Chapter 364 New Sword Fairy
Ding Feng's world positioning competition is divided into three days. Last night, he completed five rounds. Today he will play three rounds, and the last two rounds will be rescheduled for tomorrow.

Yaohua TV specially adjusted the broadcast time for his live broadcast, which shows the importance it attaches to him.

Naturally, his fans also value him.

Since Mr. Lu's world tour was fermented yesterday, the number of viewers who appeared on the Yew Wah TV channel today is much more than yesterday.

From the sixth game onwards, players from the top teams in each competition area gradually appeared in Ding Feng's games, either enemies or friends.

In the sixth game alone, there were eight players from first-class teams currently active in the professional arena, and their ranks in the world zone were already infinitely close to the kings.

Some even became kings, even if they reigned for a short time.

However, compared to the main players of the two major e-sports academies in South Korea, these people are still much weaker, so it is no problem for Ding Feng to slap them.

Now Ding Feng's normal reaction ability has far exceeded the limit of human beings. The world in his eyes is completely different from that of human beings. Even if he does not use the power of divine eyes, the movement of all things will also be slowed down in his eyes, but only slowed down. The degree is not as bad as opening the ability.

But just like this, it was enough for him to beat all the great gods.

The only ones that can really make him feel pressure are tomorrow's two and the last two. At that time, all the players he met at that time were the world's top players in the true sense of the gods. Those people's so-called gods controlled him I don't pay attention to it, but their consciousness is very strong.

If the opponent's advantage is too great, it may be difficult for him to turn defeat into victory even if he opens his eyes.

The time of divine eyes is too short!

In just a few seconds, you may be able to guarantee that the blind man can make a beautiful big move, but what about the follow-up?But for some heroes, these few seconds are enough to affect the situation of a game. For example, the sixth Ding Feng's VN, which activates the ability for three seconds, avoids several key controls, and directly destroys the team. other side.

After this wave, the enemy has no power to contend.

This is the impact of the ability for a few seconds, but not every hero can do this, or most heroes can't do it.

VN is the only hero in LOL. It is a cash machine in the hands of those who can't play, but it is a scary existence in the hands of those who can play. Even if your equipment is much better than VN, you see What he thought of was definitely not how to kill him, but how to escape.

This is also a pity for Ding Feng, if he can play VN every game, then it will be like playing for him to beat anyone or any team.

Unfortunately, due to location restrictions and the existence of forbidden links, this is doomed to be impossible.

Don't think that the Korean team is so invincible. If they were so invincible, they wouldn't take down heroes like Sword Demon, Angel, and Ice Bird specifically for certain opponents.

Even if the enemy's overall strength is not strong, they still don't want to see the world's number one sword demon and the world's number one ice bird get their own exclusive heroes, otherwise they will also be very difficult to deal with.

Many players are not weak, but put too much energy on a limited number of heroes. Although these heroes are so strong in their hands that they must beat them, it is also natural that they cannot play.

In the seventh game, VN was banned, and Ding Feng took Yasuo, bringing a visual feast to the audience.

His Yasuo feels different from many top Yasuo, as if his Yasuo lives in a time and space that is slowed down, and his every movement seems to be in compliance with God's will.

What is even more puzzling is that with the same equipment, his Yasuo's damage is even higher than those of the world's top Yasuo, and it is this extra damage that allows him to always fight against you It is a miracle to successfully kill the opponent in a situation where you think you can't kill or fight.

This is micro-manipulation. Some damage seems to have not been dealt out, but in fact it has been dealt out, just because it overlaps with the next damage, deceiving the eyes of the audience.

What's interesting is that this time the opponent wanted to kill Yasuo, outflanking him in various ways, but in the end they all jumped into the fire pit and were shown by Yasuo to doubt life.

This also led to Yasuo taking a lot of heads, as many as 17.

It's hard to imagine so many heads in high-end rounds.

In the eighth game, Ding Feng met the main members of the two top Korean teams. Because there are very few opponents in this rank, some ranking mechanisms are useless here.

In this round, Ding Feng took the top sword girl.

The reworked sword girl!

In this version where the top laners are generally weak and the new top laners have not yet been revised and reworked, Jian Ji is definitely the top laner.

It can be said bluntly that even if Ruiwen and Daomei have about 1000 more equipment than Jianji, they still can't beat Jianji who just returned from the rework.

In the early stage, the enemy's top lane troll was suppressed online, and then with the help of the jungler, the troll's head was successfully captured. The new version of Jian Ji's top lane dominance began to be reflected.

Even with the members of the two top Korean teams, they can't change the situation of being bloodbathed by Jian Ji, and this Jian Ji is an extremely confident Jian Ji, he won't let you have a chance to drag on, so the enemy failed to survive three After 10 minutes, the crystal was pushed away, which ended the game.

Eight straight wins!
It is not surprising to the audience that Mr. Lu won eight consecutive victories.

And tonight, there is a version update.

There are two horror heroes who have been talked about this year, and they will be redone and returned in this version.


The next morning was approaching [-] o'clock, and countless viewers locked on Yaohua TV early. Today is the last two of Mr. Lu's world tour.

Whether they can win ten consecutive victories depends on these two.

Many people didn't have time to read the updated version last night, so they waited and checked the updated content of the new version.

Many viewers wondered why Mr. Lu chose to play the last two positioning matches on this day. After all, the version has just been updated, so the variables should be even greater, right?

What they didn't know was that Ding Feng chose to complete the positioning match on this day precisely because of the version update.

Let you feel what an explosion is!

Ding Feng, who was in the dormitory, thought so wickedly.


At eight o'clock in the morning, Ding Feng entered the ranking mode on time.

At the same time, countless great masters of the world area also lined up. Of course, the top five kings in the world like Li Xiuzhi and Mo Qingchen had to wait for the next one.

According to the rules of the world positioning competition, the system will give priority to selecting them as the first match in the last game of the nine-game winning streak, but it is not their turn now.

In just half a minute, Ding Feng went in.

Still on the first floor!
Ding Feng is not surprised, this is also a mechanism of the world zone positioning competition.

(End of this chapter)

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