Chapter 365 New Captain
As soon as the people were in line, Ye Qingxue on the side started the intense introduction work. This time, she didn't need to look up the opponent's information, because she knew these people well.

"The opponent on the first floor is the king of Europe, the seventh-ranked king in the world, and almost all the top mid laners in Korea have been solo killed by him. This player is known for his steady game style, but he is very good at catching and killing opponents. The calculation of the damage is ingenious, he was the champion of last year's All-Star Solo Tournament, and he was also the captain of the only European team among the semi-finals of the S-Series Global Finals last year, and he was known as the 'world's number one mid laner'..."

"The second floor is Moto Aoi, the captain of Japan's No. 11 team RBZ that you met last year. He was originally the top ten champion in the world, ranking tenth. .[-], still strong, you have played against him, I will not introduce more."

"The third floor is the ad of Korea's No. [-] team. The world ranking is behind Moto Aoi. This person's style is very similar to that of the European French King. They are both strong opponents who are stable in the early stage and late in the game. Team battles require teammates to create an output environment, which is a relative shortcoming in the team, but it should not be underestimated."

"The fourth floor is Pu Yuanhui, the top laner of South Korea's second team. He is also the current number one top laner in the world according to the official comment..."

"The fifth floor is the number one support in North America..."

At the end of the introduction, the two were surprised to find that the opposing lineup was surprisingly complete, with players in every position, and two of them were currently number one in the world.

However, their lineup is not bad.

"This lineup can catch up with the All-Stars."

"Except for the top five kings in the world, almost all the top twenty kings in the world area are here. It's really interesting that the King of Law will appear in this one."

"Hey, if this one wins, the next one will probably be a duel between the top ten kings in the world. It's so exciting that my hands are shaking. Come on, Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu really picks the time. Today is the day when the major competitions are suspended, and it is also the day when the new version is updated. Otherwise, it would be difficult to meet these awesome existences."

"... "

While the global audience was talking about it, Mr. Lu locked on a hero, and the appearance of this hero made all the audience's eyes widen.

"What? You chose the captain who just came back from the redo?"

"That's amazing my brother. I've seen the updated content. Now the captain's gameplay has completely changed. It's no longer as simple as it used to be. It's more difficult to learn than before. Mr. Lu dared to take it out, I am a god!"

"I heard that this version of the captain is very interesting. Although it is more difficult to play, I still believe in Mr. Lu. He never fights uncertain battles. I feel that Mr. Lu put the last two positioning matches today. Because of this, the next pick will probably be Metal Master."

"The new captain seems to be a mid-lane hero. Is this the rhythm of a showdown with the King of France?"

"... "

After the audience was confused, they were amazed.

Even Pu Yingjue, Li Xiuzhi, Mo Qingchen and other top five kings in the world who were watching at this time couldn't help but wry smiles and more surprises.

This courage is indeed admirable.

Just ask the world, who dares to use a newly reworked hero to position it?

Probably not.

Ye Qingxue also murmured secretly about this, but didn't ask any further questions.

Since he took it out, there are naturally his considerations, she just needs to watch him carry the audience.

The screen turns to the water fountain...

Ding Feng's captain took the middle lane, and he was facing the clockwork monster often used by European French kings in professional arenas. He was quite strong in both laning and team fighting.

As soon as the line of soldiers reached the line, the always stable European French king changed his previous style and kept trying to harass the captain, but unfortunately the effect was not great.

It seems that I have suffered a little loss!

After a few minutes of laning, Fa Wang knew more about the captain who had just returned from the redo, and was no longer limited to the version introduction on paper. However, the captain in the early stage seemed not so scary, which made him feel relieved a lot.

In comparison, the opponent's personal strength is what he fears the most.

At 7 minutes into the game, the junglers of both sides appeared in the middle at almost the same time. In the end, the two sides played a one-for-one exchange. The captain took a blood and died.

The captain, as a late-stage hero who is partial to development, is not strong in the early stage, and if the captain uses too much Q to exchange blood with the opponent, it will affect the development instead, and the gain is not worth the loss. Like clockwork harassment.

But with this head, the captain took off.

At least Ding Feng thought so.

The line of soldiers pushed over, the captain returned to the city, and the most core equipment in the early stage, Yaoguang, had been made.

For other heroes, Flare is a piece of equipment with a high single-target burst, but in the hands of the captain, it will become an AOE burst equipment, because the passive of Flare can be applied to the gunpowder barrel, this feature not only improves the captain's The line clearing ability and the accumulation speed of Silver Snake Coins have accelerated the development of the captain.

Yaoguang and Sanxiang are to the captain what an electric knife is to Yasuo.

Of course, it was Yasuo who was just born.

The clockwork accidentally moved, or the captain's powder keg was placed too well, and the clockwork was blown up by the powder keg unexpectedly, and the blood lost was surprisingly large.

This damage is a bit high wow!
Clockwork hurts.

In addition to successfully developing the lane and suppressing the clockwork, the captain did not forget to pay attention to other lanes. The first big move after level [-] was thrown to the bottom lane, but unexpectedly got a head.

The damage of the unupgraded big move is very low, and its deceleration effect is the most threatening, so it is really surprising that this head came.

In less than 10 minutes, the two had their heads together.

The enemy's bottom lane ad died, and the support was already bleeding. Although the enemy was not powerless, he still let go of the first little dragon.

The effect of the first little dragon increases the attack power and magic power by a percentage, which directly improves the overall combat power of the team, and the effect becomes stronger in the later stage.

It is also the most competitive little dragon in the current version.

In 15 minutes, Clockwork was rushing from the river to the gank on the road, a powder keg suddenly fell to her feet, and before she could react, the powder keg exploded, and then a white mass appeared at her feet, It is an upgraded version of the captain's ult.

In an instant, the clockwork lost half of its blood.

And the next moment, the captain quickly ran out from the grass. This time the assassination seemed to be planned for a long time, and he cut it out with a knife after he quickly approached.

The clockwork was startled but not panicked, the ball on his body hit the captain, but the captain did not retreat but advanced, because he knew that the clockwork ball would only move under two circumstances.

Shields and Q!

The captain's non-retreat and anti-advance is not only to get out of the range of the ball's ultimate move, but also to maintain the threat to the clockwork.

He is not afraid of the big move behind the clockwork shield, after all, even if he is hit by a big hit with the damage of the clockwork, he will not be able to kill him in seconds, but will draw the distance between him and the clockwork, but the big move after Q will put him Pull away, so he has to hand over the flash to chase and kill, and face the change of jungle support.

(End of this chapter)

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