game.

That's deadly for a game.

first round:

In the first 6 minutes of the game, there was basically no friction between the two sides. After that, the junglers of the two sides began to confront each other. The gank efficiency of the jungler of the Shanghai E-sports Academy was higher, and some advantages in the early stage were established, and they accumulated little by little, and continued to expand. Advantage, defeated the opponent in less than three 10 minutes...

To win the game so easily, it shouldn't be!
The audience was amazed, but more puzzled.

When the schedule was announced, many spectators went to watch the match at the New Delhi E-Sports Academy. It was indeed very strong, and it seemed to be stronger than the Shanghai E-Sports Academy.

But the result...

But this is only the first round, and it is too early to draw conclusions.

Second round:

The New Delhi E-sports Academy changed the style of the game, and just 5 minutes into the game, they won the first blood of the enemy's top lane. The subsequent ganks were also quite effective. At 9 minutes, the support started to follow the jungler Let's go, and continue to expand our advantages under the Nosuke Shuangyou.

The Shanghai E-sports Academy did not adapt to the enemy's rhythm in the early stage, and gradually stabilized the situation until the mid-term, while the New Delhi E-sports Academy also slowed down the pace of aggression after gaining a certain advantage. During the stable development of time.

When the development was almost complete, the Shanghai E-sports Academy found an opportunity to counterattack, and just a wave of large-scale team battles brought back all the previous disadvantages.

At this time, the audience could see that the New Delhi E-sports Academy didn't seem to be very adapted to the rhythm of the later stage, and the team battles in the later stage were not handled very well.

In this wave, the New Delhi E-sports Academy made a lot of mistakes.

After this wave, the Shanghai E-sports Academy showed momentum, and won the next two waves of team battles with the advantage of one more player surviving, so they took down the opponent's defensive towers one after another.

The disadvantages of the defensive towers in the early stage were all reversed.

But then the Shanghai E-sports academy's big dragon fight was robbed by the New Delhi e-sports academy. Although they killed three opponents, their momentum to break the road was stopped.

Not only that, the New Delhi E-sports Academy also relied on the dragon's economy and BUFF to forcibly break the middle lane of the Shanghai E-sports Academy.

Dalong ruins his life!

"This wave of fighting big dragons really shouldn't be. The junglers of the New Delhi E-sports Academy are known for being good at grabbing dragons..."

"The big dragon ruined his life, the high ground was broken all the way, it's hard to fight..."

"It feels like it's going to be leveled..."

"The New Delhi E-sports Academy is a late-stage lineup, and the core equipment has been produced. Now the Shanghai E-sports Academy can only pray that the opponent makes a major mistake..."

"... "

Things have come to this point, and the audience has begun to look down on the Shanghai E-sports Academy.

But not long after, the mid laner of the Shanghai E-sports Institute caught the enemy's AD's positioning error, and took away a set of bursts, and broke the enemy's bottom lane high ground with this.

Call back again!
With the containment of the super soldiers in the bottom lane, the pressure on the middle lane of the Shanghai E-sports Academy was relieved, and they won the final victory in the next two waves of perfect team battles.

The game freezes at 45 minutes!

The Shanghai E-sports Academy got 2 points, and the New Delhi E-sports Academy got none.

This result was a bit unexpected for the audience at the beginning, but after watching two games, it is not surprising that the two teams are indeed of equal strength.

The two teams left the stage, and the next ones to play are Tokyo Esports Academy and Incheon Esports Academy. They ranked sixth and fifth respectively in last year's International University League.

It can be regarded as quite powerful!
The lineup of the Incheon E-Sports Academy is the same as last year, the only difference is the substitute, while the top laner of the Tokyo E-Sports Academy has been replaced by a Japanese player who only plays Hanbok.

This Japanese player is said to have been in the top ten of the kings in the Korean server, and his strength is quite strong, but I don't know if his joining will bring good luck to the team.

The game is on...

The two teams played quite anxiously in the two games, but in the end they finished the game 1:1, and both sides scored 1 point.

Then came the match between Busan E-Sports Academy and Seoul National University. These two teams ranked second and fourth respectively in South Korea. The gap in strength can be said to be huge.

These two teams have fought against each other for two rounds in the semi-final qualifying match of the Korean national competition, and the Busan E-sports Academy won with a huge advantage.

And these two rounds were no exception. Busan E-Sports Academy won all games and scored 2 points.

Current score:

Shanghai E-sports Academy and Busan E-sports Academy tied for first place, both scored 2 points;
The 1:1 tie between Tokyo E-sports Academy and Incheon E-sports Academy tied for second place;

The completely defeated New Delhi E-sports Academy and Seoul National University are temporarily at the bottom;
And the next game is the most anticipated game today, or the most anticipated game this week.

The two sides of the battle are the strongest dark horse Jiangling Technology and the first school team in South Korea, the Seoul E-sports Academy.

The audience is looking forward to what kind of sparks these two teams can create.

"It's finally started, I'm looking forward to it!"

"If we can beat the Seoul E-Sports Academy, then Jiangling Technology is expected to win the championship of this year's International College League. I'm so excited, Jiangling Technology, come on..."

"Last year's Seoul E-Sports Academy claimed to be the strongest college team in history, and won the championship of the International College League last year with a complete victory. Although this year's Seoul E-Sports Academy has undergone a major reshuffle, it seems that it is not much worse than last year on the whole, but less Last year's rookie Wang Li Ruihao should be weaker..."

"Last year, the leader of the Seoul E-Sports Academy was the rookie Wang Li Ruihao. This kid is a little too strong. Last year's college team was bloodbathed by him. It's a pity that he didn't come this year. He went to play in the professional league. Although the new jungler Strong, but much worse than Li Ruihao..."

"... "

Speaking of the Seoul E-Sports Academy, the first thing many viewers think of is Li Ruihao who left the team to play in professional leagues.

Li Ruihao, South Korea's well-deserved rookie king last year.

If there were several contenders of comparable strength for the Korean Rookie King trophy in the past, then Li Ruihao was the only one who qualified for this trophy last year.

He is even the only candidate for this trophy.

He was also the captain of the Seoul Esports Academy team last year.

The audience who watched the International College League last year still can't forget Li Ruihao's kingly appearance last year, how majestic he was last year, as if the applause from all over the world was prepared for him.

Unfortunately, he didn't come this year.

This game has almost attracted the attention of players from all over the world. Even European and American player audiences have given up on their own games to watch.

With the full expectation of players from all over the world, the game started.

(End of this chapter)

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