The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 354 The Slippery Leopard Girl

Chapter 354 The Slippery Leopard Girl

Leopard girl returned to the city, updated her equipment and went out again.

"Oh my god, looking at Leopard Girl's equipment, there is actually a murder book, Mr. Lu is too confident..." The Chinese male commentator who has always been paying attention to Leopard Girl's movements suddenly exclaimed.

When Chinese fans saw it, it was really a murder book.

"Mr. Lu, you are so confident..."

"In this year's professional arena, I often see Leopard Girl appearing on the stage, but rarely show a murder book. The only one is that Leopard Girl got a big advantage and was defeated by a murder book..."

"It doesn't matter who your opponent is, I think I will fight if I can. This is Mr. Lu..."

"This outfit, I'm convinced..."

"... "

The audience at the scene also noticed this, and the audience suddenly became excited.

Mr. Lu is probably the only one who dared to publish a murder book in the match against the Seoul E-Sports Academy. How could this not surprise the audience.

The members of other participating teams who were watching the game in the lounge were also very surprised. After all, publishing murder books is very attractive to hatred, and it is easy to be targeted by opponents, and this leopard girl is still the core of the team.

The core is targeted, isn't that more difficult to hit?
Mister Lu couldn't have made this piece of equipment just to attract the other party's attention, right?

If that's the case, then they have to admire his boldness as a master of arts.

After all, for both teams, this game is very critical.

And daring to produce such a risky equipment in such a critical round, what is the courage of a high-level artist?
If it was someone else, they could be considered overconfident.

But after watching so many games of Mr. Lu, they have already seen how terrifying Mr. Lu is, and they only think that he is a brave man with high skills.

Moreover, in their subconscious mind, this does not seem to be such an accident.

Already numb!


Leopard girl got into the upper half of the wild area when she went out, quickly cleared a wave of wilderness and rushed directly to the top road.

Jumped from Dalong Pit to the upper half wild area of ​​purple side, but did not directly enter the triangle grass, but waited for a while and then jumped through the wall to the side of the stone statue.

This action is obviously to jump over the tower.

Because of the defeat in the early stage, in order to ensure that he can match up normally, Gnar produced some armor and attacking short swords, but the magic resistance and blood volume were not high, basically growing naturally with the level, and then In addition to being a bit miserable being crushed by the crocodile, Gnar's current level is very low.

Two levels lower than crocodiles.

This kind of Gnar is too fragile for Leopard Girl, and it is a perfect choice for stacking murder books.

Little Gnar didn't have any control, and his anger was only a little bit. In this state, Gnar, as long as Leopard Girl's Q can hit the target, he will basically die.

Zhumei, who was in the upper half of the wild area, faintly realized that something would happen on the top road, and when she was about to rush to the top road, she found that the middle road was fighting against each other.

Is Leopard Girl in the middle?
Zhumei gave an alarm to Shanglu, and immediately turned to the middle road.

By the time Zhumei rushed to the middle, the Tsar had already been killed by Yaoji alone, but Yaoji's blood volume had bottomed out, and Zhumei killed Yaoji with a big move from a distance.

The scene where the enchantress single-handedly kills the czar is often staged in professional leagues.

In last year's S-Series Global Finals, the Czar of the European French King known as the "world's number one mid laner" was solo-killed twice in a row by a rookie mid laner, Enchantress.

For the Tsar, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Enchantress is Tianke.

This is a natural restraint in the hero mechanism, and it is basically impossible to make up for it from the limited strength gap.

This wave is also due to the tsar's overconfidence. The enchantress herself restrains the tsar, and he dares to fight hard with the enchantress. Isn't this courting death?
The Tsar beats the enchantress, and the normal development is the best result.

If you flirt with the enchantress, it must be the czar who loses.

At the same time that the pig girl killed the enchantress, Gnar was also killed by the leopard girl.

It was too late for Gnar to realize that the leopard girl was coming. Although he retreated in time and was not touched by the crocodile, the Q of this leopard girl was too precise and her burst was too high. 's hung up.

It's a good sign that he took a head just after the murder book was published.

Zhu Mei looked at Leopard Girl's equipment, and was surprised to find that Leopard Girl had published a murder book, and hurriedly reminded her teammates: "Be careful, Leopard Girl has published a murder book, don't give her a chance to stack it."

All the team members were startled, checked and nodded.

The game lasts to 10 minutes.

At this time, the leopard girl's equipment is very luxurious, and her level is even higher than that of the audience. Coupled with the kills and assists obtained by the previous two groups, the killing book has already stacked to ten layers.

This leopard girl is already a big boss.

I have to say that the team awareness of Seoul E-Sports Academy is very strong, and the team battle coordination is also perfect. In the previous two waves of team battles and encounters, even when a C position was seconded, they still killed several enemies .

Except for Leopard Girl, the other four members of the blue team died in these two waves of team battles.

Although relying on perfect teamwork to forcibly bring back the disadvantages of team battles time and time again, as long as the leopard girl can't be killed, Zi Fang will be at a loss.

They were all dirty by this leopard girl. In order to kill this leopard girl twice, they tried their best to kill the leopard girl, but not only failed to kill the leopard girl, but they were so beautiful by the leopard girl that they lost one person Later, the leopard girl was allowed to escape, and this leopard girl was simply a loach.

It's so slippery!
In the middle of the game, the upper and lower towers of the purple side have been broken, while the blue side only lost one tower on the road. This is also due to the fact that the pig girl often ganks the road.

This is the current head ratio, among which Leopard Girl has the most heads.

Already 6 heads.

Not once did he die.

Not only that, after the leopard girl took out the ice stick, she took out a handful of Yaoguang.

With this equipment, it shouldn't be too easy to kill Crispy in seconds.

In the middle, the blue team gathered four people.

The crocodile continues to lead the line down the road.

Assisted with a good vision, Leopard Girl invaded the lower half of the wild area of ​​the purple side and disappeared.

The current Leopard Girl is obviously not someone who can fight independently, even seeing her, you still have to think about how to escape, and the two of them may not dare to trouble her in the wild.

So even though he knew that Leopard Girl had entered the wild area, Zifang dared not go to see it alone, only the auxiliary partition wall inserted a hole to prevent her from being consumed.

The audience knew that the purple side was going to be in trouble.

Leopard Girl set up her field of vision in the wild area, and then got into the grass next to the tower in the middle road, which obviously had the enemy's vision.

A clip was lowered, and a spear was thrown.


Before the Leopard Girl threw the spear, she was facing the Czar under the tower, but after throwing the spear, she flew towards Morgana not far ahead.

Although Morgana responded in a timely manner, she still did not escape the mark.

Half of the blood was gone in an instant.

With Leopard Girl's current equipment and the distance of this spear, it is reasonable to hit such a high damage, but it still made the audience exclaim.

At this time, Leopard Girl seemed to be transformed into an arrow tower.

(End of this chapter)

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