The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 353 The Impact of a Single Kill

Chapter 353 The Impact of a Single Kill

"I accept this wave, Mo Qingchen's crocodile really has nothing to say..."

"As expected of a signature hero, Qingchen's understanding of crocodiles is terrible. With so much blood, Gnar, how can he kill the opponent solo with the crocodile's equipment? The opponent is the king of Hanbok..."

"This Gnar is hard to fight. How long has it been? The double hand is gone, the last knife is behind, let the crocodile take a blood, and Qingchen's crocodile takes a blood. This is a terrible thing..."

"Qingchen has shown his power, and the rhythm of the Seoul E-sports Academy is going to be chaotic. If you don't catch the crocodile, Gnar will be difficult to play. A well-developed crocodile is a big boss in a team battle, but if you catch the crocodile, with Qingchen's operation It is difficult to catch and kill the consciousness, and the middle and lower roads can take this opportunity to develop steadily..."

"I don't know how the Seoul E-Sports Academy will respond..."

"... "

This wave of solo kills made the audience extremely excited.

It's too extreme!

Although Ding Feng was a little surprised, he didn't look up and rushed down the road without stopping.

The enemy has a chance to press down the lane.

As soon as Leopard Girl rushed to the bottom lane, the policewoman and Morgana, who were very aggressive on the line, kept backing away without warning, as if they realized that Leopard Girl would come at this time.

Leopard Girl didn't care either, and turned to leave.

With the protection of Morgana, it is really difficult to catch the bottom lane.

Morgana has imprisonment and magic immunity shield, and the policewoman has displacement. Unless there is a good opportunity, there is no way to keep these two people just by the wind girl's deceleration.


The crocodile on the road was pressing fiercely, but it was not a mindless pressure. Sometimes even if Gnar went up to touch the crocodile, the crocodile would only retreat a little and did not choose to pounce on it.

This made Gnar and the pig girl really feel good. The pig girl stayed on the road for a long time, but she never found a good opportunity. The only function was to deter the crocodile and make him not be too arrogant.

What is the role of the jungler?
It is not necessary to be able to catch the collapse all the way, but at least to ensure that the overall situation is relatively stable and balanced.

But now, the top road is unbalanced, so she will naturally help the top road more.

Who knows, this crocodile seems to be pressing fiercely, but when you think he will pounce on Nal and feel that the opportunity comes, he chooses to back off.

Pig girl can be sure that the crocodile has not seen where she is, but this is how the crocodile reacted, as if it had changed.


The leopard girl went around from the side of the purple square F4 to behind the czar.

At this time, the Czar's only displacement skill had been handed over when he exchanged blood with the enchantress, and only one displacement flashed on his body, and the chain of the enchantress was still hanging on his body.

Seeing that the second chain was about to be triggered, the Tsar decisively handed over his flash to the bushes with eyes on the right.

After flashing, he was imprisoned.

The leopard girl threw a spear from a distance, and then transformed into a pounce.

The damage is not low, and the czar who lost the remaining blood in seconds on the spot.

The pig girl who came after that easily took away the bloody enchantress, but stepped on the leopard girl's trap during the rush, and the leopard girl who killed the Tsar immediately turned around and flew away.

After some pursuit, Zhumei was stabbed to death by Leopard Girl's precise spear under a tower on her home road.

At the same time, two kill sound effects came from the bottom lane in succession.

It turned out that Wheel Mother and Feng Nu were killed.

The good news is that Morgana made a mistake in her position and was killed by the defense tower, and her head fell on Mother Wheel.

The combination of Morgana and the policewoman is really strong, and the skills of each other can cooperate very well. Once Morgana's Q hits, the policewoman's trap will definitely catch someone.

Such a combination was very popular in the past, but it is rarely seen now.

Taken out now, the effect seems to be pretty good.

Thresh can also cooperate with the policewoman. After the policewoman's E slows down, Thresh hooks it. Of course, this kind of cooperation is not suitable for targets with displacement.

These two combinations are currently only suitable for low-end game play routines.

High-end rounds won't make it easy for you to cooperate, and the reason why this wave can play a double kill effect is only caused by Morgana's flashing close-fitting Q.


off the road.

After clearing the river crabs, the leopard girl went straight into the grass in the river, but the two on the way down did not respond.

It seems that they didn't notice their arrival.

good chance!
The positions of the policewoman and Morgana are not at the front, but not at the front does not mean that there is no chance, because the leopard girl has successfully approached the two enemies.

'Ah! '

Wheel Mom's big move is on.

Leopard Girl got out of the grass, with the acceleration of Wheel Mom's big move, Leopard Girl quickly approached the opponent, facing Morgana, but threw Q to the policewoman walking in front.

The policewoman used E in time, but found that the Leopard girl's Q was predicted.

The prediction was very accurate.


The leopard girl turned into a leopard and pounced away. After completing a set of QE in an instant, she was immediately imprisoned in place by Morgana.

Imprisoned at the edge of the defense tower's attack range, Leopard Girl was not attacked by the defense tower.

After escaping from Leopard Girl's attack range, the policewoman got short, put a clip on Leopard Girl's feet, and was about to shoot back.

At this moment, a light and slender figure suddenly jumped out from behind the wall next to him, raised his hand and slapped the policewoman quickly with two palms.

Q, R, E
Then disappear.

At the same time as the enchantress disappeared, the policewoman fell down with an 'ah' sound.

Enchantress is so confident, of course, not to pretend to be aggressive, but because she was attacked by the defense tower and had to leave as soon as possible while still gaining side vision.

Then Morgana was killed by Leopard Girl under the tower.

Leopard Girl's damage was too high. The set of EQ that pounced on the policewoman before directly wiped out half of the policewoman's blood. Naturally, Morgana's crispy skin can't resist for long.

The reason why the policewoman and Morgana were so easily killed in this wave, apart from the help of the enchantress, is also the reason why the flashes of these two were handed over in the previous wave.

Gnar teleported before, but it was canceled after the policewoman was killed.

This wave of blue side made a lot of money.

The Tsar rushed over, and after poking Yao Ji a few times, he also took a set of skills from Yao Ji, but Yao Ji was too young and did not dare to fight him hard, so she climbed the wall and escaped.

The Tsar then went back to the middle.

The purple side's bottom lane tower was pushed down, and after pushing the pawn line over, Leopard Girl and the bottom lane combination chose to fight Xiaolong.

At this time, Gnar and Pig Girl are on the road to push the tower, and the crocodile has returned to the city after being beaten by the two just now.

The blood volume of the first tower on the road is still sufficient, and it is naturally impossible to push away only this little pawn line.

The three of them successfully took down Xiaolong.

Back to the city!

The economies of both sides have pulled apart.

The fact that Jiangling Technology gained an advantage so quickly really surprised the audience.

But when they thought about it carefully, they didn't feel so surprised.

The reason for the current situation can be said to be caused by Gnar being solo-killed, causing the jungler to spend too much time and energy on stabilizing the top lane situation, while Mr. Lu took advantage of this opportunity to catch and catch , relying on the extremely precise Q to make gank invincible.

Of course, the current gap is not obvious enough to explain anything.

(End of this chapter)

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