The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 5 Differences between electric knife and red fork

Chapter 5 Differences between electric knife and red fork
Seeing that the leopard girl was about to be killed by Debang, a golden light suddenly stretched out from the corner of the enemy's second tower and landed on Debang's body. The female warrior in golden armor rushed in front of him, gave him an A and then made a Q, and Debang was arrested again.

Being charged twice in a row, Leopard Girl has already fled.

After a while of delay, Annie and the others quickly rushed over. Seeing this, the female tank yelled, and a golden light fell from the sky, falling on Annie and the group of people. The thorns are beautiful and dazzling, but they are fatally beautiful. All four of them lost a little blood. The policewoman in the middle of the golden light was stunned in place, but Anne and the other three just slowed down.

The consciousness of this female tank is not bad. Ding Feng secretly gave an evaluation at the side. The female tank is a meat tank. Even if it is just a support with no economy and equipment, it is very tough. Generally, players who play female tanks always want to try it. Surrounded by five people across from him, to see how long he can carry it, pretending to be tough, but this person didn't have this idea.

To ease the opponent's attack, the female tank did not dare to stay, and drove away slowly towards the second tower with the W golden shield, leaving everyone with a firm and beautiful back.

"Xiaohui, your big is still not good?" Brother Zhuang secretly said it's a pity, if the female tank came a second later, he would be able to take away the leopard girl after the third knock-up and then a general attack. It is indeed a pity.

"It's still 10 seconds away!" Xiaohui shook his head. This wave is only about 1 minute away from the last wave of group fights. The cooling time of the policewoman's ultimate move is not so short.

"Leopard Girl is back home, let's push down their second tower." Brother Zhuang nodded, manipulating Debang to walk towards the second tower while typing in the chat window.

The five gathered in front of the opponent's second tower, relying on someone to protect them, Xiaohui's policewoman ignored the threat from the opposite side, and just stood there and slammed on the opposite defensive tower.

The defense towers of S4 are very fragile. Many heroes can pull out the defense towers with full health without minions as long as they have four big pieces, such as Juggernaut, Barbarian King, Debon, Weapons and other powerful heroes It is also because of this that tower stealing prevails in low-end rounds.

LOL is a tower pushing game. If you can replace the opponent's three-lane high ground with your life, even if you can't win the team battle, basically the victory belongs to your own side.

After being ordered by the policewoman for a short while, the health of the defense tower has bottomed out. This is the case when the policewoman only drinks blood, which shows how fragile the defense tower is.

Seeing this, the stinging pain in Ding Feng's eyes struck again. He rubbed his eyes and looked outside the dormitory door, then stood up, stretched, came to the dormitory door and squatted down, enjoying the refreshing breeze at noon blowing.

"Brother Yi, don't withdraw your troops. Hurry up and gather in the middle. The stone on the opposite side is in the front and ready to drive us. We can't deal enough without you!"

"Come on, you are obscene."

"Let's back up a bit. If we are forced to drive away, our advantage will be gone. Brother Dong protects Banhua from dying when he is in a group. Be careful."

"... "

The whole building was full of noise, and most of the students upstairs and downstairs were playing League of Legends in the dormitory, which shows how popular the game League of Legends is in this world, and there are voices in the game, but they just don’t use them. Individual excited shouts made the whole building tremble, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

At noon, everyone was playing games without taking a nap. This kind of atmosphere made Ding Feng, who has always been indifferent, feel excited, and wished he could join in, but because of the discomfort of his eyes, he restrained the idea of ​​playing games. He still knows which is more important.

"What's wrong with this body? Why is it so easy to get sleepy?" After blowing at the door for a while, a burst of drowsiness suddenly hit his heart, and his mind was spinning. This made him both strange and worried, and he woke up not long after. , I was still in high spirits just now, but after such a short while, I became sleepy again.

During the period of hospitalization and discharge, he slept for more than [-] hours a day, but every time he woke up not long ago, and wanted to sleep again, just like now, he couldn't help but not worry, once or twice was fine, But it has been like this for a few days, is there any disease in this body?
"Observe for a few more days, if it doesn't work, go see a doctor again." He frowned and thought for a while, but he didn't have any clue. He shook his head helplessly, while praying in his heart that it wasn't some serious illness.

After squatting for a while, he stood up and walked into the dormitory.

"Brother Feng, come over and have a look, why didn't I kill the EZ on the opposite side just now?" Seeing him coming in, Xiaohui asked him, pointing at the screen.

Although Ding Feng's rank is not high, he likes to analyze. Few people in the whole department can compare his understanding of games. Students like Xiaohui know this.

"Did you fight EZ here just now?" On the screen, the policewoman was making up for the two outer towers in the bottom lane, and these two outer towers had already been pulled out.

"Well, I have better equipment than EZ, and I stood very close to him during the duel. It stands to reason that even if he ran away, I could catch up to him and shoot him to death, but I just couldn't catch up and was stuck by the minions. "Xiaohui was very puzzled. He had watched many videos of masters. In this case, masters can kill opponents of the same level. Why can't he himself?

Hearing what he said, and looking at his outfit and position, Ding Feng probably understood, and said with a smile, "Because you used an electric knife instead of a red fork."

"Why? The moving speed of the electric knife is [-]% more than that of the red fork? How can the red fork catch up, but I can't with the electric knife?" Xiaohui is still very puzzled. He doesn't know the attributes of these two pieces of equipment. I remember correctly, and even if it's reversed, the [-]% movement speed doesn't seem to have such a big impact!

"Because you are a colored pen!" Brother Zhuang insulted him.

"I'm not talking about this. The red cross has a passive you forgot. It ignores the collision of unit objects. If you play a red cross, you won't be stuck by minions when chasing EZ in the lane." Passive is indeed easy to be overlooked, but it also plays a big role in many cases.

Since the electric knife was launched in the game, many heroes who need red forks seldom have red forks, and have replaced them with electric knives. The role of electric knives in the early stage is more obvious than that of red forks. It can increase economic income, and can quickly synthesize an electric knife. The passive clearing of the electric knife is fast, and it can make up for outbreaks, etc.

Compared with the electric knife, the red cross can only be said to be a late-stage equipment. Its role in the late stage is obviously greater than that of the electric knife, and the output is also higher.

"Uh, I understand!" Ding Feng's explanation made Xiaohui suddenly understand. He almost forgot that the red cross has such a passive. The footsteps are as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

(End of this chapter)

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