Chapter 357 World Champion
Liu Yuze is the boy's name.

He was indeed Ye Qingxue's high school classmate.

And from the phone call with Ye Qingxue, she doesn't seem to know Liu Yuze's current situation, and she doesn't even know which university he went to. She only knows that he started playing LOL when he was in high school, and at that time the rank was already in the national server. Drill One, was recruited by several domestic professional teams.

Apart from these, Qingxue didn't say anything else.

From this point of view, Liu Yuze and Qingxue should not be familiar with each other, maybe it's just the other party's wishful thinking.

Liu Yuze gave Ding Feng the same impression as Liu Ming, belonging to the same type of person.

Almost perfect appearance and figure, good speech and manners, it seems that the family background is also good, and they are well-cultivated. This is Ding Feng's impression of these two people.

But even such an outstanding man cannot win Qingxue's favor, which makes Ding Feng, who is Qingxue's boyfriend, very proud indeed.

He defeated the two of them in disguise.

He just smiled at this, without deliberately thinking about it.

After talking with Ye Qingxue, Yuchen came to him, first glanced at the direction Liu Yuze left, and then asked, "Do you know that person just now?"

Hearing Yuchen's tone, he seemed to know the identity of Liu Yuze.

"I don't know." Ding Feng shook his head and asked, "Do you know who he is?"

"I have some understanding. His name is Liu Yuze. He is the captain of Harvard Business School's school team this year. Under his leadership, Harvard Business School swept the entire Americas Division this year and won this year's American College League Championship with only one loss. He is also a strong contender for the championship of this competition." Yuchen briefly explained to him and then added: "His junior high school and high school seem to be in the same school as your girlfriend."

Ding Feng listened carefully, then nodded, and said: "Well, I confirmed with Qingxue just now, it is indeed from the same school, and I seem to know him."

As for Yuchen's 'strong contender for the championship', he was noncommittal.

Harvard Business School stopped in the American College League last year in the International College League and failed to qualify. However, this year, because of Liu Yuze's joining, it swept the entire American Division. Its strength is indeed amazing. The attention paid to the competition circle sparked extensive discussions on the Internet.

Ding Feng naturally knew about this, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

He has watched a few games from Harvard Business School, and the overall strength is indeed very strong, but compared to the two major e-sports academies in South Korea, there is still a big gap.

The South Korean team is most afraid of such teams with strong overall strength. After all, South Korea has a lot of capable players, and it is this kind of team that is the least lacking, so they have rich experience in fighting.

In comparison, they are not very suitable for fighting against teams with strange configurations like Jiangling Technology.

Of course, as a team with Chinese players as the core, he naturally hopes that Harvard Business School will go as far as possible, and even beat the two major Korean e-sports academies.

It's a pity he couldn't find a reason to win.

Too far-fetched.

The reason why he didn't know Liu Yuze was because he jumped directly to the game when he watched the Harvard Business School games, and the players' shots could only be seen during the BP session and after the game.

But he skipped them all.

So this was the first time he met Liu Yuze.


'Time is not how much you have, but how you use it'

On the first day of the Global University League, Jiangling Technology faced the Royal E-Sports Academy in London, England for the first time. Dongyuan presented a new version of hero Ike.

This hero Dongyuan has been practicing for a week.

Under Ding Feng's instruction, he took it out without hesitation.

This is the first version of Ike released. In this version, he is positioned as a mid-lane assassin-type mage, which is just right for him.

In this version, Ike's passive damage has not been lowered, and the casting trace of the W skill is not clear enough, which makes people hard to guard against. Big, arguably the most powerful version of Ike as a mid laner.

With Dongyuan's understanding of assassin heroes, it's not difficult to play Ike well, and with Ding Feng's guidance, he quickly mastered this hero.

Although Ike has been on the market for several days, the participating teams did not study him too deeply, and even their understanding of Ike was limited to his skills.

For them, knowing Ike's skills is enough.

As an undeveloped hero, it is not a good choice to play in the game, the risk is too high, and they don't think other teams will take out Ike.

Ike wasn't that strong yet.

Unexpectedly, Jiangling Technology's mid laner not only took out Ike, but also played a series of wonderful moves that they had never seen before, which surprised them.

What are the silent release W, the card angle display W, group control after W, the big move turning back and counter-killing, the big move going online, the E forming a triangle to trigger the second Q...

In just one game, Dongyuan's Ike used all these operations, making the opponent hard to defend and carrying the whole game.

This is a time assassin in full form!

Ike has been developed!

The audience thought so.

This is Dongyuan's record in the first game.

After watching so many games of Jiangling Technology, the audience clearly felt that the mid laner, one of the team's shortcomings, is rapidly becoming 'longer'.

The progress in the bottom lane is also not small.

The shortcomings of Jiangling Technology are still there, but they are no longer obvious, and no one can bully them anymore.

Originally, even with these two shortcomings, Jiangling Technology has no opponents. Now that these two shortcomings are getting longer and longer, it seems that the championship is gone.

The Chinese audience thought excitedly.

They can already confirm that the champion of this year's International College League is Jiangling Technology.


At the end of June, near the end of the term.

In a few days it will be the national school holidays.

On this day, China's Jiangling Science and Technology School team won China's first ever LOL world championship trophy at the Los Angeles E-sports Center.

Audiences around the world witnessed this historic scene, and audiences in China were extremely excited.

Some viewers even covered their faces and wept, trembling all over.

I was so excited that I couldn't control myself.

Although they had expected that Jiangling Technology would win the championship, when this moment actually came, they couldn't calm down.

National celebration!

This news spread to every corner of China in an instant, and every Chinese player was talking about it proudly, with an excited expression as if he had won the world championship.

For them, as long as the Chinese team that wins the championship is worthy of their pride.

No matter which team.


On July [-]st, members of the champion team Jiangling Technology returned home triumphantly.

Various media rushed to report this matter.

This incident spread quickly in reality and on the Internet, but no one caught them, and they didn't show their whereabouts until they returned to school.

(End of this chapter)

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