Chapter 43 Roundtable
As soon as the school bus stopped, the students of Jiangling Science and Technology got off the bus and headed directly towards the e-sports square under the leadership of the relevant staff of Fuhua Economics and Trade.

"Hey, that's the e-sports plaza of Fuhua Economic and Trade? It's more grand than our school!" Xiaohui pointed to a huge round arched building not far away, and smacked his lips.

This arch-shaped building occupies a large area, almost as big as two football fields. From the appearance, it feels extremely luxurious, which shows that Fuhua Economics and Trade has invested in e-sports.

"What's the matter? The school team is competitive, and there are many talents in e-sports. If you don't invest more, it won't chill the hearts of e-sports students. I also heard that Fuhua Economics and Trade School has changed the school into an e-sports college. idea."

"E-sports academy? There don't seem to be many in our country!"

"It's not a lot. Anyway, there is no way to compare with South Korea. They are called e-sports powerhouses. Last year's S-Series Global Finals champion and runner-up were both South Korean teams."

"Hey, the Chinese are still not living up to expectations. They have played for three seasons, and only barely made it to the quarterfinals last year. This progress is completely inconsistent with the development of our country."

"... "


In the Fuhua Economic and Trade e-sports conference room, eight boys and five teachers sat around a round table to discuss.

Five teachers, two middle-aged men, three young men, two men and one woman, besides serving as teachers of the e-sports department, they are also analysts of the school team.

"Jiangling Technology is obviously not coming here this time. It's true that your strength is much stronger than theirs, but you can't take it lightly. If they are not sure, they won't come." Wearing a gray coat, a slightly obese middle-aged man Looking around at the eight boys, he said very seriously.

"Well, Jiangling Technology has always regarded itself as stable and never fights uncertain battles. For this challenge, they should have made sufficient preparations. Yesterday I specially investigated their school team composition. It has not changed from last year. In other words, Jiangling Science and Technology has not produced any outstanding new students this year, or it has not been discovered yet." The man wearing black-rimmed glasses sitting next to the middle-aged man laughed.

"Same as last year?" Does this surprise the eight boys?How did the team that was beaten by them last year have the courage to take the initiative to challenge them?

This challenge seems a bit unusual!

"Last year's losers dared to take the initiative to challenge this year. It is a lie if they are not sure. I believe that they will not improve too much in half a year. Then there is only one possibility, that is, they discovered a novel routine. And how to play." The younger woman lowered her eyelids and said softly.

"Yesterday I browsed the forum all night. Although there are many novel styles and routines, they can't make up the gap with us. What do you find?" The young man asked in a deep voice, pushing his glasses while speaking.

The school team assistant raised his hand, and after getting permission from the middle-aged man in the gray coat, he smiled and said, "I found a novel style of play. My roommate ran into a mid laner with a clockwork and an egg cap in qualifying today. , 10 and nine knives were swiped in 210 minutes, but in the end my roommate still won."

"The mid laner clockwork out the egg cap?"


"According to the latest ranking mechanism, the ranking will generally be given priority to the nearest player of the same rank. From this point of view, most of the players with the single-rolled egg cap are students of Jiangling Technology."

"I don't rule out this possibility, but I believe the analysts of Jiangling Technology know this. At this moment, people should not use this routine to play in rankings. By the way, Qi Yuan, what rank is your roommate?"

"Just on gold!"

"Gold? The routine developed by the school team will not be so generous as to tell others casually, so it is not ruled out that this single clockwork routine is just for fun, just like Galen's hat. Of course, a gold can be used in 10 Swiping 210 and nine knives in one minute shows that the method of winding the egg cap is still feasible."

"I don't rule out the possibility that Jiangling Technology will use this routine. To be on the safe side, should we turn the clockwork?"

"It's not necessary. The more this happens, the more we have to release it. We, Fuhua Economic and Trade, are not shy of trouble. Even if we lose, it doesn't matter. Just treat it as entertainment."

"En!" The young female teacher nodded, then turned to look at the handsome boy who had been silent all this time, and said, "Huan Yuan, what do you think about this challenge?"

"Well, I think we don't need to pay special attention to and speculate on Jiangling Technology's ideas, just play with a normal heart, win two out of three rounds, even if they lose to their routine first, they won't be able to win the next two rounds, compared to Get up, if you can learn something, it's okay to lose." Huan Yuan nodded.

"So you're not going to wind up the clock?"

"I have the same opinion as Teacher Lin, there is no need to pull the clockwork, but I still have another concern. If the mid laner is really their routine, if they are well prepared, we may not have absolute success." I don’t know how the mid laner plays with the egg cap, but I can be sure that the key to this routine is not the hero, but the egg cap.”

"Captain, you mean that Dongyuan may have prepared a lot of mid laners who are as suitable for the egg hat as a clockwork, right?"

"Well, there are only three bans. We can't get rid of all the brush mid laners, and we can't get rid of the egg hat equipment." At the end of the sentence, Huan Yuan, who has always been rigorous, couldn't help but make a joke.

"... "

"The team from Jiangling University is about to come, so go and prepare first." After a long discussion, the middle-aged man in a gray coat stood up, glanced at all the students, and said seriously: "You don't have to worry too much about it." Pressure, show your best form to meet this game, I only have one request, this game can only be won and never lost, understand?!"

"Understood!" All the boys shouted loudly.

"Disband!" The middle-aged man waved his hand, took a file bag and walked towards the meeting room. Other teachers also walked out one after another, ready to go.

"Isn't it Jiangling Technology? It is necessary to be so solemn." As soon as the teachers left, one of the boys with a slightly immature face couldn't help complaining.

This boy is the current figure in Fuhua Economics and Trade. The school team's new top laner, Qi Yu, ranks at Diamond [-]. In the school team, only the captain Huan Yuan can beat him.

"You are more confident than me!" Huanyuan shook his head and smiled, without saying anything, patted his shoulder and led the rest of the team members towards the e-sports plaza.

(End of this chapter)

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