The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 4 Features of Low-End Offices

Chapter 4 Features of Low-End Offices

Taking the whole killing process into his eyes, Ding Feng was a little speechless, and he didn't know what the other party was thinking. He had to take such a big risk for the money of a small soldier, and put himself in the attacking range of the other party, and the position was extremely high. In this case, let alone Debon, any hero with a control can catch him to death.

But after all, it is only a low-end game. In the rank of Baiyin, any irrational behavior and choice are not unusual, and it is not surprising if you see more.

Afterwards, Debang destroyed his own blue BUFF, and went directly to the top lane for a wave. The top laner on the opposite side was too wretched to dig a grave, and kept hiding under the tower to clear the soldiers. This wave was unsuccessful, so he had to go back to the city to replenish. Almost paid for Red Claw, Brother Zhuang reluctantly sold all the blood bottles.

"Next time, I won't buy so many blood bottles to go out in the jungle!" After going back and forth, losing dozens of gold coins, Brother Zhuang made up his mind with a sad face.

"Isn't it just the money for two soldiers, I'll give it to you!" Xiaohui despised him a little.

"Of course you can earn money online!" Brother Zhuang muttered, waiting in the spring for a while, and when he had enough money, he went out with his bare red claws.

After that, Brother Zhuang went to catch people every time he cleared a wave of wild monsters. This version of the jungler's clearing speed is extremely fast. A pair of red claws and punishment can almost remove the red and blue buffs in seconds. After synthesizing lanterns, it is even faster. It can be upgraded to a torch after spawning a certain number of wild monsters, and the damage to wild monsters is almost out of the table.

The two sides played back and forth, and after more than 20 minutes, the score of the two sides was 20:16. Xiaohui and Brother Zhuang took 20 heads, which had some advantages, and most of these heads were given by the leopard girl on the opposite side. He died 5 times, which shows how much Debon took care of him.

But it is not easy to turn this advantage into a victory.

"This rhythm is a bit slow!" After staring at the screen for so long, Ding Feng's eyes felt a little uncomfortable, and the tingling feeling was looming. He sighed secretly and looked outside the door and other places.

The widening of the field of vision immediately eased the discomfort a lot.

"Xiaohui came to gather in the middle lane, and we are going to form a team." The five opponents had already gathered in the middle lane, and our own top laner was also rushing towards the middle lane, only the female policeman was still leading the line in the bottom lane.

The policewoman is not there, and the opponent's Leopard Girl and EZ have no scruples about their consumption, and they never tire of it. What makes Brother Zhuang depressed is that Leopard Girl's Q is mostly aimed at him. It seems that he is very unhappy with his repeated attacks. This is because Take revenge on him.

Although Leopard Girl's equipment is not very good, but the damage of her Q is calculated according to the distance of throwing the spear. The farther the damage is, the higher the damage cannot be ignored. Nest behind Nuoshou hide and seek.

"I'll go over now, wait for me, and don't drive." Seeing that brother Zhuang was exhausted so miserably, Xiaohui hurriedly cleared the line of soldiers while laughing, and hurried to the middle road, "You are not in good condition, do you want to go back to supply supplies?" one time."

"No need, if I'm at full strength, I won't have to fight!" Brother Zhuang curled his lips and rejected his opinion.

There were still two bottles of red on my body, and I dried them up in one breath.

"Blow, keep blowing!"

"... "

At this moment, Annie seized the opponent's flaw, and no matter how long it took for the policewoman to arrive, she flashed up, and yelled "Kill them to death, Tibbers", and a big bear covered in flames appeared in front of him. Drilling out of the ground, he directly stunned the mid laner, top laner, and jungler on the opposite side.

"Good job!" Brother Zhuang yelled, took a few steps forward with a spear in his hand, rushed into the battlefield with his E skill, and slammed into the leopard girl twice, matching Annie's damage and directly killing the leopard girl, the third hit The knockup fell directly on the opponent's jungler, and the spirit of the beast, who had just woken up from the dizzy state, was controlled again.

Melee broke out!
Xiaohui's policewoman came late, and quickly joined the battlefield. She kept hitting the spirit of the beast. Under the output of several people, the blood of the spirit of the beast dropped rapidly, and there were only a few left in an instant. At one-third of the blood, just freed from the control, it flashed and fled to the rear.

The policewoman's body was low, and her big move was locked on the spirit of the beast. A red thread connected the policewoman's muzzle and the body of the spirit of the beast.

The red line was extremely tough, and the spirit of the beast that kept retreating stretched the red line longer and longer.

With his blood volume, if he took the policewoman's big move, he would definitely die.

It's a pity that this big move was blocked by the opposite female tank Kaishield, and the spirit of the beast escaped successfully.

This wave of team opening was very good. They directly defeated the opposite mid laner Leopard and top laner Digger. Two of them died before the team started.

As for the third person who died in the end, it was EZ, the prodigy.

He died by himself, too confident.

"The money came quickly, like a robbery." After the team battle, Debang stood in the middle and went back to the city directly. Brother Zhuang stared at his current 1500+ deposit and couldn't help but haha, "Faster the pace , let’s wait until Xiaolong forces the group, I don’t believe that the other side won’t come up with the chrysanthemum and poke it for me.”

"Wait a minute, the bottom soldiers are under the tower. I'll collect a wave first, and then go there after collecting." Xiaohui was also very happy. Straw sandals, this equipment is enough to crush the opposite EZ.

"Come here immediately after collecting!" Brother Zhuang nodded, and controlled Debang to walk towards Xiaolong.

The five people gathered in the Xiaolong Pit, and the opposite side seemed to have discovered that they were going to fight Xiaolong, and they were rushing towards Xiaolong at a very fast speed, but there were only four people at most. , even if you come now, it's too late.

This is the characteristic of the low-end game. They don’t know how to support. When they see the pawn line, they are like seeing beautiful women. They don’t go anywhere until they are finished. It will pass when you are finished, your consciousness is poor, and your mentality is even worse. Once you are at a disadvantage, you will play as an entertainment bureau.

There were few people on the opposite side, and Debang directly opened the dragon without saying a word. Under the beating of five people, Xiaolong's long stream of red blood fell down like water, and it took less than 15 seconds. The little dragon fell to the ground with a bang, and the jingling sounds of the gold coins burst out one after another, which was extremely pleasant.

As soon as Xiaolong finished beating, the people on the opposite side also rushed here, Leopard Girl threw a mark at Debon, and Debon ate the mark by surprise, losing a quarter of his blood .

"There are few of them, just fight directly!" No matter whether his teammates heard his words, Debang directly flashed E to Leopard Girl, and the spears in A, Q, W, Q's hands aimed at the slowed Leopard Girl's chrysanthemum. Poking, shouting and yelling, dubbing while poking, it's a joy to poke.

As a pure leopard, being treated like this in front of everyone, and a man with a gun, the leopard girl was ashamed and angry, and tried hard to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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