The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 59 Level 1 Solo Kill [Part 4]

Chapter 59 Level [-] Solo Kill [Fourth Update]

"You can't go wrong, just click in and have a look!" The captain was startled, then nodded without thinking too much and said, "Liu Xu, go and call the analyst over, I think they will be interested."

Although Mr. Lu only came up with an egg hat clockwork routine, who knows if he has other routines. Since other colleges and universities have gone in to watch the game, they must not miss it, otherwise their fate may be today's Fuhua Economic and Trade .

Although Fuhua Economics and Trade still won in the end, they were caught off guard in the first round and had no ability to resist at all. In the third round, Fuhua Economics and Trade almost lost, so if Jiangling Technology turns its attention to They Qiyu University, that's no joke.

Even Fuhua Economic and Trade almost missed, and they were not much better.

This situation must never happen.

"I'm going right away!" Mid laner Liu Xu said and ran out.

"How long has it been since it started?" the captain turned around and asked a little nervously, the game time cannot be adjusted in the spectator mode, and this is not a game video.

As soon as he finished speaking, the computer screen gave him the answer, it was the game loading screen, and the game had just started, he couldn't help smiling, heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lu plays Ruiwen?" After scanning all the IDs opposite Yuchen and the others, he finally locked on Mr. Lu's ID, which turned out to be Ruiwen.

"Nimma, Ruiwen is the natal hero of our Yuan Yi and Qi Yu, Mr. Lu, isn't he a gangster!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Although I haven't seen Mr. Lu play Raven, his clockwork operation is not ordinary. Maybe his Raven is also very strong."

"It doesn't matter if it's strong or not. I just want to know if Mr. Lu's Raven has a novel style of play."

"Well said, that's the point!"

"... "

"A Ming, what's the matter?" At this moment, Liu Xu walked in with two male analysts, and one of the analysts asked the team leader Liu Ming with a smile before they arrived.

"Hello, two teachers!" Liu Ming nodded politely, then pointed to the computer screen and said, "You will know after a look, I don't think you will make a trip in vain."

The other team members also greeted the two analysts and made way for a lane.

"Hmm, Mr. Lu?" Without their reminding, the two analysts moved forward and saw the familiar ID, and only this ID could interest them.

Worth seeing!

The game screen turned to Shuiquan, and Ding Feng's Ruiwen quickly bought a Dolan sword and a bottle of red, walked straight up the road, and danced outside the opposite tower.

"This Mr. Lu is quite funny, I'll meet him!" Duo Yuan was taken aback, and shook his head amusedly. After buying the equipment, he informed his teammates and hurried up the road.

Seeing the stone man appear, Ruiwen retreated back, dancing while retreating, full of provocation, Duoyuan was not happy, and followed with the stone.

When they came to the center where the pawn lines met, the two taunted each other across two positions.

"Haha, these two are funny!" Brother Yi took his position in the wild area, and after making sure that no one was coming, he turned his camera to the top lane. It was also funny to see the two of them mocking each other.

"Ding Feng is so naughty too!" Banhua Xiaoxue's soft voice sounded, his policewoman was squatting in the grass, and her camera was also locked on the road.

Not only them, teammates on both sides stopped their movements and turned their perspectives to the top lane, and they all found it funny.

What they didn't know was that at this moment, the school teams of the other six colleges in Nanling City were also watching them from different places, and all of them focused on Ding Feng's Ruiwen.

After mocking Raven for a while, Stone couldn't help throwing a Q over him, but Raven didn't respond. Taking advantage of Q's stealing speed, Stone swung his arms and quickly leaned towards Raven, with thick and hard palms He patted on Raven, and Raven finally had a reaction, and stood up and confronted him.

And Raven's reaction, in the eyes of everyone, seemed to be just an automatic attack triggered by the approach of the stone, so it would be a disadvantage not to use the skill to exchange blood with the stone against A.

"What's the matter, Brother Feng?"

"I can't fight without skills!"

"Hey, Brother Feng, are you here? The stone is hitting you!" The teammates reminded in voice, and Ding Feng's laughter came quickly, "I know!"

"Uh, is it another routine?" Brother Yi, Ban Hua and the others were taken aback, but since Ding Feng knew, they were relieved, he must have his own plans.

With this in mind, they all watched carefully, wondering how Ding Feng planned to face it.

After a few strokes with Shishi, the blood volume of both sides was quickly reduced to half. Shishi turned on his skills and added a passive shield. Raven suffered a bit, and his blood volume was much lower than Shishi's.

With this blood volume, if you hit Ruiwen twice more, if you don't turn in the flash, you will die.

Under the nervous gaze of many people, Raven moved, a general attack slashed at the stone body, immediately connected to Q, and then played A, Q, A. The speed of this set was so fast that it seemed to completely ignore Attack speed interval.

"Nimma, why is Raven's QA so fast?"

"Are you sure this is Raven?"

"Fengshen, this Ruiwen is not wearing all the attack speed runes, this QA is so fast that it blinds my dog's eyes."

"Probably not. Didn't you see that Raven's attack power is very high? An attack power of more than 80 is a normal rune attack, and it should not bring attack speed."

"Then why is QA so fast?"

"who knows!"

"Look, the blood volume of the stone is dropping so fast, if you don't turn in the flash, you will die."

"... "

The dormitory where Ding Feng lived suddenly screamed again and again, which aroused the curiosity of the students in other dormitories who were watching in the spectator mode, and rushed over one after another.

Raven's set of QA quickly lowered the blood volume of the stone man, which was soon lower than that of Raven. With the blood volume of the stone, as long as the blood volume of the stone is knocked out by Raven's last paragraph, he will die with a general attack and ignite.

However, Ding Feng was not in a hurry to hand over his third jump, and planned to A again, so as to save an ignition.

Having been QAed so many times by Raven, Duoyuan also knew Raven's approximate damage range, and he could guess his plan. It just so happened that Stone's Q skill was ready at this time, and he threw a Q at Raven, and then stole The speed of movement turned around and left.

Ruiwen was slowed down and couldn't keep up with the stone. He didn't use that general attack. Seeing that the stone was about to go far away, Ding Feng didn't keep it, and directly used the third jump.

Once this jumping cut knocks the stone into the air, and Ruiwen's general attack catches the fire, the stone will undoubtedly die.

When he saw Ruiwen perform the Jump Slash, Duoyuan smiled confidently, and handed over Blink without hesitation, but the next moment, his smile froze.

As soon as the Golem flashed, Raven also handed over his flash to keep up, jumping and slashing the Golem at the limit distance, just knocked the Golem into the air, Raven took a step forward, and connected the ignition with a basic attack, and the Golem left the field of vision with the ignition , into the darkness, Raven did not chase, and returned to the city decisively.

Soon, the sound of the Golem being killed resounded throughout the Summoner's Canyon.

(End of this chapter)

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