The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 358 The Triumph Return

Chapter 358 The Triumph Return
Jiangling Science and Technology is adjacent to Qiyu University, and there is a 20-meter-wide Zhuqing Road between the two universities.

On both sides of Zhuqing Road, there are side entrances of two schools.

As the intersection of the two universities, people come and go in normal times, gradually forming a bustling commercial street.

The leisure time of the students of the two colleges, such as shopping, shopping, dinner, etc., will be chosen here, and the commercial street at night is even more lively.

This morning, Zhuqing Road was bustling like never before.

There were countless students gathered on both sides of the road. In addition to the students from the two colleges, students from other colleges in the city could also be seen, as well as some news media with cameras and microphones.

Everyone looked in the same direction and looked forward to it, their eyes filled with anticipation.

In stark contrast to the overcrowding on both sides, Zhuqing Road is empty, without any people or vehicles passing by. It seems that there is not a road in between, but a river.

Naturally, people don't have such a good sense of order. The reason why this happens is because there is a traffic police brigade on the scene to maintain order.

Both people and vehicles who wanted to cross Zhuqing Road were stopped by the traffic police.

This road seems to be specially reserved for someone to pass.

This is a bit like "sending off the Prime Minister on Ten Mile Long Street".

They were indeed welcoming people, but not the Prime Minister, but the Jiangling Science and Technology School team who had won the championship.

As soon as they received the news of their return to school, students from the two academies spontaneously waited on both sides of Zhuqing Road early, and students from other colleges and universities in the city, citizens and the media also rushed to hear the news.

They are waiting for the return of the heroes and watching the ceremony. What follows is a special ceremony.

Over the years, only the Seoul E-sports Academy in South Korea has been qualified to hold this ceremony, and all countries can only envy it, but this year it is China's turn, and Jiangling Technology's turn.

How can this not make them excited, so they all rushed to the scene.


Ye Qingxue was among the crowd, staring at the end of Zhu Qing Road without blinking.

On her left and right sides are two best friends, Liu Xiaohua and Li Xiaoxin. They were "coerced and lured" here early this morning before dawn, and they complained a lot about it.

But what can be done about this, they are in a period of passionate love, and they suddenly separated for more than three months, and it is hard to hope for their lover back, so no one is in a hurry.

Otherwise they would be anxious.

Complaining is false, and wanting to take this opportunity to 'trick' her is true.

When Ding Feng was around, Qingxue was silly, and often she would giggle inexplicably. Xue changed back to its original appearance, in addition to studying or studying.

No, now I know how to practice yoga.

Ever since Ding Feng went to participate in the international college league, Qingxue seemed to have been stimulated by something. Not only did she start practicing yoga crazily, but she also went to the library and got a lot of inexplicable books to read back. Love, what kind of woman is the most beautiful and sexiest...

There are a lot of books like this.

Watching it is called relish.

They knew that she already had a sense of crisis.

This has nothing to do with trust. The main reason is that Ding Feng is too good. Not to mention his female fans all over the world, there are many outstanding women who openly pursue him.

There's been a lot of this in the news lately.

Anyone who is with such a man and wants to go on with such a man will have to face and withstand the pressure.

It may be easy to fall in love, but it is too difficult to stay together.

That's the reason.

During these three months or so, they usually couldn't find the topic and atmosphere to tease her. Only when she talked with Ding Feng before going to bed, she would show her petite attitude, but she quickly recovered after the phone call. Cheng usually looks indifferent to everything, and doesn't give them a chance to tease them.

This made them quite helpless, especially Liu Xiaohua.

Teasing Qingxue is one of the great joys of life for her, but it has been a long time since such fun, and now the opportunity comes again.

Qingxue talked to Ding Feng last night and knew that they had returned to Nanling City and could go back to school this morning. She was too eager to see him and had been waiting here early.

At this time, she had been standing here for more than three hours, and she hadn't even eaten breakfast. She was excited and a little nervous when she was about to see him.


Under the watchful eyes of thousands of students, citizens and media at the scene, two convertible cars appeared at the end of the street one after the other, and drove towards them without any hindrance.


Everyone at the scene was immediately refreshed, and Qingxue's eyes were even redder with excitement. She fixed her eyes on the two convertible cars approaching, and carefully searched for his figure.

A coach and two analysts, Ding Feng and Mo Qingchen were sitting in a convertible in front, and Dong Yuan and other five team members were sitting in a convertible in the back.

At this time, the team members were full of spring breeze, and waved to everyone present in high spirits, as majestic as they wanted, as if they were at the pinnacle of their lives.

For them, this moment is the pinnacle of life.

The convertible car stopped in front of the main entrance of Jiangling Technology, and the team members of Jiangling Technology got out of the car one by one.

Ding Feng got off the car with the championship trophy in his left hand, raised his right hand high and waved to everyone present, with a faint smile on his face.

"Awesome, is this the championship trophy of the International College League?"

"It's the first time I saw the world championship trophy with my own eyes, but it's too far away to see clearly. I'll take a closer look after the ceremony. This is China's first LOL world championship trophy!"

"The championship trophy belongs to the school, and everyone has a championship ring, but why does Mr. Lu wear two rings on his hand? Is there something else I don't know?"

"You stupid, the other ring is of course Mr. Lu and Ye Qingxue's promise ring, but I didn't expect Mr. Lu to wear the promise ring on his finger at this time."

"This shows that he is very affectionate, but what you said is correct. I have watched this ceremony at the Seoul E-sports Academy in South Korea two years ago. The rings that some players usually wear will be taken off at this time. It should be because they don't want other rings Let's share the brilliance of the championship ring, for good luck..."

"... "

Looking at the team members getting off the car, the scene suddenly became jubilant and noisy.

Ye Qingxue stood relatively far away, but she still noticed the two rings on his hands, and her heart was so sweet.

He wears a championship ring on his middle finger, implying that his career is in full swing, and on his index finger is the promise ring that he used to "hold the snow" when he confessed his love to her. It has the meaning of "food is the first thing for the people", which can be understood here as "food" and love.

Take 'love' as the sky!
What made her the happiest was that he finally came back.

(End of this chapter)

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