Chapter 60 Amazed [fifth update]

"Damn it, hell!" Looking at the black and white TV in front of him, seeing four teammates looking at him, he spread his hands to express his helplessness.

Qiyu's Ruiwen is one of the best in the city, and Qiyu used Ruiwen to face him in the Challenger League. The speed of QA is not at the same level as Ding Feng.

How should I put it, the tortoise and the hare!
"Captain, Raven's QA is so fast!"

"Have you ever seen Raven QA so fast?"

"never seen it!"

Everyone shook their heads vigorously, only ghosts have been seen before!

"Couldn't Ruiwen bring an attack speed rune?" Dong Yuan opened his mouth in shock, and finally said this sentence. He has seen Ruiwen praying for rain, so Ruiwen's QA level has He knows how fast it is, but it doesn't seem to be that fast, it simply ignores the interval between attack speeds.

Is it a bug?

"You're thinking too much, Revan with the attack speed rune has an attack power of more than 80?" The captain who was also shocked denied his statement and lowered his head to think.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head. He still couldn't figure out why Ding Feng and Ruiwen's QA was so fast, and they were dazzled.

"Do you want to change the road?" After the shock, the assistant Minghua asked cautiously.

"If you don't change lanes, you will collapse, or you will take the blame." Dongyuan laughed, and after getting the first blood, Ruiwen went back and used a small dagger, which would no longer be able to hit the stone.

"If you don't change, I'll take the blame if you lose!" Duo Yuan was still a little unconvinced, "I'll see if his QA can be so fast when I learn E at two levels."

"Don't worry, I'll help you!" Yuchen smiled indifferently, one stone can't beat Ruiwen, so let him be added!
After killing the stone, he got 400 yuan for the first blood. Ding Feng went back to the city and brought out a small dagger with 10 points of attack and a bottle of red, and then went out again.

Back on the line, after the minions on both sides found their respective attack targets, when they saw that the stone was about to make up the knife, Ruiwen walked over to A and hit the stone, and the stone returned the color and hit her. Wen, the damage of the small soldiers in the early stage is quite sufficient.

Raven retreats!

At the second level, Raven went up decisively against a layer of shield E, and the stone hurriedly retreated when he saw this, but Raven's QA was like a maggot attached to the bone, and did not slow down due to his retreat, and the QA was still extremely fast. Beating the stone completely lost his temper, and his blood volume dropped by about half under this set.

After finishing a set, Raven didn't chase after him, and walked back. The angry stone man turned around and threw a Q. The damage of level one Q didn't have much effect on Raven.

"I'm going, this exchange of blood is too unreasonable!"

"With the E skill, you won't be afraid even if you're carrying the pawn line!"

"Brother Feng, Ruiwen's damage is too terrifying. I'm afraid the crocodile will have to admit defeat when it comes. A rock with only one Q skill can't beat it at all."

"It's hard for the stone!"

"... "

Ding Feng's speed of light QA once again attracted cheers from all the students behind him. The QA was so fast that they were dazzled. How does this work? !

After this wave, Ruiwen stood directly behind the enemy minions, and the stone man with unhealthy blood volume did not dare to approach the line of soldiers any more, and was pushed out of the experience zone.

"Captain help, this Raven's QA is too fucking fast, I can't handle it." Seeing the terrifying damage of Raven's light speed QA again, Duoyuan hurriedly called the captain for support while scolding his mother in his heart.

"Who said just now that he was going to hang and beat Ruiwen, did I hear it wrong!" The prince who was playing wild looked up the road, but saw Shi Shi standing under the defensive tower, the level was only one level, he couldn't help but make a joke , Said: "You first stabilize, and I will help you kill Ruiwen when I reach level three."

"Okay!" Duo Yuan said pitifully, it was the first time he had encountered this feeling of seeing a large wave of soldiers but not daring to make up for it, which made him very helpless.

And this point in time happened to be when the spectator mode first entered the game.


In the training room of Fuhua Economics and Trade, Huan Yuan, Qi Yu and other team members and two analysts saw the start of the game, and their expressions became serious. Mr. Lu, how is his Raven playing, and will he have a new style of play.

"It's so funny!" Ruiwen and Shitou taunted each other on the route, which made the Fuhua Economic and Trade group laugh. They thought that Mr. Lu was a very stable person when they watched the clockwork first-person view. , I didn't expect him to be so funny.

After a while, Shi Shi came forward with a Q and beat Rui Wen, who stood up and rubbed against him.

"It's up!"

"Why is Raven not moving? You won't be disconnected!"

"It would be a pity to be disconnected. After Stone gets the first blood, Raven can't fight at all. It will take two to three minutes to reconnect. This will be a pit for Raven."

"Well, even if Raven's blood volume is ignited, he won't be able to fight the stone when he wakes up." Qi Yu shook his head and said, the stone was fighting against Raven with a passive shield on it, and it also activated the skill. As for Wen, it was just a basic attack from the beginning to the end, even Raven, who can't play, wouldn't be like this.

Apparently, Raven dropped the line.

And as soon as he finished speaking, Ruiwen suddenly moved. Ruiwen's movements were completely different from before. The broken sword in his hand was like a mad dog tearing at the body of the stone crazily. All the team members of Fuhua Economic and Trade were speechless for a while.

They all opened their mouths in shock.

"Is this still Raven?"

"Isn't there a back-swing in the connection of QA? This back-swing is completely eaten by Mr. Lu!"

"How did it work? Raven's QA can also cancel the back sway? But even if the back sway can be cancelled, the attack movement still has stiffness. Can the stiffness be cancelled?"

"So smooth QA?"

"... "

However, Raven's sudden counterattack seemed ferocious, but the Golem with Doran's Shield was even tougher. Raven's set-up only crippled the Golem. On the tattoo, Ruiwen was slowed down and couldn't be killed.

Although Raven still has a third jumping slash, plus the flash, there is a delay in Raven's jumping slash. Once Raven uses the jumping slash, the stone can't be killed by flashing away.

Raven's Jumping Slash went forward, but this time it seemed to them that it was just for fun. They never thought that they could kill the stone, but before Raven's Jumping Slash hit the ground, the person had disappeared in place, and the Slash happened to flash Afterwards, on the stone man, a general attack was followed by an ignition, and he returned to the city decisively.

"The distance of this Q is so extreme!"

"The most terrifying thing is Mr. Lu's ability to predict and react. How did he know that the stone man will flash to that place? If the stone flashes back, he should not be able to catch up and kill him."

"It's true that Raven's Jump Slash seems to be very slow from jumping to landing, but after a bad flash, the effect of Jump Slash and Knock Flying disappears, and it can't be killed either."

"God-level operation!"

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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