Chapter 53 Shocking Reversal
"Well, let's spend time with them first. If they forcefully fight the big dragon, don't rush to drive it. It depends on their condition. If they are in poor condition, they will drive. If they are in good condition, I will grab the big dragon." Dalong rushed, and when it came to grabbing Dalong, he finally showed strong confidence on his face.

In the jungle position, Yuchen's strength may not be much different from him, but when it comes to the ability to grab the dragon, Yuchen has no way to compare with him.

As long as they dare to fight, he dares to rob!
"Captain, do you want to fight Dalong?" Seeing that Fengnv had a good view of Dalong, and the enemy was on the way to Dalong, Dong Yuan was a little undecided.

There are too many examples of big dragons ruining their lives. It is rare to play such an advantage. If you are turned over by the opponent because of a big dragon, it will not be worth the loss.

It's not that he can't trust the captain's baron grabbing skills, but that under the interference of the opponent, any situation can happen, and it's not the jungler who grabs the baron, it may be someone else.

"It's so courageous, you dare to go out after breaking two roads!"

"No way, they will lose sooner or later if they keep going, why not take a gamble!"

"Captain, it's better not to fight this big dragon. It's not a joke if it is robbed. We can fight them here, or push them down the road."

Yuchen thought about it again and again, looked at the high ground opposite, there were homeless guards, and the two super soldiers couldn't get close to the front teeth, he nodded and shouted: "Go, push them down the road."

Orders and orders were prohibited, and after receiving the captain's order, the five immediately drove down the road. The soldiers on the three roads were in good condition, and they rushed to the down road unimpeded all the way.

After they left, the five members of Fuhua Economic and Trade hurried back to the city.

The two sides came to the lower road to confront each other, but the pawn line still failed to push down the tower. Jiangling Technology, which had two lines of super pawns, was not in a hurry, and slowly consumed them.

"Pray for the rain, go back to the city and prepare to teleport behind them!" Huan Yuan knew that he couldn't keep on fighting like this, and had to take the initiative to break the deadlock.

Wandering returned to the water spring, with the acceleration effect of the home guard under his feet, but he didn't move, as if he was waiting for the captain's next order!
At this time, a new wave of soldiers from our side drilled out of the big crystal, Huanyuan knew the opportunity had come, and immediately shouted: "Pray for rain, teleport!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a faint red thread lingering in the grass outside the second pagoda.

This eye was inserted by Huan Yuan when he was pushing the pawn line, just to wait for this moment, and now, it finally came in handy.

"Look, the wandering teleportation!"

"Hey, why does this bush have an eye, and when was it inserted?"

"I was still wondering why Captain Huanyuan was ok to look around in the grass. It turned out that it was because of this moment. Captain Huanyuan is really far-sighted!"

"After the wandering, it happened that the little soldiers from the blue side didn't show up. It was very difficult for Jiangling Technology to detect the teleportation of the wandering. This wave is hard to say."

"... "

The wandering teleportation immediately caused exclamation from the audience, and some audience began to sweat for Jiangling Technology, which seemed to be unaware of it.

After Huanyuan shouted for wandering teleportation, his jungle tree spirit immediately opened up, and a large circle surrounded by leaves appeared, flashing directly to the Frost Witch.

Dashu's opening group attracted Jiangling Technology's attention, so that they couldn't see the wandering teleportation.

When Jiangling Technology saw that they left the defense tower to form a group, they did not hesitate, and immediately fought back. The nine people on both sides quickly formed a group.

"Where's the homeless?" Captain Yuchen quickly noticed that the homeless hadn't appeared, and was very worried, but as soon as he finished yelling, the homeless had rushed over from the rear at a high speed, which surprised him, and immediately He shouted loudly: "Wandering behind, be careful!"

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late. As soon as the wanderer came up, he locked the VN who had just opened the Q stealth and locked it in place. A set of skills was thrown out, and most of VN's blood was knocked out in an instant. With the output of the big move of the male gun , VN was killed on the spot without doing anything.

Everyone in Jiangling Technology didn't react for a while when Wandering cut in, and the situation was chaotic.

"VN has been seconded, it's over!"

"The queen of Wandering is so beautiful. Once VN died, Lissandra was restrained by the support and ADC. It would be difficult for the other three from Jiangling Technology to beat Wanderer with such a well-developed player."

"The formation of Jiangling Science and Technology is already in chaos, and this wave may not be able to please."

"Jiangling Technology is going to lose this wave!"

"... "

Under the nervous gaze of the audience, the team battle ended quickly. Although Jiangling Technology was spared, they still fought a three-for-three relying on Lissandra's explosive output.

In addition, a front tooth of Fuhua Economic and Trade was also pushed off by super soldiers on the road.

Although this wave is not a loss, but this time they failed to push down the high ground on the opposite side, which has a lot of hidden dangers for Jiangling Technology. Their core Lissandra was magical in the last wave. Even if you take two heads, you can't get any equipment.

The further back, the better the opponent's equipment will be, and the less effective Lissandra will be. Without Lissandra's explosive output, they will definitely not be able to beat the opponent.

After holding on to this wave, the one-sided situation was broken by Fuhua Economics and Trade.

Although Jiangling Technology still has the advantages of two highlands and one front tooth, it is not easy to turn this advantage into a victory. If they do not break through the strong fortress of Fuhua Economic and Trade in the next wave, then they will Fuhua Economic and Trade can no longer be beaten.

Therefore, whether to win or lose depends on the next wave.

Knowing that they couldn't delay any longer, the five members of Jiangling Technology gathered together again and drove towards the opposite middle road. Fuhua Economic and Trade went out confidently after replenishing a wave of equipment.

After the end of the last wave, the crystal in the middle lane has been resurrected.

"Crystals in the middle can't let us go. They come over and we drive directly." As soon as Jiangling Technology came to the high ground, Huanyuan immediately deployed for battle.

As it said, it manipulated the dryad to a position close to the high ground wall on the side, and used its position to force the enemy's position, while looking for opportunities to start a group.

Soon, the dryad seized the gap in the VN point crystal and drove directly to VN.

Team battle broke out!

This wave of Jiangling Technology suffered a small loss, and was eventually traded three for four. From this wave of team battles, it is not difficult to see that the role of the Frost Witch is no longer so terrifying, and poor equipment and level differences have been chased. Come up, now with Fengnv's protection, it is difficult for her to kill the male gun in seconds even if she has a set of skills.

This wave of offensive failed, Fuhua Economic and Trade is still at home.

Afterwards, two more groups broke out between the two sides, all of which ended in the failure of Jiangling Technology. So far, Fuhua Economic and Trade has achieved a shocking reversal under the extremely disadvantaged situation.

This kind of ending made most of the audience say that it was unexpected that Jiangling Technology was overthrown under the huge advantages of the two roads being broken. Is Jiangling Technology too good?Or is Fuhua Economic and Trade too strong?
In short, after this wave, Jiangling Technology can no longer beat Fuhua Economic and Trade. Even if they are not defeated, they will lose the game sooner or later. Their lineup is still too dependent on Lissandra.

Unfortunately, the peak era of Lissandra the Frost Witch has passed!
The game lasted more than 50 minutes, and today's challenge ended with the failure of Jiangling Technology!
(End of this chapter)

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