The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 44 The routine seems to have been discovered

Chapter 44 The routine seems to have been discovered
The e-sports plaza of Fuhua Economic and Trade is full of excitement. Amidst the sound of wandering music, thousands of students are holding up the signs representing their respective support teams, and are shouting enthusiastically. This challenge is for Fuhua Economic and Trade and Jiangling In terms of technology, it is a long-awaited game.

"Jiangling Science and Technology Come on, beat Fuhua Economic and Trade, Jiangling Science and Technology Come on..."

"Fuhua will win in economics and trade, Fuhua will win in economics and trade..."

"Captain Huanyuan is mighty, I want to give birth to a grandson for you..."

"... "

"Look, the school team from Linhua School of Economics is also here."

"And over there, Qi Yi University's school team, hey, why is there an unfamiliar face, it seems that Qi Yi University has also produced a great newcomer this year."

"The school teams and analyst teams from the other five colleges and universities seem to have come. It seems that they have been lonely for a long time."

"Well, since the end of the National College League last year, this is the first time a school has dared to challenge Fuhua Economics and Trade. Other schools also want to know the strength of our school team."

"I heard that the strength of the school team has improved a lot since Qi Yu joined our school team. I don't know if this is true. This challenge can be regarded as Qi Yu's first show."

"... "

"Ding Feng, I heard from my classmates that you developed the method of making egg caps in the middle lane, right?" Just as Ding Feng was casually looking at the e-sports plaza of Fuhua Economic and Trade, a thick male voice came from beside him , he turned his head to look, and Teacher Li sat down beside him, looking at him with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Li!" Ding Feng smiled, and greeted the teacher politely, "Well, this method is not perfect yet, is there anything Teacher Li wants to add?"

"Uh, no!" Teacher Li smiled slightly and said casually, "I heard that our school team will use your style of play in this challenge. What do you think our chances of winning are?"

"I don't know, it's probably only [-]%!" Ding Feng pondered. The mid laner's style of playing with the egg cap can indeed greatly improve the school team's chances of winning, but relying on the clockwork can only win one at most. Dongyuan His hero pool is not deep, which is his shortcoming, and other mid-laner heroes are not very good.

Forty percent, this is his opinion.

"Forty percent is not bad!" Teacher Li smiled. For the school team, this is a very high chance of winning. If there is no novel style of play and routine, they may not even have a [-]% chance of winning. Fuhua Economic and Trade's new top laner Others don't know about Qi Yu's strength, but he knows a little bit.

The level of Qi Yu is infinitely close to their captain Huanyuan. It can be said that with the addition of Qi Yu, the overall strength of Fuhua Economic and Trade has increased by at least 30.00%.

After a brief conversation, Teacher Li returned to his seat, and this conversation with Ding Feng gave him a very strange feeling. Although Ding Feng seldom goes to class, he has also been in contact with it. Now Ding Feng is more mature Be more stable and low-key. Compared with the past, you are a completely different person.

Could it be that an accident can cause such a huge change in a person's mental outlook?He was very puzzled, but he didn't think too much, the game was about to start.

Amidst the warm cheers, the teams from Fuhua Economics and Trade and Jiangling Technology appeared on the stage. The hot atmosphere reached a certain peak because of their appearance. The two teams returned to their respective positions after smiling and bowing to the audience, and will bring plugged into the computer and waited for the game to start.

"Hello everyone, I am Lin Yu, the commentator for this challenge!"

"Hi everyone, I'm athlete's foot."

Two commentators, one male and one female, appeared on the big screen of the game. The handsome male and the female were pretty, and they were no strangers to LOL fans in the city.

"Welcome everyone to the challenge match between Fuhua Economic Trade and Jiangling Technology. The rules of this match are the same as those of ordinary challenges. Two wins out of three games. I believe everyone has been looking forward to this match for a long time. Let's let Let’s introduce the two teams in this match.”

"Why me? Shouldn't it be you? I believe the audience prefers Lin Yu's voice. Everyone agrees!"


"Then I'm not going to be polite. Well, first of all, I will challenge Fang Jiangling Technology's school team. The main members of Jiangling Technology's school team are the same as last year's National College League. He is a strong top laner, he is praying for rain, and he is currently in the second rank..."

With the eloquent talk of the two commentators, the audience from various colleges and universities at the scene had a better understanding of the teams of the two teams in this challenge, and it was precisely because of the understanding that the strength gap between the two sides was drawn again in the minds of the audience Big, it's a totally one-sided challenge.

"Jiangling Technology should have a trump card!"

"At first glance, it seems that there is a big gap between the two sides, but judging by the confidence of the members of the Jiangling Science and Technology School team, it seems that this competition is worth watching."

"Is there a trick?"

"... "

However, most people still chose to reserve their opinions. After all, as the challenger, if Jiangling Technology had no cards, they would not take the initiative to challenge. They wanted to see what gave Jiangling Technology so much confidence.

With the smiles and handshakes of the heads of the two colleges in the center of the stage, the first challenge began.

Enter the selection interface.

Just like regular games, the top laner is on the first floor, and the banned tasks are naturally done by the top laner. The captains of the two teams are not top laners, but junglers. The jungler is a very important and special position. , generally held by the captain, this is the case in nine out of ten domestic teams.

The selection of this round started with Fuhua Economics and Trade. Qi Yu defeated the two heroes of Dashu and Troll successively. When he reached the third banned place, he smiled and looked at the captain Huanyuan, "Captain, do you want to win?" Wind-up?"

It wasn't that he was afraid of taking it from the other side, or even that he was afraid of not taking it from the other side. The reason why he asked the captain was simply to know if the captain would suddenly change his mind.

"Let it out, but you can tease them." Huanyuan shook his head and smiled. If Jiangling Technology's hole card this time is the mid laner's spring-up and egg-cap jungle routine, he would like to experience this novel style of play , He still can't figure out how feasible this strategy is.

"Huh?" The team members were stunned, and soon understood what the captain meant by 'tease them', and couldn't help but smile at each other. They didn't expect the captain to be quite a bad person.

In the end, Qi Yu defeated the Unknown Blade, and Jiangling Technology defeated Jie, Yaoji, and Dragon Girl, three strong heroes, two mid laners and one top laner.

Pull first, choose first, pray for rain first, he locked the mainspring directly.


"The hero clockwork is quite unpopular, can he also appear on the field?"

"Speaking of which, when will our mid laner Whispering become a hero? Whispering seems to prefer assassin mid laners like Jie and Yao Ji?"

"Could it be used for praying for rain? Can the clockwork be able to place an order!"

"I'm not sure yet, what are you talking about?"

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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