Chapter 52
At this time, the Fuhua Economic and Trade team members looked solemn and serious, and they still underestimated the role of Lissandra, who had four major pieces of equipment, in the team battle.

In the first two waves of Lissandra's cuts, they could cleanly take at least one of their C positions. This blow is very fatal, and Lissandra has a big move and Central Asia, so she is not afraid of being targeted by them.

However, even so, they are still very confident about the next wave of defense. As long as they don't make too many mistakes, even if they can't win the team battle, they can't be defeated by the opponent.

The two sides confronted each other on the high ground on the road, consuming each other, and the situation was somewhat deadlocked.

Lissandra bypassed the high ground in the middle and appeared on the side of the high ground on the top road, constantly using skills to consume and move to compress the enemy's formation, and his teammates are also trying to bring the pawn line under the defensive tower.

Naturally, their plans could not be concealed from Fuhua Economic and Trade, which has experienced many battles. They tried to compress and disrupt their formation, and while defending, they also tried to disrupt their positions, even if they were on the passive side.

Under the intensive defense of Fuhua Economics and Trade, Jiangling Technology still couldn't find a good opportunity to start a team. Two or three minutes passed like this, and Lissandra couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ah", the Frost Witch Lissandra yelled, stretched out her hand and pushed forward, a huge black claw like black jade emerged, slowly and quickly probing towards the enemy, with an astonishing black air lingering on the black claw , It feels like dark clouds are overwhelming the city, and it is menacing.

As the subject of key attention, Lissandra's sudden attack could not escape the attention of everyone in Fuhua Economics and Trade, and immediately aroused a violent reaction from Fuhua Economics and Trade.

Seeing the black claws approaching him, the male gun immediately slid backwards, dodging the fatal blow. As soon as the male gun walked away, Lissandra immediately appeared in his original position.

Lissandra didn't chase after her either, and hit the stray closest to her with a set of backhand skills. It was only two small skills, and the terrifying damage caused the stray's blood to drop wildly, losing half of his health at once.

The teammates also leaned over to protect Wandering, and Wandering didn't give in, and chose to fight back. Seeing that the enemy was staring at her, the Frost Witch immediately put a big one on herself.

Lissandra's big move has two usages, one is to cast on the enemy, freeze the target hero, and stun the target for 1 seconds.

The stun time of the first-level big and the third-level big is 1 seconds.

The other is to cast on herself, Lissandra wraps herself in dark ice for 2/5/2 seconds, during which she is immune to any damage and cannot be selected, but cannot perform any actions .


The dark ice lasts for 3/3/3 seconds and slows down the movement speed of enemies.

Whether Lissandra's big move is to be cast on himself or on the enemy hero depends on the situation. Whether Lissandra will be played or not depends largely on the use of the big move.

But this time, seeing that the opponent was about to focus on him, Dongyuan chose to cast it on himself. The effect of the golden body made the wanderer unable to lock, so the plan to fight back fell through. Attack them.

In desperation, Fuhua Economic and Trade had no choice but to give up Lissandra, and fight with her team members instead, and distanced herself from Lissandra by the way.

Lissandra in the crowd was like a time bomb, they had to keep a distance from her before she woke up, otherwise once she woke up, the consequences would be disastrous.

During the team battle, Fuhua Economics and Trade deliberately dragged her teammates back to distance her from the sleeping woman. Jiangling Technology didn't seem to notice this, and in this way, even if Lissandra woke up, there was nothing he could do. Joining the battlefield for the first time, their C position can have more output time and space.

This wave of team battles started in a bit of a hurry, not too good but not bad, so even though this wave of tower crossing team battles was very chaotic, it seemed that everyone had their own independent battlefield, but in the end it was a second change Third, although it was only a narrow victory, the goal of Jiangling Technology has also been achieved.

Unplug the road crystal and go back to the city!
"Break the two high grounds, Fuhua Economic and Trade is the rhythm to lose!"

"Losing is a matter of time. The two lanes are broken. Once Jiangling Technology takes down Dalong, the next wave will be even more difficult to defend. Once the three lanes are broken, there is no hope for a comeback."

"Is there no way to limit the development of the mid laner?"

"How to limit, the jungler's economy is almost all placed on the vision layout of the middle lane, and the other lanes are also extremely wretched. In this case, you can only catch the dead to gain an advantage unless you jump the tower, but in the early stage, three people dare to go over two people. Tower? If one is not good, it may be a big loss."

"Well, in this situation, if Fuhua Economic and Trade blindly defends, it will be a matter of time before they lose. I don't know what choice Captain Huanyuan will make."

"It's difficult. When the two super soldiers arrive at home, they will be pushed away by the soldiers if they are not at home to defend the two front teeth. But if they don't go out, once the big dragon is captured, there is no way to defend it. No matter how you look at it, it is a dead end!"

"Hey, this Lissandra's damage has exploded, and she was killed by a method in seconds. She can't win the undead team battle at all. Although Lissandra's equipment is full, she can still fight if she is dragged behind, but the line of soldiers waits for no one."

"It's lost!"

"... "

The two roads were broken, and the audience was no longer optimistic about Fuhua Economics and Trade. This situation can be regarded as a dead end to a certain extent, and there is no way to win no matter how you think about it.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Staring at the black screen in front of him, there was a trace of sweat on Qi Yu's forehead. He felt very irritable when he thought that if he lost this challenge, he would face accusations from the outside world. .

He wanted to change the situation of the battle, but he was powerless.

"Don't panic, we haven't lost yet!" Huanyuan stared at the screen in front of him, his mind spinning rapidly. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "After resurrection, Qiyuan, go directly to Dalong to set up your vision. We quickly pushed the line of soldiers out of the high ground, and the dragon must not lose it."

"Fuck, fight them!" Whisper shouted loudly, blindly defending in the current situation is tantamount to slow suicide, and the only solution is to die and survive.

Fight hard, there is a possibility of a turning point!
If you don't fight, you will definitely lose!
Other than that, they have no other better options.

In this case, why not take a gamble!

The character was revived, and the assistant Fengnv walked straight towards the dragon, while the other teammates pushed the pawn line at home. With the full output of the four, the pawn line was quickly pushed out of the high ground.

Fengnv cautiously let go, and poked an eye into the Dalong Pit from the triangular grass on the top of the Dalong Pit. As soon as she had a good vision, five people on the opposite side appeared beside the Dalong Pit.

"Come on, they're going to fight the big dragon!" Qi Yuan shouted immediately when he saw the eager look on the other side.

"I have teleportation, you go there first." Qi Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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