Chapter 359
Feeling her deep affection, Ding Feng felt warm in his heart, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, what people pursue in this life is career and love, especially us men, and now I have both. I am already very satisfied, just like the meaning of these two rings on my hands, love is paramount, career is in full swing, what do you think I am not satisfied with?"

As he spoke, he raised his hands wearing two rings, and continued: "Unlike many professional players, entertainment and invitations are of little help to me. As long as I play well in the game, nothing else is a problem. My request is very simple. , all I need is the world champion and you."

Although his tone was light when he said the last sentence, she could feel the boldness in his words.

He compared the world champion to 'you', which made her heart sweet.

She also pretended to be proud and said: "Then you are short of the world champion now."

After she finished speaking, she laughed to herself.

"Yes!" He also smiled when he saw her pretty and lovely appearance, and said, "With your company, the road to world championship will not be too lonely, nor will it be too far away."

"I trust you." She said softly.

"Yeah!" He smiled, and tightened his arms around her shoulders. She asked, "By the way, I heard that Yaohua TV is going to establish a club. Is this true?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm just waiting for the news from Yaohua TV. It's almost two or three months away, but I do know the name of the team."

"Oh, what's it called?"

"Legend of Yaohua!"

"Legendary team? It's a nice name. The English word for legend is Legend, so the abbreviation of your team's English name should be LGD?"

"You are really smart!"

There is no LGD team among all the registered LOL teams, but Ding Feng had it in his last life, but he didn't know what LGD meant before, and he didn't go into it. He just followed the public and called it 'Old Godfather'.

As for whether LGD must mean 'legendary', he doesn't know.

However, it should have this meaning!
"Hee hee!" His compliments are always very useful to her, she happily suggested: "Xiaofeng, let's go for a walk?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"As long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter where I go."

"Okay, let's walk around."

The two got out of bed, and after getting dressed, she went out with him on her arm.


At night, after having a romantic candlelight dinner at Xiangyi's house, the two held each other's hands in the evening breeze, strolled under the dim light, and headed for the residence.

"Are you going home for summer vacation?" he asked.

"No, how about you?"

"I'm not going back either, I'll stay here with you for the summer vacation."

"If I choose to go back, will you accompany me to Nanhua?"

"What do you say?"

"You must not worry about me going back alone, and you will definitely accompany me to Nanhua, is that so?"

"so smart."


The two chatted while walking, chatting about some seemingly boring topics, but they enjoyed this rare two-person world and this quiet and unforgettable night very much.

In the whole world, it seems that there is only each other left.

She, who is usually quiet and elegant, is now as active as an oriole in the morning, bouncing around him, exuding the breath of a young girl.


Back at the dormitory, she took a shower and changed into her pajamas and then started to wash clothes. He was not idle either, cleaning up every corner of the room with a mop.

The room is very clean, just a little mopping is enough.

She usually does all these tasks by herself, and he will help whenever he is free. Unfortunately, her work efficiency is too high, and he can't help at all.

Today, he rushed to do this job, and it happened that she was going to do the laundry.

In the cohabitation life, except that he is not good at cooking, he can do other things, and he has always wanted to help her share the burden. Although she thinks it is unnecessary and can do it by herself, but he can have this heart, Knowing that she loves herself is naturally a very happy thing for her.

She is satisfied.

After the busy work, the two sat in front of the computer desk, with a high-end small sofa attached to their buttocks, and two domestic high-end desktop computers in front of them.

Log in to the game, select 'Practice Mode', she invited him to the room, and asked casually: "Xiaofeng, which hero do you want to practice today?"

After thinking about it for a while, he made up his mind, "Let's be a policewoman!"

He has basically practiced all the heroes in the middle, upper and wild positions, only the support and ad are left. The support is not in a hurry, so he will practice ad first.

The so-called practice, of course, is not to play with the female policeman, practice walking and slashing, this is too childish for him, what he wants to practice is the female policeman's critical strike with a gun when the critical strike is only 50% .

Every hero's crit action and basic attack action are different. Some heroes use their hands for basic attack and feet for crit, such as the blind man. , such as the prince... the action of a melee crit is obviously different from that of a normal attack, and you can tell if it is a crit as soon as you raise your hand.

The critical strike of long-range heroes is mainly reflected in the bullets and arrows fired, such as the critical strike of VN, the arrows shot will have obvious dots like fine sand, and the critical strike of Lucian will make the trajectory thicker, More impact...

Of course, the long-range crit raising hand action is also different, but it is not as obvious as that of melee heroes.

To achieve a critical strike with a gun grab, you have to seize the moment the hero raises his hand, hit it if it is a critical strike action, and cancel the attack if it is not a critical strike action.

Canceling the attack is not to do A again, but to continue the next general attack after the last action of raising the hand.

For example, if the attack speed is 1, and you can hit A in one second, then you find that it is not a crit move after you raise your hand to 60%, then the next normal attack after canceling will only use the remaining 40% It can be completed, except for a short pause, it does not take the time of the general attack.

This is the same as Raven's speed of light QA, but the difficulty is tens or hundreds of times higher.

Anyone with common sense of games knows this theory.

But if you know it, you know it, no one will think that someone can use it, because it is impossible to control this trick with the normal human reaction speed.

Others can't do it, but Ding Feng can.

He is not a normal human being.

Because he possesses 'powers'.

He uses the 'power' to slow down everything in his eyes countless times. Although the duration is not long, it may only take a second in many cases, and he can hit a critical strike and avoid a key skill...

One second is enough for him to do many things.

There is no situation that cannot be dealt with by a second of 'power'.

If there is, it's two seconds.

Two seconds is not enough, then three seconds, four seconds...

(End of this chapter)

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